“Legends of Tomorrow” Episode 511 Recap: See Spot Kill

Despite having Astra in her ear, Zari channels the flannel-clad version of herself and starts hacking the security footage to see who stole the rings, all while giving Astra advice on how to gain the Legends’ trust. After all, very few if any of them come from squeaky clean backgrounds. They are not here to judge, but they ARE going to take precautions.

Zari finds some footage and sees Charlie taking the rings, then Zari throwing them away, and Nate asks them if they’re in cahoots, and oh how I wish the answer was yes. But they both deny having done the things they’re watching themselves do, and Nate believes it when he sees himself destroying Gideon’s fabricator. Charlie watches herself flush the rings down the toilet, and cannot believe her eyes.

charlie gasps in surprise

Me realizing there really is only one toilet on the Waverider.

Astra, from the brig, says that it’s clearly not her, so maybe let her out now, but they haven’t ruled out mind control, which sounds like a hellish trick, so she’s staying locked up for now.

In the med bay, Gary breaks social distancing rules to leave Gary Jr. with Sara so she can have some emotional support while in isolation.

Sara cuddles wishbone

“What’s the story Wishbone? Do you think it’s worth a look? It kinda seems familiar like a story from a book true crime podcast.”

But before he can leave her, Sara snaps Gary’s neck. A voice says, “Kill them all,” and she takes off her blindfold and prepares to do just that.

sara looks murdery

She can’t see well, but she looks good. :fingerguns:

Sara shakes her head and realizes she just had an awful vision, throws the dog back at Gary, and says his dog is a demon. She yells at the dog that she won’t listen to him and runs to find her team.

She starts shouting about how Gary’s dog wants her to kill everyone and Gary being alive proves she’s telling the truth, which frankly would sound insane on any other show, but here the logic tracks for me. Zari and Charlie review the footage again and see that Gary Jr. is there every time one of them was doing something shifty, at which time Gary admits that he “rescued” Gary Jr. from hell.

Ava says this sounds like something from the Son of Sam episode of her true crime podcast StabCast, and they realize that this hellhound is literally the dog that made David Berkowitz murder people.

And currently, he’s trying to get Nate to murder his friends.

zari and charlie look scared

“Just because people ship us more than they ship you with anyone doesn’t mean you have to KILL us!”

Gary Jr. calls himself the Canine of Chaos and turns from Wishbone into a demon dog, sending everyone scurrying into Astra’s cell to protect themselves from him.

Sara and Constantine are on the outside though, and they realize Sara’s visions were right all along.

Once they’re safe, Astra says she knows how to get rid of this dog, and Zari defends Astra, saying that they should let her out because she was telling the truth all along, but as soon as they do, Astra locks them in tighter, and struts off in her hell-red suit.

astra on an ipad

Astra would rearrange your Animal Crossing island so it’s disorganized chaos and smile the whole time.

Sara decides to lean into this premonition situation and grabs Constantine’s hands. She sees Mick getting eaten by the dog in the library, so they run there and save Mick and Lita. Constantine gets the dog to chase him instead, because he has Sara to protect him, and Sara is like, “I can’t see?” but Constantine knows she doesn’t need those beautiful baby blues to kick ass.

sara listens

I’m sure this will come as a shock to you, but this gave me big Buffy vibes.

Constantine needs to know the dog’s true name to send it back to hell, and luckily Astra shows up just in time with that information.

Slowly they start picking up the pieces of their day. They get Gideon back online, Gary digs the rings out of the waste system, and also gets a new emotional support fluffball that he says is a bunny but also says he can’t feed after midnight.

Ava is rightly suspicious.

Mick tries to have a heart to heart with Lita, but she doesn’t need to hear it. She understands him better after spending the day with him. And she wants to stay the rest of the weekend. She even calls him, “Dad.” It’s very sweet.

Lita smiles

Wait til she gets back to school and tells her friends about her badass Aunt Sara.

Zari and Astra face off again, and Zari tries to reason with her, tries to get her to just give in and be her friend, but Astra won’t bite.

Zari smiles

“I can be your two best friends, if you let me. Sometimes we have donuts.”

She does give Zari points for trying, and almost looks like she hates that she pushed her away as soon as she did it.

astra sips

I hope we get to keep Astra for a little while. In fact…let’s trade her for Constantine.

Ava and Sara stroll down the hallway of the ship toward the med bay to see if they can figure out what happened to Sara’s eyesight, joking about what they’ll do with blindfolds later, Sara getting a sneak peak of it and liking what she sees.

sara and ava giggle

I trust this show with these two so much that even though the name of this episode was “Ship Broken” I never feared for this particular ship even a little.

And Gideon can’t sense anything physically wrong with her. Which I dig, if their point is, she just can’t see now. Nothing wrong with that. I have a feeling eventually she’ll be able to tune her foresight into being as good as regular sight, because I can’t imagine they’ll hide those perfect eyeballs forever, but I did love that, while surprising and requiring some adjustment, it wasn’t really all that big a deal that Sara couldn’t see. I also liked that they continue to call back to her time with the League of Assassins.

This episode was technically a bottle episode, since they didn’t leave the ship, and it had everything I love about this show. Sara being the captain, ensemble balance, humor, a mystery, supernatural shenanigans, a historical tie-in, and queer ladies in love. And they didn’t even time travel! It was a perfectly Legends episode and I loved it very much.

Next week, we’re back to traveling around and we get to see our fam as Greeks. No, not like ancient Greeks, like frat boys and sorority girls. And I, for one, can’t wait.

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Valerie Anne

Valerie Anne (she/they) a TV-loving, video-game-playing nerd who loves reading, watching, and writing about stories in all forms. While having a penchant for sci-fi, Valerie will watch anything that promises a good story, and especially if that good story is queer.

Valerie has written 622 articles for us.


  1. Another great episode and another hilarious review! I’m all there for next week’s episode. This is honestly exactly the show I need right now.

    Your caption about Sara still throwing ‘tude with half her face covered was spot on. She’s definitely ready to Captain in Quarantine when the other half of her face will be covered.

    Also, did anyone else notice how when Sara and Ava are joking around about what they’re going to do with blindfolds later, Ava is literally STRAIGHTENING OUT AND PLAYING with one of Sara’s FINGERS?!

    I’m sorry, maybe I’m still on autosubtext mode from watching too much Xena, but I’m having trouble not reading into that rather suggestive hand-holding there.

  2. So did anyone else notice when Nate comes in to help Mick with his daughter’s studies he says “can’t study without sex right?” Supposed to be snacks but even when using voice to text technology it dictates sex instead of snacks. He quickly rebounds by saying Gideon makes the best snacks.

    • Seriously, how old is she supposed to be? Because that interaction was not played on a way that would be ok if she is still in high school.

  3. Thank you for your great reviews!!!
    I love watching the show then come here for the reviews, they are the funniest.
    I think this season is the best one yet.

  4. I loved this episode. Normally a bottle episode is equal parts filler and budget saving, but this one wasn’t. It kept everyone in the same place to accelerate Astra’s application to be a Legend.


    Many compositors died to bring us the Loom of Fate effect.



    Over on the Supergirl review I made an off hand remark that Lena should join the Legends, and someone countered with how at odds her sense of style would be (sharp suits and heels) would be with the rest of the crew.

    (Gestures at Astra’s outfit).


    Anyone else shipping Zari/Astra? They can bond over the trauma of their hijacked childhoods.


    “They’re all good dogs, Brent.”
    “He’s literally a hell hound.”
    “A h*cking good dog.”

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