Also.Also.Also: Angelica Ross and Jonathan Van Ness are Supporting the #NetflixWalkout

We had to take a little hiatus last week because I’ve been all over the place! BUT I AM BACK! AND WE ARE BACK! And I had two (two!!) Halloween theme Oreos and a bagel with Peanut Butter — one of my all-time favorite snacks. Here we go babyyyyyyyyy….

Queer as in F*ck You

Wow!! So much to catch up on!!

The Necessary Will of Lesbian Mothers. The family photo at the opening of this essay alone will knock you out.

Speaking of great things that are so great! This was the nostalgia I can use. Meeting Tracy Chapman In The Spaces Between

It’s time for your weekly JoJo Siwa Dancing with the Stars Update (looks like she’s doing great!): JoJo Siwa’s Latest DWTS Routine Got a Completely Perfect Score (but then also, some related sad news: Did JoJo Siwa & Kylie Prew Break Up? Here’s Why Some Fans Think So)

WNBA Star Elena Delle Donne Reflects on the Joys of Living Her Truth 5 Years After Coming Out as Gay. Not exactly on the same topic, but I’m still very much excited about the WNBA championship game over the weekend!

13 LGBTQ Royals You Didn’t Learn About in History Class, and speaking of which Dutch Royals Can Now Marry Same-Sex Partner Without Giving up Crown

Minneapolis Schools Are Spying on Queer Students & Outing Them to Teachers and Parents

A Black Trans Actor, Suni Reid, Claims They Were Dropped From the ‘Hamilton’ Tour Cast After Requesting a Gender-Neutral Dressing Room

How Literary Gatekeepers Can Advocate For Black Trans Women

Groundbreaking Black Trans Journalist and Activist Monica Roberts Has Been Posthumously Named to the National Association of Black Journalists 2021 Hall of Fame


Netflix Talent to Support Employee Protest of Dave Chappelle and What Does Netflix Do Next?… (this is a TERRIBLE title for an otherwise really clear explainer of what has happened, what tomorrow’s protest is looking to accomplish, and what might come next)

Saw This, Thought of You

LMAO, I’m sorry, what?? The Leather Harness Is The Newest — And Most NSFW — Workwear Trend

And yet… this is somehow… still related!!

Don’t Fear a Deafer Planet. I appreciated this one a lot.

What Does Reality TV Owe Black Women?

Black Women Carry Reggaetón’s Foundation; Let’s Ensure They Reign in Its Future

Political Snacks

The Supreme Court Deals a Harsh, Unanimous Blow to Police Reform. “Two decisions reflect the justices’ continued desire to shield violent officers from accountability.” (this seemingly includes Justice Sotomayor, who is often a progressive voice on the court, which is a disappointment)

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Carmen Phillips

Carmen Phillips is Autostraddle's former editor in chief. She began at Autostraddle in 2017 as a freelance team writer and worked her way up through the company, eventually becoming the EIC from 2021-2024. A Black Puerto Rican feminist writer with a PhD in American Studies from New York University, Carmen specializes in writing about Blackness, race, queerness, politics, culture, and the many ways we find community and connection with each other.  During her time at Autostraddle, Carmen focused on pop culture, TV and film reviews, criticism, interviews, and news analysis. She claims many past homes, but left the largest parts of her heart in Detroit, Brooklyn, and Buffalo, NY. And there were several years in her early 20s when she earnestly slept with a copy of James Baldwin’s “Fire Next Time” under her pillow. To reach out, you can find Carmen on Twitter, Instagram, or her website.

Carmen has written 716 articles for us.


  1. To people offended by Dave Chappelle’s Stand Up who haven’t seen it: Don’t see it and shut up about it. It’s not my cup of tea either, but I don’t whine about stuff I’m not interested in seeing.

      • But clearly, Joelle, you don’t like a different point of view.

        I also saw a video of the Netflix walkout on Twitter, showing a woman repeatedly screaming “Repent MF!” while taking down a man’s sign that said simply “I like jokes”. When they took down the the sign from the man (who was non violent) destroyed it and all that remained was the stick, the woman’s friends started shouting: “He’s got a weapon!”

        The Left have now become just as nasty as the right, and I am completely ashamed. We are better than this. We aught to be better than this by a long shot. :/

    • Yeah, after all, it’s only us uppity tr*nnies getting targeted, so as long as it’s not your “cup of tea” everything’s fine!

      Must be so nice to not have a third of the world want you dead. Let me know what it’s like sometime.

      • There’s no need to be so dramatic about it, bloody hell.

        Chapelle talked about a trans friend of his who killed herself, how she loved his shows and joined him on one of his tours. When she came out in support for him, the trans community turned against her and bashed her online. I don’t know what was going on with her to make her want to end her life, but being trolled by her own community certainly didn’t help.

        And I find that incredibly sad. I do hope her family is OK.

        • Cheerfully calling himself a TERF and comparing transness to blackface while also talking about his one trans friend has big “I can’t be racist, some of by best friends are Black”/”I can’t be sexist, I love my daughter” energy. Seeing the humanity of one friend and being heartbroken about her suicide does not absolve him of mocking and dehumanizing trans people as a whole.

        • Classic. Blame the minority you don’t belong to for being too “dramatic” about an issue you obviously know nothing about.

          I wonder, if this guy had devoted an entire Netflix special to bashing lesbians, would you still be defending him so fervently?

          • I can chose simply to not watch it – instead of staging a protest and complaining how offended they are about a show they haven’t even watched.

            There are MANY things that I find offensive in life. For example using the terms people who menstruate, people with cervixes and pregnant people instead of just a simple word: women.

            As well as governments spending millions on unnecessary wars while their own citizens are starving and living in poverty. AND the way they treat refugees.

            But that’s life. It sucks. But for me, freedom of expression, freedom of speech and content creators are some of the most important things for me. And I won’t apologise for it. Not now, not ever.

        • Ugh why do I bother… Go back to After Ellen, this is a space where trans people are actually wanted.

          • No one is disputing that trans people are wanted here. But a person with a reasonable opinion that brings you no harm needs to shut up and go elsewhere? Strange.

          • Completely respectful, like blaming the trans community for someones suicide and claiming “people who menstruate” should just be called women, completely invalidating trans men

  2. Trust me when I say Jonathan Van Ness hasn’t ever in his life cared about black people or trans people. If this is about anything it’s about playing political games and clinging to something that floats more easily than himself in the vast ocean of social media/the arts & entertainment industry.
    Tokenizing intersectional minorities for the specific sake of keeping ones career afloat amid a (mostly private) tidal wave of responses to ones cruelty and malicious intentions towards a black trans individual isn’t “activism” or “solidarity.” This very public action is plainly predatory.

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