NSFW Sunday Lesbian Las Vegas Sex Special!

Pornstar Brittany Andrews wants to raise money for Equality New York, and she’s hosting the weekly Porno Bingo event in support of the LGBT community:

The Porno Bingo event will feature porn stars, go-go boys, drag queens, leather title holders, singers and more.

In addition, Andrews just completed filming a leading role in a controversial new LGBT film project titled “These Showers Can Talk” produced and directed by Gabrielle Lindau.

The film takes viewers on a cutting edge and comedic journey into a world of lesbian liaisons, stereotypes and dating.

Lindau also recently wrapped production on a music video for a non-profit organization for marriage equality.

Since 2005, Will Clark’s Porno Bingo event has raised nearly $115,000 for a variety of New York non-profit organizations.


via fuckyeahdykes.tumblr.com

I don’t even know if this is something I could handle seeing, but Vivid Entertainment has released an adult DVD featuring famed guitarist Jimi Hendrix. (@carnal nation)

Review: Sugar High Glitter City (VOD): I know, I know: I already reviewed Sugar High Glitter City! What am I doing mentioning it again? Well, it’s worth mentioning twice. Because holy crap, Shar and Jackie. Swoon. I wish they would make some more porn. (@sugarbutch)

Babeland’s blog on feminist porn and the truth about the phrase “porn for women” to begin with: “A porn can have all of the candles and love poems in the world, but if one person still looks bored, it doesn’t matter.” (@babeland)

Rachel Kramer Bussel is interviewed at The Examiner about kink, feminism, BDSM and erotica, regarding the book she edited, Please, Sir: Erotic Stories of Female Submission: “If feminism is going to be relevant to sexuality, we need to also look at what it’s like for male submissives, for female dominants, for those who aren’t male or female, and for anyone who doesn’t fit into the married heterosexual missionary position so-called ‘norm.’ We can’t police our fantasies; or rather, we can, but then we miss out on so, so much.”

The 140 greatest of all time. (@coed) Just so you know what we’re working with, this is one of them! Also, speaking of, Underboob Editorials is also worth a look.

Lady Gaga Celebrates Her Birthday…With Boobs (@fleshbot)]

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3300 articles for us.


  1. Hmmmm Vegas. Even my mother (a straight line to infinity I might add) agreed that the boobs on display at Balley’s show Jubilee were “fabulous.”
    Myself and the other half stayed at the Stratosphere a few years ago for a friend’s wedding. After the wedding we hit the Strat show BITE. I strongly suggest that you check it out the next time in Vegas (if still playing). 80s rock with boobs and vampires. I thought I had died and gone to heaven.
    Just sayin…

  2. Luuuurve the ‘toon recap, and that Fantasy song is the greatest thing I’ve ever heard.

  3. Pingback: Johnny Vegas on Room 101 – Internet Chatrooms | The Celebrity Blog

  4. I was in a friends Vegas wedding and while I was there I got to see ZERO shows and ZERO boobs. I did get wasted at the champagne brunch right before the rehearsal though (the groom and I had a pyramid-of-plastic-champagne-glasses building contest…), so it was fun trying to stand still and pay attention during rehearsal…

  5. Hahaha, I love the drawing of Alex “wooing”.

    I’ve also been to Vegas but this was like when I was 17 and the most exciting thing I saw was Lance Burton’s magic show……which = zero boobs.

    • NO NEVER. Stef I am never doing this again. It took me forever. You are a talented bitch and I could never take your job! I have even more appreciation for your work now.

      • i need to take a minute to give you serious props for tina turner. i can tell that took a lot of work.

    • see jimi hendrix once upon a time sang my sex soundtrack and i don’t want to lose that special connection, also who made sex tapes in the 70’s? wtf, i can’t handle it

  6. Sounds like you’re having fun!!
    Lovin the cartoons,they’re fantastic!! I really do think Autostraddle needs a weekly cartoon strip, or maybe just have one cartoon caption a week. I can so see these on t-shirts, mugs etc too, could be some revenue for you?!

    Have a blast next week at Dinah, looking forward to reading all about it! :)

  7. I haven’t heard of Fantasy before, but it sounds strikingly similar to a show I went and saw a few months ago called Peepshow. (Yes, I got to see Scary Spice in her skivvies)

    I live in Vegas so I don’t get to enjoy the thrill that everyone else gets visiting here, even though I do enjoy a good sexy dance show :>

  8. Vegas… never went and never will go either unless they are giving lebians away with meals… Why are Americans in love with Vegas anyway???This article and vid has endorsed my preconceived notions about hell on earth. Next stop Palm Springs or should I say Dinahtown ?


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