Lots of Signatures, Rainbows, Celebrities Working to Achieve Marriage Equality

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Carmen spent six years at Autostraddle, ultimately serving as Straddleverse Director, Feminism Editor and Social Media Co-Director. She is now the Consulting Digital Editor at Ms. and writes regularly for DAME, the Women’s Media Center, the National Women’s History Museum and other prominent feminist platforms; her work has also been published in print and online by outlets like BuzzFeed, Bitch, Bust, CityLab, ElixHER, Feministing, Feminist Formations, GirlBoss, GrokNation, MEL, Mic and SIGNS, and she is a co-founder of Argot Magazine. You can find Carmen on Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr or in the drive-thru line at the nearest In-N-Out.

Carmen has written 919 articles for us.


  1. Do not continue to leave my solid and loving 16 year relationship with my partner in the closet. We deserve the respect to come to the table with the rest of the United States and celebrate our love.

  2. I still think that if we had pushed for federal civil unions first we would have the rights already…

  3. “lesbian” “gay” “lesbian” “gay”…
    Why do us bisexuals ALWAYS have to be left out?! Marriage equality is important for us too! :(

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