International Know Your Straddler Week

International Know Your Straddler Week is the time-honored, first-annual, second chance to make a good first impression on your local Autostraddlers. It’s the perfect opportunity to be more charming than you were the first time you met everyone. Or maybe wear that blazer you like so much.

autostraddle meet-ups look like this

So International Know Your Straddler Week will take place between February 23 – March 5, which you may notice is actually a week and a half. This time around, really make an effort to get to know your neighborhood Straddlers! Plan to meet somewhere exciting and new. Possibly you could bring a friend along, perhaps an ex-girlfriend or two. Maybe play a game of Never Have I Ever, otherwise known as All the Sanctimonious Gold Stars Stay Sober While Laneia and Riese Get Plastered.

In the spirit and style of the much loved International Meet an Autostraddler Week, some editors have already arranged dates and times in their cities. If you’re interested in coordinating something locally, email laneia [at] autostraddle [dot] com and I’ll put your contact info on this fabulous shiny website. Then hoards of intelligent, quirky, sexually charged queer people will hunt you down and wait for you to tell them where to go. Sounds fun, right?

Only share meet-up details via email, not in the comments!


Wednesday, February 23
contact: laneia [at] autostraddle [dot] com


contact: rachel [at] autostraddle [dot] com


Thursday, March 3
contact: crystal [at] autostraddle [dot] com


Saturday, March 5
contact: edieirons [at] inthefire [dot] com


contact: sarah [at] autostraddle [dot] com


contact: caitlinmae [at] gmail [dot] com


a brunch situation
Sunday, February 27
contact: eabwritesdesigns [at] gmail [dot] com


contact: laura [at] autostraddle [dot] com


contact: emilychoo19 [at] gmail [dot] com


contact: [at] gmail [dot] com


Saturday, March 5th (Location and Time TBA)
contact: alex [at] autostraddle [dot] com


contact: yan [at] wooooo [dot] sg


Friday, March 4
Saturday, March 5
contact: pluraliser [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk


contact: cstreeting [at] gmail [dot] com


Saturday, March 5
contact: heathergfroehlich [at] gmail [dot] com


contact: masonjar.9 [at] gmail [dot] com


contact: agregister [at] gmail [dot] com


contact: mattimatti [at] gmx [dot] eu


contact: quix-ot-ry [at] hotmail [dot] com


contact: kristin_fardy [at] hotmail [dot] com


contact: lindsayeanet [at] gmail [dot] com


Saturday, February 26
contact: hayley.e.ware [at] gmail [dot] com


contact: desireedermody [at] yahoo [dot] com


haricot.vert [at] hotmail [dot] com


contact: ajmartucci [at] comcast [dot] net


contact: jgl8011 [at] gmail [dot] com


contact: daphne_duck [at] hotmail [dot] com


contact: notquitestarving.artist [at] gmail [dot] com

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Laneia has written 311 articles for us.


    • ….to your moms, I came to drop bombs…

      (Every time I read a reply of “word.”, this is what I end up saying/rapping out loud…random fyi…yep!)

  1. I wish I lived in all these cities, but instead I’m in a place that was once mentioned as a town that Taylor drove through on her way to better places. havefun!

  2. Well, unluck in luck. Something is happening, not just in Canada but actually in my city, but I won’t be there to see it for precisely that week and a half. Oh well, have fun (youluckybastards)!

  3. Awwww…this makes me wish I could go back to the States for a visit. I am currently living in Taiwan, has been here for almost nine years. Hope you guys have a great time : )

    • No, but WAIT I can’t believe it! Taiwan? Yes! Taipei? Me too, do you think we can make this work for us?

  4. Id have one in Dublin but I fear id be one of around two people there and I feel that may might be a bit awkward?! Maybe there’ll be more people around during Dublin pride in the summer we could have an AS meet up then if this one doesnt happen! :-D I hope the rest of the meets are great fun!

