LIVE WORKSHOP: Get Into the Queer Sex 101 Workshop Series, Learn All About Masturbation with Shelli!

It’s a new year, we’re fundraising for new futures, and anything is possible! After the runaway success of the Fisting Workshop led by Malic over our 13 Days of A+ in 2020, we’ve been working on figuring out how to bring you more content that gives you the concrete know-how about queer sex that it can be tough to get through written articles in a format as close to IRL as possible. We wanted it to be actually useful for folks of all kinds of experience and background and give you concrete knowledge beyond just asking your partner what they’re into, and we wanted it to be led by queer people whose insight on sex & relationships you trust in a format that’s as accessible as possible. And we’re ready to make it happen! We’re bringing you a brand new live video series exploring the building blocks of queer sex, led by real queer sex-having people! This month, Shelli Nicole is bringing you a world of knowledge and insight about masturbation!

A neon-green-and-lavender patterned graphic that reads "queer sex 101 workshop series: all about masturbation with Shelli Nicole. monday, march 1, 5 pm PST/ 8 pm EST". It features a photo of Shelli looking at the camera, and three logos: the Autostraddle logo, the A+ logo, and a stylized hand with the first two fingers extended.

Autostraddle’s Queer Sex 101 Workshop Series is made possible through the support of A+ Members. The live workshop is available to A+ members only (please visit this post to obtain the password or check your A+ e-newsletter for the password). Realtime live captioning will be provided! Register here for All About Masturbation with Shelli Nicole once you’ve joined A+ and gotten your password! The recording of this workshop will be available for free to the public within 72 hours of the initial workshop. Thank you A+ members for making this possible!

Join A+ to access this workshop (and so much more!)!

Have questions about masturbation to ask, or topics on it you want to see covered? Let Shelli know here!

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.