“Legends of Tomorrow” Episode 706 Recap: Are We Out of the Woods Yet?

Hello freaks and geeks! Welcome to this recap of Legends of Tomorrow episode 706, “Deus Ex Latrina” aka the one where Gideon kills Ava. (Kind of.)

We skip the previously ons and dive right in, peeking into the year 2214, where Assistant Ava is telling Bishop that the first generation of Ava clones is almost ready for launch. He’s pleased but she has a follow-up question about the billions of dollars being diverted into a secret project she is not privy to. But lucky for her, he’s ready to show off his project: a Waverider.

She’s not sold on the name but she’s intrigued about why he decided to build a timeship that looks like it was hobbled together from old air ducts. He gives her a tour, which includes introducing Assistant Ava to Wrong Gideon, and Assistant Ava is not impressed by this new AI in Bishop’s life.

Assistant Ava looks annoyed

I always say “please” and “thank you” to my technology and Assistant Ava is about to find out why.

Assistant Ava asks what Bishop needs a timeship for and he says he’s going to get revenge on the Legends for kidnapping him, using him for his intelligence, and then messing with his memories. Wrong Gideon gives him the timemaster oath and makes him swear to uphold and protect the timeline at all costs, and then sets a course for whenever the Legends may be.

And speaking of the Legends, they actually have no idea where or when they are. The time machine is fried, Davies is panicking, and none of them know enough about plans to deduce anything. In fact, Gary posits that they could be in a land before time for all they know.

Ava looks upset

“I swear to Beebo if I see one single ripple in my water I’m OUT of here.”

Since they have no idea where they are beyond “the jungle” they decide to make camp. Ava and Sara do their best to pep talk the team but it’s almost like they can sense a slight downshift in the presence of the Paragon of Hope in the universe and they can’t quite get their spirits up.

Sara looks like she's trying to convince her team to hope

“Where’s a Superfriend when you need one.”

Ava and Sara tell the Tarazis to help Davies fix the time machine while they go off on their own to bicker a little out of earshot.

Nate and Zari are worried about their Captains and call Spooner and Astra in for a sibling-esque huddle about what their moms are fighting about. Spooner reads their minds and can tell they’re getting a little fighty. Sara’s anxiety about not knowing how to protect her team is rising and causing Ava’s stress about the timeline to rise which is in turn triggering Sara’s anxieties about not upsetting Ava and round and round they spin.

Ava and Sara fight

“We HAVE to get back to 2021, Red (Taylor’s Version) is out and we’re MISSING IT.”

Realizing this is only going to get worse if they’re left alone, Spooner takes Sara to hunt for some food and Astra takes Ava on a hike to gather wood.

Spooner and Astra look to Ava and Sara

This was confusing for my heart because I still ship this adorable duo but also “keep moms apart til they cool off” gives off sibling energy.

Gary and Gideon start to bug Nate about his relationship with Flannel Zari so he sends them off to gather berries for them to eat with whatever the hunting team comes back with, sure that even these two ding dongs can’t screw up the timeline enough to attract the Evil Waverider if they’re deep in the woods.

In the future, Bishop takes Assistant Ava into the timestream and they get their first alert from 1925 in Odessa, Texas. And then, as we probably could have guessed, because of reasons both timey and wimey, it turns out Bishop was the one who shot at the Legends in the Season 6 finale. Though what maybe we didn’t realize is that he was shooting to kill.

Assistant Ava thinks that felt a little too easy, but Bishop is too egotistical to consider that he failed, so he just starts celebrating, not noticing Assistant Ava’s distinct lack of whooping.

Ava looks less than enthused

“See my face? I’m enthused.”

In the jungle, Zari and Behrad go to find Davies, who is looking rather defeated. He’s sure the time machine can’t be fixed and assumes it’s because he was destined to fail, that this is his fate. And speaking of fate, theirs is not looking great based on the danger sign they’re sitting near…but that’s a problem for future us.

On the Evil Waverider, Assistant Ava and Bishop are eating fabricated food, Assistant Ava asking the important question: fabricated from WHAT?? But Bishop isn’t bothered by this unknown, especially once they get another alert about a disturbance in the Timestream, this time about Hoover going missing. He wants to use clone technology to replace him but Gideon says clones are human and thus fallible: just look at what happened with Legend Ava.

