NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Will Never Use Bacon Lube

Welcome to NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday!

photography by Katrinka’s Secret

+ Sex writer Anna Sabo has a list of her top ten feminist porn films, which include Candida Royalle’s TV Idol, Lisbeth Lynghoft’s Pink Prison, Mia Engberg’s Dirty Diaries, and Anna Span’s Supply Nurse:

“In my work on feminist porn, I look for the authentic porn made by women who show a sincere commitment to radically changing porn, featuring female and male sexuality with respect and realism. Where porn becomes a vehicle for women to explore sex and define it on their terms. My favorite feminist porn films stand out for their progressive content and cinematic quality with images and soundtracks that speak to and move me.”

via thelingerielesbian.tumblr.com

+ How do you feel right after you orgasm?:

“As long as I can remember, my feelings before orgasm are always immediately intensified right after I have one and then they go away as quickly as they came. If I’ve ovulating, I feel like telling someone “I FUCKING LOVE YOU!” hugging them closely to my body and cuddling and all that good shit. Sometimes, I’ll whisper the name of the person I was fantasizing about (and I think we all know whose name comes up fairly often). I feel so fucking passionate and sexual, I just want to verbalize it. Those are usually the best, wettest, and most intense orgasms. I almost always use penetration and leave whatever I’m using (fingers, dildo, or vibrator) resting in my vagina. I just love feeling filled and satisfied.”

via lesfemmes.tumblr.com

+ Bacon lube: now commercially available.

via suicide girls

+ So are pictures of sexy Disney princesses, by comic artist J. Scott Campbell.

via suicide girls

+ The future of online dating might have a lot less privacy:

“As Internet use rises, and people define themselves increasingly by where they go and who they talk to and what they post and buy–online–their dating profile evolves with them. “The first version of the Internet,” recalls [former Match.com VP] Bowman, “was based around ‘It’–an index of linked websites that were interesting to most people, like Yahoo directories. Web 2.0 was based around ‘We’–me and my human relationships, my social graph. Facebook won that round. The next iteration will be about ‘Me’–who I am, my interests at this time, based not on what I say but on what I do.” As daters navigate the date-o-sphere, they’ll take their identities with them.”

via curvygirlsarebetter.tumblr.com

+ Aroused: The Lost Sensuality of a Woman, a film by Deborah Anderson to be released this spring, will explore the lives of adult film stars. Watch the trailer:

+ Sex Week at Yale: There’s been a lot of controversy around Sex Week this year — it was even cancelled and then re-ignited. Some of Sex Week’s more controversial guests from the past few years included trans porn star Buck Angel, Fleshbot editor Lux Alptraum and porn star Sasha Grey. This year promises to focus more on female sexuality and queer sexuality and the week has foregone corporate sponsorship from porn companies.

Thus Autostraddle’s CEO, Riese will be on a panel at this year’s sex week about sex-positive writing, along with “reluctant sexpert” Lena Chen and feministing editor Miriam Zola PĂ©rez. It’ll be at 6pm on February 5th. Don’t miss it!

via vile-insect.tumblr.com


Disclaimer: All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email our tech director at cee [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.

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  1. Nice post!

    On a different note, the image of jasmine in the sexy Disney princess gallery made me feel a bit uncomfortable. Resonates with western appropriation of “the orient”… And the sexualization of Arab women.

    Bacon lube? Im not sure if lubricant should really taste like meat… I feel like I want to write this hilarious short story about a vegan lesbian who gets confronted with bacon lube upon meeting a new sexual partner.

  2. The entire time I went through the sexy Disney princess pictures, I kept thinking bodies do not work like that. No, boobs don’t do that. I have never seen someone with a waist like that, her ribs and hips are actually scary. Why does Tiana look white? No seriously, why?

    I’ve seen much better on tumblr. Not gonna lie.

  3. At first, I wasn’t sure how to feel about the Fairytale Fantasies. Until I got to Alice…and kept scrolling to Elphaba. Fuckme. @_@ *dead*

    Is it weird that I want to turn all these into pin-up posters?

  4. The male gaze in the sexy Disney princesses calender was really cringe worthy, but some of the comments below were good:

    ‘when you make the real disney princesses look like glowing feminist role models…’

    Thankfully I have some feminist porn to make me feel better ;)

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