NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Is On Top

Ryan Yates
Ryan Yates was the NSFW Editor (2013–2018) and Literary Editor for Autostraddle.com, with bylines in Nylon, Refinery29, The Toast, Bitch, The Daily Beast, Jezebel, and elsewhere. They live in Los Angeles and also on twitter and instagram.
Ryan has written 1142 articles for us.
“at the end of the day, it’s really a message about a woman submitting to a man, and a man using sex toys on her — not a woman discovering her sexuality independent of a man”
True story: I bought my first sex toy in 2004. It wasn’t until I had read every single article (and all the comments) about sex toys on Autostraddle, in 2016, that I bought a sex toy and felt good about it, felt that it was for me, about me, with no spectre of a man present. It was revolutionary and empowering. So… Thank you Autostraddle.
I assume that that article on PH search preferences mainly refers to widely reported finding that the most common search among women users was ‘lesbian’.
No journalist that wrote about it, including the one whose article is quoted here, seems to understand the statistics and the data. The fact ‘lesbian’ was consistently most often used word doesn’t mean that the majority of women used it.
Here’s the thing – to find any kind of sex videos with two (or more) women, but not men involved, you ALWAYS have to type tag ‘lesbian’, and then eventually some additional word to narrow the search. Otherwise, you ALWAYS get straight result, straight doesn’t need any tag, it’s the DEFAULT.
What’s more, there was a research that suggested that non-straight women use more pornography than straight women. PH claimed just 20% of its users were women. So for example if let’s say 25% of these were queer, it means that 25% of all PH searches among its women users consistently had ‘lesbian’ tag, which automatically elevated it to the top. Meanwhile all the straight stuff got distributed more evenly between any peculiar (straight) preferences of the straight users.
And, of course, the point about “sexual fluidity” from the author of the quoted article is just anti-intellectual wishful thinking. There’s long line of research on arousal from visual erotic stimuli and its relation to sexual orientation. But I guess we should ignore science and evidence if it doesn’t match with the one and only truly enlightened thesis of universal sexual fluidity and Foucault’s fantasies on human nature based just on his own personal limited experience.
Right on! I love this! <3