NSFW Sunday: Five Hot Queer Sex Blogs & The Lesbian-Revelation Hookup

NSFW Sunday only comes once a week but maybe YOU prefer to come every day of the week be-dum BUM! There are lots of sex bloggers out there but even on a list of the Top 100 Sex Bloggers, how do you know which bloggers are HOMOGAYSEXUAL?

Thus we’ve prepared a list for you of some queer sex bloggers you might enjoy. What are your favorites?


Five Personal Queer Sex Blogs


1. Jiz Lee: Genderqueer Porn Star


“Jiz Lee is a genderqueer porn star who is known for a gender-bending androgynous look, female ejaculation, vaginal fisting, strap-on performance, and fun sex-positive attitude about sex.”

Do we have a crush on Jiz Lee? Perhaps. OR MAYBE we’re just super-interested in questions like “What is Genderqueer?” or photographically-enhanced posts entitled Billy and I are fisting in the shower. Maybe we also want 100 links and resources to enable us to promote the positive – Body-Positive! Sure, your birthday party was probs pretty fun, but was it as orgasmic as Jiz Lee’s fucking dirty thirty? Don’t you also want your Queer Porn TV? Perhaps you are inspired to look into other Porn Opportunities for Queers? Any which way you rub it out, there’s nothing wrong with going behind-the-scenes and finding out what it’s like to be The Queer Porn Star We Have the Biggest Crush On.


2. Sinclair Sexsmith: Sugarbutch


“The Sex, Gender and Relationship Adventures of a Kinky Queer Butch Top. explores sovereignty, healing and communication through personal examinations of sex, gender and relationships, while celebrating queer sexuality, gender, culture and identity in ways that are expansive rather than restrictive, liberating rather than limiting.”

Hey did you hear about the time “your dirty talk got me off. twice” or when she “waited for me on her knees“? God, marriage is so gay* right? Or maybe you want a little gender theory with your sexual orientation and are interested in Reconciling the Identities of Feminist & Butch Top. HAVE YOU DROOLED OVER THE TOP HOT BUTCHES YET? There’s a reason Sinclair is in all the books, wins all the awards, speaks at all the panels and readings, knows all the stuff and writes for all the places.


3. Essin’ Em – Sexuality Happens


Friendly neighborhood feminist, queer, fierce Femme, politically active, disabled, questioning, pondering sexologist and sex educator with a Masters in Human Sexuality Education.


Essin’ Em describes herself like so: “This blog is full of thoughts discussions about the full spectrum of sexuality, sex toy/porn/book reviews (all reviewed by yours truly of course!), pieces of my personal life (yes, including snippets of sex stories), poignant news relating to sexuality, sex tips, video blogs and the (more than) occasional opinion piece with rants, rages, and questions about things relevant to sexuality. Oh! And amusing tidbits and awkward moments. I write what I think and feel – these opinions are representative of myself, and no one else.” But haven’t we all had thoughts about shaving  in the queer community or the power of penetration or any of the other things she digs into here.


4. Waking Vixen: Smart Sex Culture

Sexuality rights & new media activist, sex worker rights activist, media-maker, Advocate, Bisexual, Village Voice’s “Best Sex Blogger of 2010”

Riese: “Once upon a time in 2004 when the internet had just been invented, someone told me about this thing called a “blog” and the first “blog” I read was Waking Vixen by Audacia Ray. Now I know her for real — I was interviewed for her book Naked on the Internet (which you should all read), modeled for the 2009 Sex Blogger Calendar as did she and appeared in a panel she organized at the Museum of Sex.”

Dacia is currently the Program Officer of Online Communications and Campaigns at the International Women’s Health Coalition. She’s the founder and host of Red Umbrella Diaries storytelling series & podcast, author of Naked on the Internet, co-founder of Sex Work Awareness, former writer for Fleshbot & The Village Voice, founder of $pread Magazine, a former sex worker and porn producer (The Bi Apple). Her work has been covered by the New York Times, Oprah Magazine, Wired, Bitch, National Public Radio, Playboy Radio, Geraldo at Large, Sex TV, and many others.

She’s been at it since 2005, I wouldn’t know where to begin. Just go there.


5. Scarlet Lotus St. Syr: Purveyor of Pleasure


Genderqueer/fluid/fuck fat femme fagette, queer polyamorous switch, vegetarian, and athiest occultist and is the writer, designer and all around creatrix of Purveyor of Pleasure.


Purveyor of Pleasure is about Scarlet’s “exploration of gender, sexuality, and the pitfalls of an overanalytical nature and my road to becoming a sex educator.” Along the way there’s more stuff then we could even list including but not limited to a Size & Sexuality Study, Scarlet’s first foursome or a hypothetical Venn-diagram for non-monogamous relationships from Polyamorous to Polyfidelitous.



True Stories: The End of an Era – The hookup that taught me I was a lesbian:

It was there, on my knees in a stranger’s bathroom, Ken’s little buddy in my mouth, that I realized just how gay I was. No matter how much I liked Ken and how much I liked giving head, neither would ever compare to the complete emotional and physical satisfaction I got out of being with a woman. I knew that from that moment on, the only cock I would suck was going to be made of silicone.


Remember HBO Real Sex? Is it still on? Here’s an old episode from when HBO Real Sex goes to Babeland for a “kinky crafting” workshop where you can make dildos out of leftover vegetables and curtains!


“We only make love when we’re drunk, how can I initiate sober sex?”



The best and worst sex stories of 2010: Highlights include: “Did you know Facebook caused syphilis? No, well nor did I until in March the press went crazy for the ‘Facebook linked to a rise in syphilis’ story.”



This is how they used to take a photograph of a pussy.”



When a serious  magazine like The Atlantic talks about porn, you know it’s going to be controversial/ interesting. In “Hard Core”, Natasha Vargas-Cooper looks at how “the new world of porn is revealing eternal truths about men and women.”

Porn’s new pervasiveness and influence on the culture at large haven’t necessarily introduced anything new into our sexual repertoire: humans, after all, have been having sex—weird, debased, and otherwise—for quite a while. But pervasive hard-core porn has allowed many people to flirt openly with practices that may have always been desired, but had been deeply buried under social restraint.

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3300 articles for us.


  1. ooo yay! I haven’t read Scarlet St Cyr yet but I’m fond of the rest (and they’re ALL sweeties too :D:D:D:D:D)

    OH AND BTW AUTOSTRADDLERS: I’m helping Audacia with the Red Umbrella Diaries blog carnival, and part of that involves looking out for other sex bloggers and sex workers who blog. If you’d like to be considered let me know where your blog is (you can email me at me[at]themerchgirl[dot]net if you want to keep it off A/S) and I’ll check it out :)

  2. i am on an amtrak right now that “won’t let me look at porn” on their wifi, which, whatever, but i am v excited about clicking on these links once i get home. JIZ LEE.

  3. I am IN LOVE with Jiz Lee and Syd Blacovich and have spent all afternoon watching videos of them. You know, for research.

  4. I’m honored to be included in this list! The others listed are amazing bloggers that I truly look up to. Thank you so much.

  5. Hey, thanks Autostraddle, I’m flattered to be listed in such fine company. Those are all folks I admire whose work is fantastic.

    If you want some more suggestions for sex blogs to follow, I have some links listed at http://www.sugarbutch.net/community/ and it has quite a few queer bloggers who write about sex … though there aren’t too many who write out their exploits explicitly.

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