      • Yay, I lived there for a year, good times, plus I hear you have a gay bar now, very exciting! Two AS people from Ireland isnt too bad! :-D

          • Just a heads up for those of us who will be voting in the Republic of Ireland on Friday, take a look see at Fine Gael’s Facebook fan page, yesterday was like some sort of gay interenet revolution, let’s be heard again today, we deserve equal rights!

            Back on topic, it’s great to see you guys, shame there’s not enough to have a meet though, maybe during pride or something?! There’d be more people around at any rate!

  5. I live in Ottawa, two hours away from Montreal…if anyone East Coast Canadian kittens want to head to Montreal, I could definitely be interested depending when.

  6. Anyone going to MBLGTACC next weekend?! It’s in Ann Arbor, MI. I’m going and bringing multiple Autostraddlers whom I have corrupted with me.

    • Tampa right here! Buuuut I’m studying abroad in Panama for the semester and won’t be back until late April : /

    • Hello! I’m from Wolverhampton and usually work in Brum, but am in Edinburgh during Feb/March unfortunately… (though Edinburgh is a rather a nice place to be!)

      • UNfortunately?? Hit up the Scottish straddlers (heathergfroehlich [at] gmail [dot] com), we’re meeting in March!

    • Hello fellow Brummy!

      I indeed live in Brum but I’m away all next week…

      Are you a Loft / Gale / Village kind of girl?

      Drop me an email at scotton86 [at] hotmail [dot] com for shits and giggles.

      • Darnnn…y’see I’m on half-term, being 17. :’) I am totally a Loft/Gale/Village kind of girl, though.

        If it’s doable the week after I am free on Thursday/Saturday/Sunday and I have a couple of similarly-aged friends who read Autostraddle but haven’t signed up that I could get to come. :)

    • Yes yes, Birmingham!
      Although, it has to be said, I am not in possession of enough courage to turn up to any kind of meet-up which makes this post mostly pointless, the minute remaining portion of point being that you will now know there is one more out there in Brumland somewhere. Which is always good to know, I think. Plus, I might turn up next time!

      P.S. None of you will know me but I did make another post somewhere on the site once before and I feel compelled to say Autostraddle, I’m baaa-aack.

      OK enough narcissistic carry-on.
      Cheerio Autostraddlers.

      P.P.S. Oh yes, on a more general note, I went on to bloody Firefox to type this due to the much-mentioned Chrome x AS problems, which doesn’t sound like much of a big deal until you know that somehow my Firefox was long ago infested with some kind heinous trojan virus doohickey, and I only kept it because I am too lazy to save all my bookmarks……hello, tangent! Anyhow, totally worth it. Even when my precious thousands (read, actually tens) of pounds get stolen by online bank fraud people. Love for Autostraddle.

      P.P.P.S. Yes I am having one of those days, where the words just have to come out somewhere. Phew. Long-windedness over. Sorry.

    • I’ll be in Qingdao, a ferry ride away across the East China Sea, a two entry visa, and hopes to visit to South Korea at some point during my semester?

  7. Here goes absolutely nothing… St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada??
    Plzplzplzplzplzplz :)

    kristin [underscore] fardy [at] hotmail [dot] com

  8. I seriously doubt this but, Appleton, WI anyone? I’m actually from Hawaii (where I doubt many people here are from either), but if anyone wants to have a meet up when I’m home…

    • hey! are you a lawrentian by chance? that’s how people from exotic places like hawaii end up in appleton, right? lawrence was super gay when i was there (graduated last year) and i bet there are at least a half dozen readers on campus. email me if you want and i could probably put you in touch with some people. rachel jay russell [at] gmail dot com (full name disclosure… oh well)

      • YES, LAWRENTIAN! :) I haven’t come across any AS readers here, or maybe I do know some people but don’t realize they are autostraddle junkies like me.

    • Me! Me!
      Sorry to be so late in replying, but I, too, dwell in the land of the 805! Whereabout might you reside?
      I’m in the little black hole of Santa Maria.

