Well hello! My Drunk Kitchen’s Hannah Hart kicked off season 2 of everyone’s favorite internet “cooking” show with a special treat: high definition. Now you can see every detail of Harto’s adorableness/creative hat choices in a higher quality than when you Skype your parents! All right!
In this edition of Drunken Antics With A Lesbian You Wish You Were Cuddle-Friends With, Hannah cooks a meat pie, which is the most wicked food she can think of and surprisingly does not act as a double entendre at any point in this video. Among other excellent moments, Harto offers advice to aspiring chefs, now that she’s a successful culinary artist: “Some people say you should read the whole recipe before you start to cook. I say, don’t ever do that because then you will immediately not want to cook.” Truly, she is one of the greatest minds of our generation.
“Butter? I barely know her! Eh.”
I’m going to refer to any and all dough I make from now on as needy.
In reference to the HD: “CRISSSS-PAAAAAY”
Oh. My. God. Her. Eyes. *swoons*
Harto in HD? Yes please.
Every time I watch these, it makes me want to make a drunk video…doing something. Like drunk reading. Can I do that? I may or not be drunk right now.
Drunk reading would be brilliant. I find that I tend to do a lot of drunk bicycle riding, but reading is probably a safer bet.
Drunk reading requires a lot less exercise thank drunk bicycle riding. Almost no exercise at all in fact. Which is exactly the amount of exercise I like to do whilst dranking.
*than! I suck at drunk writing. That should definitely not be a video.
*insert comment about happily eating Harto’s pie anytime here*
There it is.
Lessons duly noted. I WILL follow my dreams… of eating hot pie.
I literally subscribed to her yesterday. \o/
It’s true, if you read the recipe ahead of time you won’t want to cook cause the recipe is written in some foreign language and only makes sense if you have a special cipher or code breaking machine
I figure that Hannah Hart will probably not marry me one day and so a little piece of my heart withers and dies.
le swoon.
i’ve never met a single person who was able to watch any of her videos without falling in love with her.
wait. hannah hart wants to marry charlize theron. i want to marry charlize theron. i also want to marry hannah hart. you guys what do i do.
see, this is why we gays can’t have marriage! next you’ll be wanting to marry cheese.
I do not appreciate your belittlement of my marriage and subsequent anniversary celebrations with cheese. Granted we can’t have tiny cheese babies but we will adopt and love them like we love, well, cheese.
hannah and charlize and i will happily attend your cheese wedding. we’ll bring a gift. a fondue set maybe. er. is that awkward? sorry. i’m new at this cheesexual marriage thing.
My cheesy wife would be delighted to hear that Hannah would be attending as she hears that Hannah was smitten with my cheese’s ex – wine. Such a small community isn’t it, this cheesexual world?
By the way, the gift sounds lovely, thank you! A fondue set is actually a cheese jacuzzi. It’ll be useful in our bid to delay cheesexual bed death as long as possible. And as much as I love having my night cheese and strip ch-ease every now and then, nothing is more exciting than skinny-cheese-dipping.
awkward question.
is wine seeing anyone these days? hannah and charlize and i are interested in maybe adding a splash of excitement to our relationship.
I’m not sure, but I heard through the grapevine that wine was seeing Kristen Stewart, but they’re keeping it quiet for obvious reasons.
@grace because i can’t reply past this threshold apparently:
kristen stewart is invited too.
@graaace but i guess only at the beginning of the comment. THINGS: I AM DISCOVERING THEM
Hannah can come make pie in my kitchen. I’ll do the cooking and she can just get drunk and be adorable
“The pie like the internet needs content, otherwise its just … a… crust?” The wise words of Hannah Hart.
So, thank you Autostraddle for being more than a crust!
I wanna (be) the italian version of this My Drunk Kitchen’s course!
New resolution, look more like Charlize Theron.
“WOOHOO! Oooohhhh no”
I’m actually dead at this point.