LIVE Queer Sex Workshop: Register for Everything You Need to Know About Strap-On Sex

We've been loving the workshops so far in our Queer Sex 101 series and hope you have too — we think it's a crucial shared community resources to have authentic, inclusive sex ed that's made by and for queer people accessible to everyone, which is why these workshop recordings are available for free on the mainsite as a resource after A+ members attend them live. As a special Pride event, we're expanding our repertoire of Queer Sex 101 topics to address the highly-requested topic of strap-on sex in a special A+ exclusive.
How do you shop for a harness and strap-on? Do you need a partner to get one? How do you, uh, actually use it? What are the best tips for brands and fit? What should fat and/or disabled people know about using a strap-on? S...

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