  9. Duh-da-da! If there is another Autostraddler in Bangui, I will shit myself. And then probably beg her to have sex with me. Post-cleanup.

      • -Sigh- I know. You see what I’ve become?! I blame it on externally-imposed asexuality. I have no dignity/decency left.

        But, srsly. I would bet all the money – ALL OF IT – that there is no one else in the Central African Republic. So… hard to even call it an attempt.

        • I just feel like I should let you know that my ex is from CAR, she lives in Namibia now though, so it doesn’t help much with your current search. I figured it might just give you some hope that there’s plenty of us queer-ladies out there…

  10. HI if you live in montreal or surrounding area:

    i am not here feb 18-27 so the meetup will be like march ~4 or something. feel free to do something earlier if you want! if you didn’t come last time and want to come this time, shoot me an email and i’ll include you in the giant email thread that’s about to happen.


  11. Some of us Ohioans met up last time and a few of us have since met up again! Both meetings were in Columbus but I think a couple of the girls from Columbus might come down to Athens, where I am, to visit sometime. So anyway if there are any other Ohiostraddlers, holla at us.

    Sadly/not so sadly, I will be moving to LA in June, so I’m hoping another one of these events will happen after I get there!

    • yeah, jveebs and i are defon down to come to athens, i was actually just thinking about this…sooo Athens then?

    • Aw, that means I missed the first meeting. I’ll keep an eye on this thread; if you guys are going to meet up again I hope I’m free.

      • Yes, there is an Open Doors dance the second Sunday in April. Wanna do that? Or ya’ll could meet in March, but I won’t be ’round, I’ll be IN LA WOOOO.

        • Is this in Athens? I don’t know if I can drive out that far (in columbus) but I’ll try and get a car if it’s happening.

          • Yes, it’s in Athens. And it’s the second SATURDAY, in April, not the second Sunday. What was I even thinking.

            And there are two Cbus ladies who are probably coming down for that dance, so you may be able to hook up with them if we can get organized and start sending e-mails and stuff.

          • Sounds good. I’m at vulxpecular at gmail without the ‘X’, so please add me to the mailing list when these things start going around.

    • OPEN DOORS DANCE NIGHT, DANCING COLLEGE GAYS, Y’ALL. Although, you know, anywhere we are, there are dancing college gays, so I guess we can get drinks on court anytime :)

    • Hey Ohioans! I’m in C-bus, and probably can’t make it to Athens, but I would love to hear if anything happens further up my way! withanH2010 [at] gmail [dot] com

    • Colorado Springs. But I learned about two or three years ago that everyone I know or admire on the Internet lives anywhere that isn’t landlocked.

      So I’m saving up to move to Philly.

  12. ATTN NYC-Straddlers-

    Please indicate to me if you are of drinking age so we can make a plan in which everyone may participate and enjoy!

        • Yep, another one in Paris! I’ll send my contacts to Laneia and see if I can organise something, can’t leave gay Paris underrepresented! In the meantime – haricot.vert [at] hotmail [dot] com

          See ya’ll around :)

          • I live in France as well, but in Toulouse, so Paris is a bit far from me… But I’m actually glad that some people in france know about Autostraddle!
            Enjoy your meetup!

    • I am in Birmingham currently but am often in Paris. Two homes ftw.

      Win with the Bueller by the way. God, how epic would Autostraddle meetup in Paris be. ARGH amazing.

    • we definitely have readers in new orleans, because they are all up in my sitemeter making me think my brother is reading autostraddle and then i realize it’s not my brother, it’s like 500 other people. WHERE ARE YOU BITCHES

  13. This makes me so happy!! Its so amazing to see where everyone is writing in from. Hope I’m free for the NYC meet-up!

  14. Anyone somewhere in CT? I was hoping you guys would do this again! If no one is in CT I’m so down to go to Boston!

  15. Orange County, CA – email me amotes at uci dot com

    I’ve been in touch with some ‘straddlers down here and we can plan something! If no one’s into it I will just go to LA.

