New Summer Releases from Queer and Trans Musicians

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Abbie Jones

Abbie has written 91 articles for us.


  1. Abeni, I’m always stoked to see these music round-ups, you always find such good stuff and write about it in a way that makes me want to listen to all of it!

    • I’ve read 5 or 6 different articles that claim her – but then i just searched around a bit more heavy and found this:

      “people were pissed when they found out I had a boyfriend because people thought I was gay for a long time—maybe because of the content of my videos. And I feel like I let people down, so…they don’t know! Maybe I do date women. Maybe I do.” (

      And on “My Vag” she raps – “my vag make ya girl panties creme.”

      Hmmm… I can’t believe this is happening two months in a row. Part of me wants to say, “she’s probably queer!” And another part wants me to only have out artists…

      Will be conferring with the editors on this one ASAP. I had another album I wanted to feature this month that didn’t make it so maybe I’ll switch it up.

  2. ugh, thank you for this! as a queer/lesbian femme trans woman country fan who loves a good old sad song, it makes me so happy to learn about & listen to that Mercy Bell EP.

  3. I adooooooooooooore Mama Alto to bits. Besides being an accomplished jazz cabaret singer, she’s also a community activist and advocate for Melbourne’s LGBTQ, POC, and indie arts communities (especially where they all intersect). Her shows incorporate activism in betweeen music, she helps produce so many local artists’ work, and she’s just a lovely fairy godmother type overall.

  4. Flint Eastwood just dropped a new song, “Real Love” and it is a bop. If y’all don’t known her, go listen to it (and the rest of her music) ASAP!

    • Holy. Crap. I just hit play and this is SO good. I was not familiar with her before, but I sure as hell will be now. THANK YOU!

      • Yeeesss, this makes my heart happy! Her music is so good, and if you EVER have a chance to see her live, do it! Such amazing energy, and sounds even better live, I think. She’s going on tour this fall!

  5. A bit mainstream but Florence + the Machine released the album High as Hope today. The whole album has a wlw vibe to it, and I’ve seen a few on tumblr come to the same conclusion.

    • I love this, can you send me more info about you/the band? Abeni at :D

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