Feature image of Emperatrix and Nicki Honey in Crash Pad Series episode 260. All of the photographs in this NSFW Sunday are from the Crash Pad. The inclusion of a visual here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If you’re a photographer or model and think your work would be a good fit for NSFW Sunday, please email carolyn at autostraddle dot com.
Welcome to NSFW Sunday!
And welcome to cuffing season if you believe in that sort of thing. Here are the virtues of getting involved with each zodiac sign.
At Broadly, Nicole Everett writes about what it’s like for her being a unicorn in a three-person relationship.
At Oh Joy Sex Toy, Erika Moen reviewed a latex dress, noting, “If you like being tightly encased or looking like a Dominatrix Vampire Bitch, then this is for you!”
“To avoid both the quarrels and the potential STD [sexually transmitted debt], how do you start off on the right financial foot in a relationship and avoid being a statistic?” asks Melissa Browne at Broadly.

Emperatrix and Nicki Honey in Crash Pad Series episode 260
This feminist history of women taking nudes in nature includes where the “Do women have to be naked to get into the Met. Museum?” came from, landscape as resistance and more:
“Constantly at battle with a society who would rather objectify the female nude than let women dictate their own representation, women began to resist artistically in many ways. Take the activist-artist group, Guerrilla Girls, for example, who launched a poster campaign in 1984 aimed at New York’s Metropolitan Museum. ‘Do women have to be naked to get into the Met. Museum?,’ reads one of its most well-known posters, which targets the amount of male-produced female nudes that were in the space, as well as the museum’s role in propelling art’s gender disparity. Outside of poster art, many female artists took to staged protests and performance art within global cities to reclaim the female nude.”

La Muxer Diosa and Mars the Prince in Crash Pad Series episode 238
Want to know how to be good at sex? Make your partner feel sexy and able to be present, ask about and listen to their preferences, learn about physical anatomy, have a lot of foreplay and try lots of positions over longer periods of time:
“Great bedmates know that keeping things varied in the bedroom is a great strategy for taking their partners’ where they want to go. ‘It is significantly easier for women to experience orgasm when they engage in a variety of sex acts as opposed to just one act,’ says Debby Herbenick, associate professor at the Indiana University School of Public Health, research fellow at The Kinsey Institute, and (my) co-author of Great in Bed. ‘For example, vaginal sex plus oral sex would be linked to a higher likelihood of orgasm than either one of them alone. This may be because more sex acts mean that people spend more time having sex.'”
Being honest with everyone in your life is better than you’d expect, according to a recent study:
“Researchers from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business asked their participants to be more honest with every person in their lives over a period of three days, and then questioned them about the consequences. They found that ‘focusing on honesty (but not kindness or communication-consciousness) is more pleasurable, socially connecting, and does less relational harm than individuals expect.'”
I want to feel like a Dominatrix Vampire Bitch but I have no money T_T
the only true way to becoming a Dominatrix Vampire Bitch is to feel it in your heart
Thanks for sharing the research study on honesty. It goes along well with the previous Autostraddle article on having difficult conversations.
I can’t help but think that honesty depends on safety (physical or emotional). The safer we are, the easier it is to be honest. And also, honesty can endanger others, or cause pain to others at times, as well as ourselves.
I appreciate the idea of greater communication and the potential benefits of more clarity, but awareness can also be of impact, and the multitude of reasons people may have to reveal or not reveal certain things. Whether it’s immigration status, an abusive relationship, or a sensitivity to someone else’s feelings, those reasons to not disclose can be essential and valid.
For myself, I would say the one person it is essential to be as honest as possible with at all times is myself. That will then allow me to make clearer choices as to how I interact with others, and what I choose to talk about with them.
thank you for saying this… my thoughts exactly. especially since that first study in the article is about honesty in one’s broader social and external life, not just honesty as a romantic relationship skill in a safe nuclear family environment. tbh, i found the article’s inclusion kinda off-putting this week of all news weeks, all things considered…
That is true honesty with oneself is very essential.
The Honesty article certainly grabbed my attention ! We are getting a master class in dishonesty right now, so it’s good to be reminded that Honesty actually is a value worth pursuing.
TBH, I have a fear of confrontation that’s made me express myself in the most convoluted ways for years. I’m trying to be more direct now, and it really does make me feel better and my relationships are much healthier (the ones that aren’t healthy are jettisoned sooner also). The fear is still there but I manage to push past it by inspiring myself with the positive results I’ve experienced.
It’s slow going though. The urge to turn things to my advantage is always lurking.
So….. how would you recommend finding out where to get the bra Emperatrix (or Nicki Honey) is wearing in that picture? Asking for a friend..