New York City 3/31: Resist, Persist, SING YOUR HEART OUT!

Venue: Stonewall Inn
53 Christopher St
New York, NY
United States

Event Date: 2017-03-31
Start Time: 06:30 pm
End Time: 10:00 pm

Host: Valerie Anne

Description: Let’s gather at the historic Stonewall Inn for a little karaoke – sing your best songs of protest (We’re Not Gonna Take It! Seize the Day!), your favorite queer songs (Take Me or Leave Me! She Keeps Me Warm!) or switch up the pronouns in any song to make it gayer (or cover songs by dudes like Take Me to Church or Crimson & Clover). Very informal, no rules (You definitely don’t have to sing! Just cheer on your fellow queers!), just come, relax in a safe space, get inspired for the next protest by being at the birth of what we now call the Pride March! (NOTE: I put the end time as 10pm because that’s when Lesbo-a-go-go starts but, as the name suggests, that’s always a fun time, too if after relaxing you’d like to dance your feelings out.)

Accessibility note, or lack thereof because it’s NYC, karaoke is upstairs, and Stonewall is 21+.

No need to RSVP, just come if you wanna! I’ll wear an Autostraddle shirt or sweatshirt so you can find me.

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Valerie Anne

Just a TV-loving, Twitter-addicted nerd who loves reading, watching, and writing about stories. One part Kara Danvers, two parts Waverly Earp, a dash of Cosima and an extra helping of my own brand of weirdo.

Valerie has written 582 articles for us.