NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Knows Sex Hair When She Sees It

Ryan Yates
Ryan Yates was the NSFW Editor (2013–2018) and Literary Editor for Autostraddle.com, with bylines in Nylon, Refinery29, The Toast, Bitch, The Daily Beast, Jezebel, and elsewhere. They live in Los Angeles and also on twitter and instagram.
Ryan has written 1142 articles for us.
Road trip to help cure a broken heart, oh HE## YES !!
Star Wars dildos ? Oh HE## NO !!
lol – really if it trips your blaster then you do you
FYI: the link to Lone Wolf Beauty is not working
Great links this week, and WOW those photos! I love the way the modesty bars end up looking like laser-beam javelins emanating from her nipples.
I love the quotes from Mars and the fucking powerful, gorgeous photos she shared!
i will have neverending anxiety about being texted back forever and you can’t stop meeee
Both nipples pierced here, weighing in on the pain factor. First, best piercing decision ever. But I will say it was pretty excruciating for the first 24h, pretty painful for the first week, and delightfully easy after that.
I thought I might find it somehwat pleasurable because I like intense nipple stimulation, but I didn’t (sadly). Even more sadly, mine never really healed, and I ended up taking them out after 3 years.
Yeah I had mine done at a young age where I ended up regretting it. Had them in for a year and they seemed to not fully healed yet either.
It made one of my nipples kinda weird looking xD
I’ll admit I’ve considered it being that I’m way older now than I was ten years ago.. I don’t know, though
This photo series is everything.
I can definitely attest that being strung along and ghosted is the worst way to break up with someone. It’s definitely better to be honest. I feel like I should send that article to my shitty ex and also this other girl I regrettably hooked up with who is doing this to her long term long distance gf. But I’m trying not to do emotional labour so I’m not gonna do that.
Also I’m so into the Star Wars sex toys. Haha!