NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Knows How To Muff

Ryan Yates
Ryan Yates was the NSFW Editor (2013–2018) and Literary Editor for Autostraddle.com, with bylines in Nylon, Refinery29, The Toast, Bitch, The Daily Beast, Jezebel, and elsewhere. They live in Los Angeles and also on twitter and instagram.
Ryan has written 1142 articles for us.
I’ve used Her a bit and found it sadly a bit buggy, and now that I’m single again I’m looking into various ways to meet people. Anyone have experience with the other apps on Bitch’s list?
I tried that Happen for a while, but it was a bit buggy for me. Like it wouldn’t update the my location fast enough and you have to pay after your 10 likes or was it hearts was finished. And only matched 4 people and none of them wanted to reply. Ugh.
I also tried Coffee Meets bagel, but for some reason the app put me down and Man seeking woman, when my FB page has down trans & genderqueer(and I think had agender down at the time too). If I remember correctly the app forces one to choose a binary side(without respecting your gender ID like at least Tinder tries to do); so, I think it automatically put me under men. Because of that I was giving me straight women match with. I contacted support, but they were no help at all. On the plus side it does let you kind of narrow down what you are looking for; so, I choose prefer meeting Jewish women and it mostly showed me Jewish women(again straight). One even asked me what am I, to which I explained and she went bye. I’d like to think her loss.
How do Tinder’s gender settings work? I don’t think I picked anywhere that I was a woman, but I’m pretty sure I checked a box that I wanted to only see women and I definitely see a lot of people who list a gender (and only some profiles have a gender explicitly stated?) that isn’t woman.
My experience with HER was constantly getting asked for money. I deleted it.
Has anyone had any luck with LGBTQutie dating app?
I have had real bad luck with online dating sites being the particular flavor of the rainbow I identify with. Trans dating sites suck.
I was kind of disappointed that the dating apps article didn’t actually mention any features that would make the apps more trans-friendly. I’m still hoping for the day when we don’t have to choose to show up in searches for men or searches for women (even in apps with nonbinary gender options), when there’s an “I don’t want to see or be seen by cis people” setting, when reporting and account suspension includes a robust review process by people who understand that trans women get reported just for being trans. Someday!
Ugh the photos this week are so good. I’m weirdly entranced by the boxers in the second one…so so pretty!
Muffing is something I’ve wanted to try for ages but it also terrifies me.
One time, while cuddling, i accidentally muffed my then-girlfriend with my knee. (She was ok)