NSFW Sunday Is Waking Up Ready

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Ryan Yates

Ryan Yates was the NSFW Editor (2013–2018) and Literary Editor for Autostraddle.com, with bylines in Nylon, Refinery29, The Toast, Bitch, The Daily Beast, Jezebel, and elsewhere. They live in Los Angeles and also on twitter and instagram.

Ryan has written 1142 articles for us.


    • I agree duh but my first time I had that, I asked my mum if girls can have wet dreams too and she told me 1 no and 2 I shouldn’t even know what that is… (I’m afab and was asking cos I’d had my first one and was nervous about it)

      I hope someone unrelated to her sends her the article so she can see I was genuinely nervous and not asking for the sake of it. I’ve heard elsewhere that afab aspies have more testosterone than typical afab nts so that might explain the difference between her and me in so much, such as this.

  1. Dating apps, don’t forget how much money you are willing to spend to be on all of them.

  2. I love the links and articles! However, can you please go back to using a wider variety of pictures? I loved when you used pictures from different websites and not just the CrashPadSeries. Thanks!

  3. I feel like I should have asked this ages ago and missed my opportunity, but what happened to the Tumblr photos? Great roundup!

    • I assume someone finally realized it was sketch as hell? Like first, a lot of things are posted to tumblr without permission from the photographer, and even if it was directly from the photographer’s blog they shouldn’t have to be searching for their own pics to get them taken down if they’re not cool with them being used.

      • That makes sense. Honestly, the photos feel sorta unnecessary to me. I was just wondering if there was Drama™ because I’m nosy.

      • I also always felt like it was sketchy, but more from the standpoint of not being able to tell whether the model wants to be on Autostraddle or not (unless the model and photographer are one and the same, obviously).

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