    • Hey, I’m… kind of close to Sacramento! 3+ hours north, but that’s closer than LA right? Maybe there’s some other real-NorCal-people around we could organize a meet-up with.

      • Yeah, I just googled LA from Sac, and its about 6 hours, so if we could at least get one in San Francisco, I think thats more logical. I would still shoot for Sacramento itself, though. Or somewhere within an hours drive, but I would still need to carpool with someone. We should try our own get together!

        Why don’t you be the co-ordinator for this, since I know nothing about CA, being new here and all.

        • Sacramento to Oakland is only $25 on Amtrak- time to start turning in your bottles for recycling money! That’s approximately 500 soda cans. You get to hang out with Riese so it seems worth it.

          • Idk, I don’t want to be getting on a train possibly very drunk. If I can’t get something closer, I’ll probably just get drunk on my own and pretend I’m there.

          • Okay folks, for Sacramento meetup:

            kitsuina at hotmail dot com

            We can work out the details as we move along~ I definately won’t make it to LA, and highly doubtful about SF, but Sac might be feasible.

            Also, if I misspell anything, it only means I already started the partying. And B&J margaritas are awesome. That is all.

          • I’m just going to ask again here. Anyone up for San Francisco sometime during the first week of June? Anyone?
            I’d really like to make that week as gay as humanly possible. Please help me out here.

  16. I know this is a way off into the future, but if anyone is interested in meeting up in San Francisco sometime during the first week of June, I would be super exited!

  17. Of course this is happening while I’m on holidays/getting married! I hope my Sydney peeps have fun though :)

    Anyone want to meet up on Oahu? ;)

        • Hahaha, sowieso voetbalfan…
          Ga helaas (nou ja niet helaas) over een weekje op vakantie, dus ben niet in Nederland…
          Maar altijd goed om te merken dat de lage landen ook vertegenwoordigd is hier!
          Next time?

      • Goed plan! Ben nu ook met vakantie :) wat dachten jullie van eind maart?

        Stuur me een mailtje! annick_speur [at] hotmail [dot] com

    • Hee ik weet niet of iemand dit nog leest maar we gaan dit nog steeds doen!

      27 maart eind van de middag ofzo in Amsterdam!

      Stuur me even een maitje als je de details wilt weten..

  18. So I’m in DC now but will be going to college in southern Vermont this fall, just wondering if anyone’s out there?

    • I’m going to be in DC from the 22nd until the fourth so I might make two autostraddle meetups if I manage to plan them right.

      • this should have many exclamation points after it, because it does not properly convey how excited I would be if I actually managed this piece of sweetness.


  19. Londoners (England, that is), I’ve put myself down as organiser – email me at with ideas or to register interest, and once we’ve got a few more people I’ll send a group email to check when is good for everyone.
    So far I’m thinking around 4-5th March, but open to suggestions/ doing a bunch of different days for people who can’t make it. Anyways, drop me a line!

  20. i tried last time and i’m going to try again:

    sĂŁo paulo, brazil? with so many dykes around you’d think at least a few of them read autostraddle.

  21. Winnipeg Manitoba? Or anywhere else? this is during reading week so maybe I’ll see if it’s feasable to drive out to Ottawa of no one else is from Manitoba/Western Ontario/Eastern Sasketchewan.

  22. Berlin? am gunna be there from the 4th – 9th March…. I’ve heard Its a pretty gay city so fingers crossed….

    • Let’s do Providence! And Boston! We can meet in Providence a few days in advance for coffee or what have you and then travel to Boston together or something.

      Anyone interested can email andforthatineedaname [at] gmail [dot] com

      • Yay Providence! And Boston! I have car access, so I can travel to wherever and possibly provide transportation to Boston, if the date works out. [at] gmail [dot] com

        • hey all,

          just fyi, Boston has a facebook group devoted to autostraddle meetups/hangouts around the city.

          email me at: carrie [at] thenewgay [dot] net to be added to the group!