Assistant Ava makes a case for #NotAllAvas but Bishop decides to make a robot Hoover instead.

Ava gives Bishop a pointed, displeased look

Me when someone finds out I’m gay and mentions A****E****. “We don’t claim her.”

Meanwhile, the real Ava is trying to collect sticks but is too stressed about ruining the timeline to focus. She hates not having all the answers, and sometimes she wishes someone else was in charge. Realizing she just said all the quiet thoughts out loud, she reassures Astra that it’s fine! It’s fine, she’s FINE. Very convincing.

Astra tells Ava that it’s okay if she’s not okay, uses magic to make an axe, and tells her captain that she’s got to let it out.

Astra hands Ava an axe

In this metaphor, I am Ava, Astra is Twitter, and the axe is the mute button.

Back in time a bit, Assistant Ava and Bishop get an alert from Wrong Gideon that the Hooverbot died, and on top of that, the Legends are actually alive. They decide to make another Hooverbot, but this one with the Kill the Legends directive, but within 12 hours, it’s in pieces, too. And Edison is dead. Bishop is extremely stressed, and Wrong Gideon is trying to get him to stop going after the Legends because playing whack-a-mole with the anomalies is only making things worse, but Assistant Ava tells Wrong Ava to stop being such a fuddy duddy. So Wrong Gideon decides to lure Assistant Ava to the cargo bay by saying Bishop wants to talk to her, and once she’s inside, she opens the hatch and yeets Assistant Ava into the timestream. Correct Gideon would never!!

Unknowingly very close to a danger zone, Behrad gives Davies a pep talk about how he was lost once, but while he was lost, he found the Legends, and they lead him to find his purpose and be truly happy. Davies does not receive this hopeful message well and is rude to Behrad, making Flannel Zari want to murder him a little.

Zari presses her lips together in rage

Tiny mouth rage!

Zari chases Davies down and yells at him but when she goes to grab him to drag him back to the group, he collapses in a panic and she instantly softens. She realizes now he’s not just a dick, he’s just bad at processing his feelings. When she tries to level with him and asks him to focus up, he says that Zari and the Legends don’t really want his help anyway, because he’s useless. He tells her that the last people who depended on him died, and this hits Zari a little too close to home. She tries to tell him that she understands but he won’t listen to her.

Zari talks to Davies

I hope Tala Ashe really, really likes working with Matt Ryan since he’s basically all she gets to have scenes with lately.

Zari explains something that probably was never said to him in the early 1900s, which is that sometimes, talking about what’s wrong can actually help you feel better. He is… skeptical at best.

While Zari is teaching a grown man who looks an awful lot like her alternate timeline self’s ex-boyfriend how to express his feelings, Sara and Spooner are off hunting with makeshift weapons on an adorable little bonding mission.

Sara and Spooner hunt with sticks

I’m going to tell my children this was the Hunger Games.

On the other side of the forest, another sibling is distracting another parent by way of weaponry. That is to say, Astra is watching proudly while Ava lets out her frustration verbally while also whaling on trees with an axe. And suddenly she’s starting to feel better!

Ava looks like she just released some rage

This is only sort of related but I’ve always wanted to go to one of those smash rooms.

Human Gideon and Gary get distracted on their foraging mission talking about things that are neat about being a human, and things they still want to try, like swimming in the ocean. Human Gideon suggests they try sex, and Gary is down because he’s a lot of things but he’s not a COMPLETE idiot.

Human Gideon eats a berry while proposing sex


Doing quite the opposite is Wrong Gideon, who instead of getting a man high on endorphins, is drugging a man (Bishop, specifically) so she can clean up the timeline her own way.

Down on Earth, Davies tells Zari all about his time in the war, about the message he was meant to deliver that didn’t make it in time, about the man he was traveling with who he saw die right in front of him. He thought some god spared him to go back in time and save his unit, but all his failures are now starting to make him think otherwise. He calls himself a coward, but Zari doesn’t agree.

Zari looks calmly at Davies

I wish I could have a sit-down with Flannel Zari. I feel like I could use her gentleness.

She points out that just sharing this truth and this pain with her was braver than most people ever get. Before Zari can continue her impromptu therapy session, however, they are set upon by soldiers who kidnap them. Luckily, Behrad saw them get taken away so he’s ready to save the day.

