Lindsay Lohan & Samantha Ronson Are ON, Playing Guitar Hero: Daily Fix & Extra Team Picks


Intern Katrina spent the last month in the Philippines with the fam and discovered that the country’s “gay-friendly” reputation … yeah … that’s a boy thing. In our latest Girl-on-World, Katrina incidentally gains insight onto her conflicts with her family and asks why are The Philippines’ lesbians still in the closet?


MOVIES: Female Directors: A Herstory Awareness Post“Can you name five female directors? It’s not easy.” Yes, this article is where that photo of lesbian Angela Robinson & the girls of D.E.B.S. comes from. (@bitch magazine)

LOHAN: Samantha and Lindsay Back On (again). Despite this piece of news, we have observed that Samantha never @replies Lindsay on twitter although 50% of Lindsay’s tweets are directed at Sam: Samantha and Lindsay Back On. They spent the weekend in Chicago for Lollapalooza and Sam’s 32nd b-day. Sidenote; I think I could make it work with just about any given lesbian if our days were like this: “Sam and Lindsay spent all day holed up in their 16th floor suite playing Guitar Hero on a 65-inch plasma screen, watching movies and ordering room service, emerging only for the launch party for Sam’s new line of sneakers.” (@star magazine)

MEGHAN MCCAIN:If people like Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter think they can bully me into giving up this fight and what I am doing, they are going to be severely disappointed.” (@thedailybeast)

LABELS: Teens Don’t Like Labels.“Who’s gay? This is not an easy question.” (@usa today)

I’M SEXY ENOUGH TO LAUGH IN YOUR FACE: Abstinence Is Sexy, Just Like Heteronormativity and the Purity Myth: Why make hypocrisy complicated when it can just be straightforwardly effed up, like this new campaign from abstinence-only Candie’s Foundation — “I’m sexy enough to keep you waiting.” I’m ready for the men’s line to come out? Also, since lesbians “can’t have sex” I guess we are in the clear on this. (@contexts)

AND MY GIRLFRIEND LIKES IT TOO: Kelly Clarkson Don’t Take No Shit!“Clarkson swings back at weight critics: “When people talk about my weight, I’m like, ‘You seem to have a problem with it; I don’t. I’m fine!” (@people magazine)

HILLARY: Hillary Clinton Don’t F*ck Around! Secretary of State Clinton makes sure everyone knows that she’s not hiding behind her husband. (@times online)

FIONA: New Fiona Apple Duet with Christophe Deluy.(@myspace)

JAGGED LITTLE PILL: Writer Lisa Carver Got Addicted to Xanax: Having actually read Drugs are Nice and most of Carver’s early work on, I found this piece particularly interesting, and ultimately …. I agree with Sadie: “On the one hand, yes, she had an addiction, as debilitating and unhealthy as any addiction. And it’s great that she was able to kick it. On the other hand, I’m always wary of those with a unilateral scorn for prescription drugs, which is what Carver has.” (@jezebel)

WOMYN: In the UK, women dominate high status jobs. (@bbc)

LADY GAGA: Preview of Lady Gaga on the Cover of Out Magazine. Despite being run by straight people, Out Magazine promises Gaga’s “most revealing and unexpected cover shoot to date.” Personally we’re just TOTALLY EXCITED THAT THE STORY WAS SHOT BY ELLEN VON UNWERTH as they are a match made in fucking heaven. FOR REAL!!!  (@lady gaga)


↑HOGWARTS MAKES GOOD MEN:‘Harry Potter’ Star Supports LGBT Youth Organization.“Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe has given a major donation to a US anti-suicide helpline for LGBT teenagers” AND Sir Ian McKellen Signs “No Hate” Pledge. (@pink news)

↑ ISRAEL: Israel’s President Endorses Gay Rights at Memorial.“Israeli President Shimon Peres has spoken up for gay rights in a speech at a memorial rally for two people shot dead a week ago at a gay youth center.” (@washington blade)

↑ TRANS: Another GSA Victory:” Following an uproar from the transgenders when the Department of Licensing made it tougher to change gender info on drivers’ license (to fight terrorism & reduce identity theft), the deparment abruptly changed course and made it even easier than before. (@seattle times)

