NSFW Lebosexy Sunday Is Not Into Water Sex

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Ryan Yates

Ryan Yates was the NSFW Editor (2013–2018) and Literary Editor for Autostraddle.com, with bylines in Nylon, Refinery29, The Toast, Bitch, The Daily Beast, Jezebel, and elsewhere. They live in Los Angeles and also on twitter and instagram.

Ryan has written 1142 articles for us.


  1. Why do all those women in those vibrator scenes still have all their clothes on? What’s the fun in that?

  2. Sensual amusement in a watery environment has its place for teasing but not as a main venue for sure. I can fully attest to that ! I still have the flashbacks of that time when… never mind.

    I don’t own a vibrator (Shocked silence ! Incredulity !) but I fully agree that I’d have way less clothes on were I to use one. The repeated running-around-for-working-batteries trope was kind of a hoot, but is that really a thing ?

    Putting the two scenarios together, when I do think about getting a vibrator, my mind drifts to getting one of those waterproof models, rechargeable of course. Take me to the next wave…

        • Nothing kills the mood like then dying batteries( but it’s good and rumbly right before death making the dying feel worse) except of course having the back seat hump in your poking your back (remember those) or hot candle fall from the shelf above the headboard. (“So how did you burn your forehead again).

          Never mind, now that I think about dying batteries aren’t that bad at least i can go manual stim.

    • As someone who just upgraded from a rarely used, early aughts model that was like $10 and somehow survived for 15 years, and one of those sleek waterproof rechargeable numbers, I say DO IT

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