NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Is Eating Ass For Multiple Reasons

Feature image of Dylan Ryan and T.Pfister in Crash Pad Series episode 306. All of the photographs in this NSFW Sunday are from the Crash Pad. The inclusion of a visual here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If you’re a photographer or model and think your work would be a good fit for NSFW Sunday, please email carolyn at autostraddle dot com.

Welcome to NSFW Sunday: Quarantine Edition.

Dylan Ryan and T.Pfister

Dylan Ryan and T.Pfister in Crash Pad Series episode 306

So what’s up with COVID-19 and safer sex? At Them, Naveen Kumar writes:

“[L]iving under quarantine doesn’t mean anyone has to remain celibate. The queer community has a long embraced a broad understanding of sex and sexual expression that goes beyond reductive conventions. Sex is more than just what happens when two (or three or four) people come together, and sexual energy rarely burns off without being redirected. Being cautious — and creative — about sex is in our DNA. We’ll get through this safely together.”

Halo the GxdBody and La Muxer Diosa

Halo the GxdBody and La Muxer Diosa in Crash Pad Series episode 305

And in a piece that is also based on the New York health department guidelines, Nona Willis Aronowitz writes:

“[W]henever you’re very close to each other — whether that means kissing, sexual activity, or cuddling — you risk exposing yourself to the virus. There are still a lot of unknowns about exactly how the coronavirus is spread, but scientists say it’s spread through droplets from the nose and mouth—saliva or any nasal secretions. Doctors also believe the virus might be in the gastrointestinal tract, Dr. Chang says, so any anal play could be risky, too. “If you’re engaging in any type of sexual activity, there’s a high probability that saliva is going to get everywhere,” says Dr. Chang. “Even if [COVID-19] is not a classically transmitted sexual infection, there’s certainly a lot of opportunity for it to spread” during a hookup. Even if you’re doing something expressly non-saliva-related, like mutual masturbation or p-in-the-v without kissing, Dr. Chang says a sudden cough or a sneeze could easily transmit the virus.”

You can also check out the official recommendations around the coronavirus and safer sex [pdf] directly, including notes on rimming (use barriers), disinfecting your devices before and after watching porn, and having new dates electronically.

Adina and Saffron

Adina and Saffron in Crash Pad Series episode 303

Some unofficial recommendations on sex and the coronavirus point out that sex can boost immunity, as long as it’s with people you live with and are quarantined with:

“The only safe ass to eat during the coronavirus pandemic is your own. Since you probably can’t do that (if you can, please reach out, we’d love to hear from you), the second safest ass to eat is that of your live-in partner. Along with all other sex acts, leaving the home for anal activities is off limits: Right now, it’s not safe to do pretty much anything that involves getting less than six feet apart from people you don’t already live with.”

And of course, cybersex will see us through. Orgies are moving online. Dating app behaviors are changing. It’s time to take some nudes. No really. And here’s how to send nudes without putting your privacy at risk.

If you’re quarantined alone, hugging yourself by wrapping your arms around your upper arms and shoulders, and practicing self-massage, can help make up for the lack of physical contact with others. These tips can also help. Got a partner or casual dating partner who isn’t with you? Here’s what it’s like to start dating someone new as we all quarantine. Here’s what it’s like to self-isolate with someone you just started dating. Here’s how to handle your newly long-distance relationship and a few apps that can help couples stay connected. Here are a few people risking everything for their affairs.

If you’re quarantined with roommates you’re now hooking up with, you’re not alone. And, uh, if you need it: How do you know if you’re in love?

If you’re quarantined with one (or more) partner(s), here’s how to stay together through the pandemic.

If you’re quarantined with an ex… my condolences.

Regardless, consider getting a vibrator. People are panic-buying dildos and anal beads. Why not. New or old, just make sure you clean your sex toys. Then visualize some data on how often you use them in quarantine.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Ryan Yates

Ryan Yates was the NSFW Editor (2013–2018) and Literary Editor for Autostraddle.com, with bylines in Nylon, Refinery29, The Toast, Bitch, The Daily Beast, Jezebel, and elsewhere. They live in Los Angeles and also on twitter and instagram.

Ryan has written 1142 articles for us.


  1. I hate to be a buzzkill but this is a really misleading headline – all reports say that COVID has been found in the GI tract, which for these purposes means eating ass could cause you to contract the virus from someone who is carrying it. I’ve had COVID, it’s not a joke, my friend’s mother just died from it. Now is a time to be on top of information, and doing your best to present the most accurate information about ways to be safe, not throwing up glibly misleading headlines. I say this with love.

  2. Not to be a buzzkill, but rimming can transmit several STD’s: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia (both when giving and recieving). Herpes if the person giving has cold sores. When giving you can get Shigella (GI infection), hepatitis A and B. Hepatitis B can become chronic (5% of cases) and damage your liver.

    Good news is: both Hepatitis A and B can be prevented with a vaccine, 2-3 shots can protect you a lifetime. I’d definitely get those if possible, if you enjoy anal play. Also important to include an anal and oral swab when getting a STD test. (All of this is for after the current crisis of course.)

    Please stay safe and use a barrier!

    And right now: please stay safe and practice social distancing. This virus is no joke. A friend of mine (30, healthy, fit) was sick for weeks. Best friends inlaws are both in the ICU, he’ll most likely not make it. Other friends dad has a bad pneumonia.

    I just deleted a paragraph I wrote about how things are going in the US, I know some people try to limit their news intake (as I should do). I’m worried, that is all. Please take care of each other and for god sakes tell as many people you can *not* to listen to that fucker in the white house if he wants to send people back to their normal lives.

  3. Love the headline. Not that I need any extra motivation to read this column but it cracked me up.

    Great roundup and great advice sprinkled in here, thanks. I’m one of the ones who ordered a sex toy online !

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