Let’s Make Eraser With Microwave. Please Can We For Real.

Okay, so yeah, I do occasionally browse the Japanese specialty online shopping destination J-List. Sometimes you like to unwind on a Friday night browsing bento and adorable school supplies even though you’re 23. Whatever, we don’t really need to talk about it. But today, in between deciding whether I should  buy a tiny bowl with bunnies on it and trying to see if there were any cute notebooks (answer: duh), I found the “Let’s Make Eraser With Microwave” section.

Because, yes, actually it is a whole SECTION. Of products you can buy in order to manufacture your own erasers at home, in a process that’s like a cross between Easy-Bake Oven and Creepy Crawlers.

Here’s another hobby item that’s perfect for all fans who want to make their own creations. This fun tool kit set features a variety of tools that you can use to make your own usable erasers. Use while in school, at home, or simply to admire knowing that you made these things with your own bare hands. To create the erasers, simply apply the clay into the molds and design the eraser as you wish, place the creations inside the cup (that looks like a Chinese takeout box) fill with water, heat in the microwave for 5 mins, dump the hot water and cool down with fresh water. 

“I don’t know,” I hear you say. “Erasers are cool and all but not that exciting, you know?” Well have you tried making them SUSHI-SHAPED?

What’s that? Sushi’s not your thing? That’s fine, you have five other options, ranging from Chocolates to Donuts to Hamburgers. I don’t know. Food is a recurring theme.

 I’m not responsible for what you’ll do with this information, and I’m hoping you won’t really look into my eraser-microwave decisions too closely either. Just saying: it’s a Friday. Anything goes. And while most of being an adult sucks, there is no one to stop us from making eraser with microwave in the privacy of our own homes.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


    • This is a true statement. Since becoming obsessed with Morning Musume a few years ago, I’ve watched a TON of stuff that they’ve been in and they are always eating. ALWAYS. On talk shows, on behind-the-scenes concert specials, on their own saturday morning show, even on the radio a few times. And it makes me hungry every time!

  1. ohhh thanks for the heads up!!! i just ordered the pencil cap ones! will be great fun crafts to do with my nephews and nieces!!!!

  2. Yay J-List! /is a big fan
    I find Japanese erasers adorable but I’ve never bought any because I would be so torn on whether or not to use them. >< I'll stick with my cute notebooks for writing grocery lists on.

  3. I just bought the cute animal pencil cap ones. I had those on my Etsy wishlist but they just cost too much. J-List didn’t make the price unbearable, yay! I also bought Happy Kitchen Doughnuts where you microwave the batter and it makes edible doughnuts you can decorate. Yea…

  4. I just tried to go to the J-List links and my work firewall blocked them under category: Pornography! What the heck is on that site besides microwave erasers?

  5. this sounds like too much work to me also I would inevitably get intoxicated and try to eat the erasers.

    (not so that that it isn’t cute)

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