NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Is Too Sweaty For This

Ryan Yates
Ryan Yates was the NSFW Editor (2013–2018) and Literary Editor for Autostraddle.com, with bylines in Nylon, Refinery29, The Toast, Bitch, The Daily Beast, Jezebel, and elsewhere. They live in Los Angeles and also on twitter and instagram.
Ryan has written 1142 articles for us.
When my ex finally moves out I think I’ll be done with cohabitation. I’m sick of being the supportive sugar momma putting my dreams on hold to replace an actual adult’s shitty parents. I NEED MY SPACE and I have shit to do for myself. If I ever commit to a relationship again, they gotta have their own home. Thanks for helping me not feel like a total bitch for wanting that!
I’m in a similar situation. I’ve forever fantasized about living with a tribe, and I hope it someday happens, but right now I desperately need my own space and solo access to all mod cons.
Having a tribe is cool. I’ve been part of a close group of freaks, and it’s great, but they better have their own bathroom and place to sleep because I get stressed when other people are using my facilities. I PUT MY BLENDER THERE FOR A REASON and it better not be somewhere else when I want it
My wife and I have two suites beside each other in a house, and while we end up spending most of our time together we have our own space when we need or want it, and it is the actual most perfect arrangement possible. I know that’s not financially feasible for everyone though (and we’re lucky that our landlady keeps our rents pretty low).
See, that sounds great! Two reasonable adults being responsible and respectful together without fostering codependence. #blessed
I’ve never lived with a partner ( and never want to) and have lived alone for over 25 years. It’s really hard to meet women who don’t want to live with someone, even if that’s eventually rather than the 2nd date stereotype!
It is unclear why an NSFW article is talking about having kids.
Polyamorous people can sometimes experience situations where people try to mess with the custody of their children because other people mistakenly assume polyamorous people’s lives are hyper-sexual, and that they create inappropriate or unsafe homes for children. I’d think about spinning that off into its own article? It’s a bit jarring to see the paragraphs about caring for children, right beside porn.
The NSFW link roundup has always included links on relationships as well as on just sex. If you have a partner who has a kid, or have a partner who has a partner who has a kid, then that kid impacts your relationship.