↔ JOE KNOWS: The HRC has “No Doubt” that Obama Will End DADT: “The administration views this in the context of the broader issues agenda they are working with Congress on, everything from the economy and health care to hate crimes. They see the overturning of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ along that spectrum as something that will likely happen next spring.” (@the advocate)

↓ HOW ABOUT THE TOTES GAY BOOKS WHERE EVERYONE KILLS THEMSELVES IN THE END: Right Wing Conspires to Force “Ex-Gay” Books into Libraries.“Last month they tried to ban gay books, this month they’re complaining about ex-gay books getting banned.  (@lgbt news)

↔DONUTS: Tim Hortons Pulls Support After Complaints Over Endorsement of Anti-Gay Marriage Organization. (@lez get real)

↑ AND AGAIN: Psychologists Reject Gay “Therapy.”“The American Psychological Association declared Wednesday that mental health professionals should not tell gay clients they can become straight through therapy or other treatments.” (@ny times)


Auto-Straddler of the Day

katrinafrom Intercaine Katrina: I’m just going to keep hitting y’all with nerdy picks. Being the kind of person who wants a nerve cell tattooed permanently on my body,
Science Tattoo Emporium is my favorite thing ever when I’m trying to work up the courage to actually do it.


stef-iconfrom Stef: This song’s been covered so many times you’d think it was impossible to do it successfully ever again, but leave it to Chrissie Hynde… The Pretenders cover Radiohead’s “Creep” and make me want to cry lots. I don’t belong here.


green-iconfrom Laneia:
Pretty paper art by Helen Musselwhite [hand cut paper sculptures and collages]! I didn’t know who she was, but then Sarah emailed me and I was like, “Oooh, look at the adorable owls!”


carly-icon2from Carly: I just stumbled across the cutest little thing I ever did see, Bolts & Bots. They make tons of tiny little robots out of clay! There are so many different kinds, from Harry Botter to Mythbusters to Kanye! And if you’re not into robots they make little critters too.

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3300 articles for us.


  1. I’m glad Tim Hortons pulled their antigay support because their coffee is really cheap/awesome and fully responsible for getting me through the school day.

    • I used to work there, I didn’t know they had an anti gay thing going, but I did know they were super religious, so it makes sense. Customers would come up to me and complain about the cups and the TABLETOPS having scripture on them. I would be like, “Well I didn’t paint it there!” The CEO was batshit, btw,in general and about God.

      • Wow, being a clueless lil American, I had no idea! I always made it a point to go to Tim Hortons any time I ventured up north, just because we don’t have it in the US.

    • WOW. i am completely blown away by how quickly they pulled out – i only saw this yesterday! i have 6 Tim Horton’s within a 3-block radius of my office building. i was NOT looking forward to replacing my timatin with some inferior breakfast sandwich.

      • i love the look of incredibility on her face when she realizes what they’re asking. she’s just like “oh no you did not just ask me that.”

        • hilary is pure awesome… I love that hand wave she did after she said “my husband is not the secretary of state, i am.”

  2. I don’t know why I care so much about Lindsay and Sam, but for some reason I do. Their relationship seems so fucked up and so real… just like all of MY relationships!!!! Just kidding. Sort of.

    • I know exaaactly what you mean.
      Literally whenever I read “Sam and Lindsay are getting back together” I get giddy.
      They definitely remind me of a past relationship.

  3. The team picks are especially wonderful today. I mean, by the time I got to Carly’s my head officially exploded from high levels of awesome. I want to get a science tattoo while listening to that cover of Creep in a room decorated with Helen Musselwhite’s paper art while playing with those ridiculously adorable clay robots.

      • hahah- well to be specific, she wanted beer but the bar told her they were closed up, and the pretenders didn’t like this and it ended with Chrissie continuing to ask where the drinks were until they finally brought over complimentary wine and then Chrissie broke into song starting with “Because I am Queen of this city” and then kept asking for more unavailable drinks to bring to her room. She taught us all about drugs too. Overall, best night ever hahaha

  4. Pingback: Posts about Michelle Malkin as of August 11, 2009 » The Daily Parr

  5. Great team picks! When we’re drunk (often), my flatmate sometimes plays Creep on the ukelele and we all emotionally belt it out. Its simultaneously hilarious and terrible.

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