          • I may be able to make it into Boston or Providence from the sticks if it does not conflict with my douchey work schedule. My email is northatlanticdiver1 {at} {hotmail}.

  23. just out of curiosity (and because i’m going there next month), are there any russians out there? does anyone autostraddle the great russian continent?

  24. I see Austin has a few straddlers but c’mon Dallas,TX! I know I’m not the only one in this city obsessed with this website!


    As ridiculously awesome as it’d be to meet all of you Autostraddlers outside of Arizona – we can all at least share our respective meet-ups with cool/awkward photos.

      • there is a really awesome autostraddler in tucson!! i wish she was my irl friend. i hope she sees this and is like ME I’M IN TUCSON. i should email her.

      • If there aren’t more Tucson people to meet up, perhaps some of us Phoenix folk could possibly maybe just set up a mini-road trip-esque kind of deal? I really don’t need much persuasion if there’s any sort of road trip involved really. And the drive isn’t *too* bad; I work at shows down there every couple of weeks….so….yeah.

        • Roadtrip. Do it. Which shows do you work? I mean…I’m also in Phoenix fairly frequently…..So if you wanted to have one when I’m theeeereeee also….jus’ sayin :p

          • I work some metal shows down there. Used to be at The Rock, but now we’re moving a bunch of the shows to Club DV8 (which I still haven’t been to yet actually…). The Rock is an okay place, but the fact that they have one of the best sandwich shops RIGHT across the street = love. ANYWAY…

            I’m sure there wouldn’t be a problem setting a lil’ meet-up deal whenevs you’re here. I’m fairly certain the majority of us are still recovering from last night’s meet-up – it was pretty intense.

          • ……….mysterious. i want to meet you people now. my spring break is the week of March 14th….jusss’ sayin’.

    • jersey here! last time i met up with a rad straddler in Asbury Park– we both live close by. talktocaitlin [at] g mail . let’s make this happen :)

    • I thought I was the only South African here!
      Unfortunately, I’m in Jozi. And at school, so CT is no…hit Long Street? And pretend people you meet are AS-ers?

      • Ha, I just responded to your other comment before I saw this one! Look at me being all redundant!

        • I wasn’t sure if you’d see my other reply so here it is again!

          I’d do a meet up or something. You free this week? We could go to The Bug Jar or something like that.

          My e-mail (set up so I don’t spamify my main one) is lveg4 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  26. Fun idea. I live in D.C. but I don’t know any lesbians in this city (that’s what happens when your entire social circle is through work and they are all straight girls) and I’m a wee bit shy. Hope it’s fun though! :)

  27. trying to decide if a 4 hour train ride is worth meeting up with the Chicago straddlers. They are pretty amazing, and a brunch situation sounds too good to miss!
    How far would you go to attend one of these meetups?

  28. HEY ALEX.


    Do that L.A. shit so I can come over….house party plz? THANKS.
    and call my boyfrenns kells and stacee and my girlfrenn medd to come too.


  29. HI ALL,
    My partner and I live in the Phoenix area and are SUPER excited for a meet-up! We just moved here 2 months ago and so have no friends as we have no clue how to make any in a city of this size so this is a great opportunity to meet some great Straddlers that we can hopefully befriend!! :)

    • I tried to start one in LA a few weeks back, so I sent an email to everyone who left their’s in the comments, but I think my email went to everyone’s junk folder! Also, I’m really bad at organizing stuff like this, but I tried!

  30. Hey Riese! I’m down for Oakland!

    It was super cool meeting you the other week with Stef. Hope to hang out soon…

  31. Liverpool/Manchester/North Wales? Let’s do this.

    If folks are interested, I’ll get somethin fuchen sorted, la! *said in Scouse accent*

  32. I’m bummed that I can’t do this, but I’m potentially doing Bonnaroo. So, that should be a mecca of some sort. That or Lolla.

  33. Can someone please organise an Autostraddle book group in London? That is what I would like to go to. Plus then it’s easier to talk to strangers as everyone knows what to talk about!

