Feature image by Ewan Phelan via the huffington post.
Welcome to NSFW Sunday!

“Winner of the Pride Photo Award 2013: from the series ‘Bond’ by Cindy Aquino, Philippines.” via pride photo awards
+ Do you clear out your social media after a breakup? Why or why not?:
“Social media can be terrible for the newly-single not only because of the various stalking temptations, but also because it offers up your whole history ripe for analysis, a flip book of love gone wrong. And yet, it’s also perhaps the one place you actually still have some modicum of control over how to frame this story. You can’t control your heart just yet, much less your ex’s, but you can sure as shit control your posts, comments, blocks, and follows.”

Miss Mosh for Jools Couture, photo by Tatiana Gerusova, via the lingerie addict
+ Girl Sex 101 is really good:
“What makes Girl Sex 101 such a brilliant book is that it’s not simply process-oriented or task-oriented. Given widespread ignorance about women’s bodies, even a book that simply offered accurate and detailed information about female sexuality would have been amazing to put into people’s hands. Moon, however, doesn’t treat sexuality as purely a matter of bodies; she treats sex as something that happens between people, with all their complex humanity. That makes this book a guide not just to satisfying sex, but to becoming a better lover in general.”
It was also first on Autostraddle’s best lesbian sex books list!

Harried Nyx and Holly Belmont via
+ The thing that gets you isn’t the sex or porn addiction, it’s worrying about whether you have a sex or porn addiction:
“Grubbs suggests most self-identifying ‘porn addicts’ simply don’t meet a clinical criteria. […]
‘Porn addiction, sex addiction are so closely related to religious and moral beliefs about sexuality,’ Grubbs says. ‘If you’re coming from a religious tradition that says that indulging sexual desires outside the confines of heterosexual committed marriage is wrong, any sexual impulse that you have that doesn’t fit that prescribed criteria is going to produce guilt and distress.
‘Conceptually, it would make sense that it’s easier to say ‘I’m an addict’ than to say that what I believe about sex is maybe not the healthiest belief.'”
+ “Lesbian” is the top porn search term for iOS and Android users, according to PornHub.
+ “Honey” by ghost green is a comic with lesbian sex in it up at Oh Joy Sex Toy. (Also, Oh Joy Sex Toy vol. 2 is out!

Fiona Kim via hourglass and class
+ Counterfeits, unsafe toys and broken toys are all things to watch out for if you want to buy sex toys on Amazon. (Consider Babeland, Good Vibes or your local feminist sex shop.)
+ Here is one explanation of what a top, bottom and switch are. Remember: Ultimately, the perceptions of other people don’t matter very much. When it comes to people exploring sexuality and kink, I always say the same thing: figure out what feels right to you, what brings you (and your partners) the most pleasure and enjoyment, and do those things without worrying about what other people will say or think.
+ Travelling with sex toys is easy! Just make sure they don’t start vibrating, don’t try to hide them (I find putting them at the top of my luggage and a bland stare or sometimes a smirk is the best strategy), make sure they won’t be mistaken for a weapon, keep your lube in your liquids bag and look up the laws of wherever you’re going just in case:
“Western countries including the United States, Canada, Australia and European nations allow travelers to fly freely with vibrators and most other sex toys. In fact, airline and airport employees are prohibited from making sexual or otherwise harassing comments about anything you pack (although, as we mentioned in the intro, they sometimes do it anyway). Know your rights; if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable about your toy, report them.”
+ From the Autostraddle Lesbian Sex Archives: “Top Five Ways To Consensually Hit Your Sex Partner“:
“If your sex partner(s) are into it; spanking, slapping, flogging, paddling and hitting can all feel great, done correctly.
If you’re playing with a new person or toy, experiment with a few different strokes with different intensities to see what you both like. (You should also try out new toys on a pillow to get the feel of them first.) As a very general rule, people who like being tickled may like stingier toys, while people who don’t like being tickled may like thuddier ones.”

Beyonce and Nikki via hourglass and class
+ Our photographer Molly went to The Folsom Street Fair and made a pretty rad photoessay of the whole thing — it’s too sexually explicit for the searchable mainsite (THERE’S A LOT OF BOOBS), but it’s open to all A+ members. Check it out.

photo by Molly Adams via NSFW Photoessay: Folsom Street Fair
All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email bren [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
can’t wait to read girl sex 101
It is SO GOOD.
I see nothing wrong with clearing out the social media