NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday: Don’t Steam Vaginas

Ryan Yates
Ryan Yates was the NSFW Editor (2013–2018) and Literary Editor for Autostraddle.com, with bylines in Nylon, Refinery29, The Toast, Bitch, The Daily Beast, Jezebel, and elsewhere. They live in Los Angeles and also on twitter and instagram.
Ryan has written 1142 articles for us.
No steaming vaginas
I could swear I read some trashy erotica where the heat made genitals appear to steam in the cold air. Pretty sure it was a vampire’s perspective of a human.
MUSHROOMS!!!! (That link was like a special little surprise edition of straight people watch, though at least the hubby seemed ok)
Please check out http://www.steamychick.com for more information about steaming. Steaming resolved an issue for my wife that doctors could not even diagnose. Steaming has a very long history of benefitting women’s gynocological health.
Or: safely steam. We’re not telling people to not drink coffee because someone burnt their tongue on a too-hot cup, and besides, the body wakes itself up (though I suppose if Gwyneth Paltrow sold it on her website, we would be, because the joy of being reactionary seems to outweigh the actual traditions, benefits, etc. of whatever the objet d’outrage is).
Drinking a hot liquid with your mouth which is intended to drink liquids is not comparable.
I don’t know what you were taught about vaginal hygiene but serving it humidity is no bueno. The balance of the vaginal microbiota is not something to be messed willy-nilly with unless we’re Rule 34’ing yeast infections and boy do yeast love humidity.
Not to mention the irritation to the dermis herbal steam could cause, rash or even hives.
Like I know 2nd degree burn=/=yeast infection on the pain and danger scale but no one deserves to suffer them because of some fad started by rich people with more money than sense.
“because of some fad started by rich people with more money than sense”
you.. don’t know what you’re talking about, but thank you for making my point about the reactionary bullshit.
It’s a tradition going back hundreds if not thousands of years in various cultures around the world (Eastern Asia, South America…)
Wait, isn’t skirtcluib, that butchphobic woman on woman sex events?
Fairly sure they’re transphobic too.