  34. The Vagina Monologues are on that week in Brisbane Australia so feel free to use that as a meetup idea :)

    • I found a group of people from NC last go round from primarily the Raleigh/Durham area, but I’m limited in terms of travel at the moment. I was hoping to find someone closer possibly… *sigh* It will all get better when I transfer to UNCG in the fall.

      • oh, for sure! i’ve only ever passed through greensboro on a greyhound bus but i’ve heard it’s really nice. it was really pretty! and i think i read in the waiting for superman post that you’re an elementary ed major? that is so cool :]

        we should have an internet meet-up for the north carolina folk; this state is quite wide, ha. we could organize a skype chat or something? my e-mail is sarahb[dot]harlow[at]gmail[dot]com if that is helpful to you.

        • I love Greensboro. It is really, really pretty and also, really diverse. Skype is an excellent idea. I like you and your problem solving skills. :) I’ll add you to the e-mail list, introduce you to everyone else, and maybe we can set something up.

  35. Chicagoland Autostraddlers! I am making our Sunday brunch reservations tomorrow Wednesday the 23rd since there are going to be at least 12 of us, so if you haven’t contacted me already, please do by tomorrow/Wednesday afternoon! Thanks muchly :)

    • There’s about four of us scattered around this post, I believe. Portland, that is.

      louvella is the one organising us, I believe ahaha. Her email is up above.

  36. I might be hitting up the Columbia, MO meetup above but anyone closer to home? Kansans, holla! Lawrence, KS right here.

  37. Long shot, but Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas? Specifically, Brownsville? PLEASE HANG OUT WITH ME I AM FUN AND KNOW ALL THE WORDS TO R KELLY SONGS.

  38. For any Ottawa straddlers that haven’t written me yet, we have a prelim meetup tomorrow (Monday Feb 28th) at 9:00pm at The Manx and the real deal on Saturday March 5th at my place. Email me for details!


  39. Hello from LAS VEGAS :D
    There were a sad two of us for the meet up last time, lets do it again with more!!!
    Any Vegas ladies looking to meet an autostraddler??

  40. Well, after about two weeks I think it’s safe to say the dust hath settled(eth) from the Phoenix AS meetup. Here are a few highlights for y’all:

    – arriving slightly late & looking for the table w/the most alternative lifestyle haircuts (& being successful)
    – learning where baby oysters come from
    – playing the lesbo checklist game (mandatory hummus, couple drama [about who did /did not break a wedding ring], eventually being asked “So..when did YOU know?”, etc.)
    – moving the party to the inside of the bar, where one could find themselves blindsided by numerous (yet sooo appreciated) shots
    – being persuaded to finally give in & buy a Palestinian scarf thingy (they are MUCH warmer than I initially thought)
    – using a straw to split a shot (after many failed attempts sans straw)
    – having my straight friend come up to me & say, “So I just had my shirt pulled up in the bathroom” & she wasn’t at all offended/upset
    – seeing the notorious bar cat (AND FORGETTING TO TAKE ITS PICTURE)
    – finding a secret escape gate that led to a much-needed walk around the block
    – getting yelled at by the doorman upon our return

    Ah…such good times. I’m sure there are pleeeenty more things that happened, but this is all I’ve got in the ol’ memory bank for now.

    A couple of nights ago the two straight friends I brought along were asking me when the next “shindig” was – so that’s pretty cool too.


    If anyone’s still getting e-mail notifications about comments on this post, you should sign up for the Autostraddle Social Networking Extravaganza! At the time of this comment, there are location-based groups for:

    China/Taiwan/Hong Kong
    New Zealand
    North Carolina
    SF Bay Area
    Toronto, Ontario
    Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul)
    Vancouver Island BC
    Western Mass

    And if you don’t see your place you can START YOUR OWN like magic! I did it for the Twin Cities and really I hope the 5 or 6 of us who commented on this post all join so I can not be the only member forever.

    IN CONCLUSION let’s all be bffs

Comments are closed.