NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Wants to Bone When She’s Old

Ryan Yates
Ryan Yates was the NSFW Editor (2013–2018) and Literary Editor for Autostraddle.com, with bylines in Nylon, Refinery29, The Toast, Bitch, The Daily Beast, Jezebel, and elsewhere. They live in Los Angeles and also on twitter and instagram.
Ryan has written 1142 articles for us.
The ginger in the butthole thing sounds like simulated hemorrhoids? No judgement but I’ll stick to putting it in my face hole instead haha
I’m not sure sticking roots like ginger up your bum (or vagina or urethra) is a very safe idea. I’m thinking germs, irritation, disruption of healthy bacterial flora….
Also, my straight mom offered to buy me a vibrator. Unprompted, we where driving past a sex shop. My dad was also in the car. I kindly declined. There is some need of boundries between me and my mom. At least I got a very thorough sex education, alhough I do not quite remember explainations of f-f sex acts. I did get a gay-is-a-thing-that-exists-and-is-just-fine talk and some of her progressive books from the 70s that covered most of my questions. (Everything else was covered by the internet.)
I once had a huge argument with someone I was dating over whether he was single for the purpose of dating site terminology. He thought it was accurate to say he was single because he didn’t have a partner he lived with and wanted to find a partner like that. At the time I had been dating him for a year or so, and there was another woman he had been dating for at least 5 years. Both of us lived with our long term partners. I thought he should be more upfront about his existing relationships.
I try small talk at the bank most of the time(sometimes it’s teller who starts it, other times I). It makes me feel like I am getting better service with the small talk, more so from the one teller who uses my first name rather than mistakenly keep calling me Mr. then my last name(correct you three times okay I’ll let it slide, keep doing not cool) like the other teller. It really does work to some extent.
Single question is interesting as I put down single on OKC, and probably should switch to an open relationship, but also feel it’s not correct? I am kind of re-evaluating if I am non-monogamous or not(leaning towards I could be). I am at the moment seeing someone(we agreed to call it seeing each other) who has been non-monogamous for years; but, not sure where I exactly stand if that makes any sense? I don’t single is correct, but also not to comfortable putting down open relationship as it doesn’t feel like the right term. I probably should talk with her more about this.
Share your concerns and feelings, Al. There’s a lot to navigate and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to clarify things. :)
Thank you.
Good advice about loneliness
Also excellent photos today