On the Evil Waverider, Wrong Gideon tells Bishop that she solved their latest problem with both a Hoover AND an Edison bot, but now that Bishop isn’t having fun anymore. He wants to go home, so he tries to call for help, and is surprised when he hears his own voice on the other end of the line, and not in a weird echo way, more like in a Discover commercial.

And that’s how Bishop learns that Wrong Gideon made a Bishop Bot to keep the timeline on track. Bishop sneaks a peak at BishopBot’s programming and sees that he’s destined to turn evil and have the Legends stop him from destroying the world. He understands now why the Legends took him and messed with his memory, and he’s not so sure if he continues on this plan to destroy the Legends that he’ll be on the right side of history.

In the forest, Sara and Spooner come back with a dinner of squirrels around the same time Astra and Ava come back with enough wood to build a log cabin, and the wives greet each other with a warm embrace. They just needed a little bit of a break from responsibilities so they didn’t become an echo chamber of stress.

Sara smiles as she takes the axe from Ava

“But we’ll just put that axe down so we don’t end up with an accidental Lizzie Borden situation.”

As soon as the soldiers deposit Zari and Davies in an office for safekeeping, Davies starts to panic again so Zari squeezes him like a weighted blanket. Realizing Davies talks about one man more than the rest, she asks Davies to tell her about him, and as she watches him physically relax as he talks about him, Zari realizes that Davies loved this man. When she asks this, and sees the fear on his face, her face softens even more and she reassures him that it’s okay in one of the most comforting voices.

Davies says yes, maybe saying it out loud for the first time, and it opens wounds old and new. Zari understands and explains about how she lost her whole family once too, until she ran into the Legends and they helped her fix it.

Flannel Zari smiles at Davies

“They also made me live in a totem half the time but it’s fiiiine.”

Davies is surprised this band of weirdos helped her but she promises that even though sometimes they look like a bunch of preschoolers trying to perform the Nutcracker ballet, he’s actually in good hands.

Behrad sneakily follows the soldiers, and when he finds Zari and Davies, he tells them that on the way to save his sister he found a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is a pile of parts they need to fix the time machine. The bad thing is the date: the day of the Chernobyl disaster.

Zari puts her hands to her face in a gasp of surprise

“What do you MEAN Dickinson is on its third and FINAL season?!”

They briefly explain Chernobyl to Davies and he thinks maybe THIS is his purpose, to save people from this disaster. Zari can practically hear Ava’s eye twitch about the timeline, but ultimately they decide to give one (1) warning over the loudspeaker and hope it doesn’t have TOO much of a catastrophic effect on the future.

Speaking of catastrophic effects, Bishop has gone into a full meltdown about there being a RoboBishop living his life for him. And I’m having a similar problem with Bishop that I did with Lex Luthor on Supergirl (on a much smaller scale) which is that I found him a fun villain when he was first introduced, but he has long overstayed his welcome. So during this scene my inner mean girl was like, “Aww, is someone not a special boy anymore?” in the most condescending, mocking tone you can imagine. I’m sorry but it’s very hard to feel bad about a man who cloned Sara against her will getting replaced by a robot against his will!

Anyway, on a much more pleasant note, Sara and Ava are snuggled up by the fire, looking at their team, and realizing that they maybe don’t have to stress about controlling every minute of their adventures. They have to trust that they’ve raised their kids right and that the team only needs a little guidance, not micromanagement.

Legends of Tomorrow 706: Ava and Sara aka Avalance snuggle by the fire

The kids are alright.

Just then, the team hears a noise in the jungle that doesn’t sound much like a dinosaur, and are surprised to see a car rocketing toward them. And it struck me how very jarring that must be, to have zero idea WHEN you are. Like when you wake up from an unexpected nap and have no idea if it’s day or night, or when you’re lost in the West Village and all of a sudden you’re at Stonewall and finally realize where you are. (Okay that last one might be really niche but Manhattan is a neat, numbered grid until you hit 6th ave and then it’s a pop culture corn maze from Cornelia Street to Waverly Place and it can be very disorienting!)

Turns out the car is the Tarazis and Davies, who jump out of the car and warn the team and let them know they’re in danger.

Ava and Sara look horrified

“I think I’ve seen this film before. And I didn’t like the ending.”

Adding to their stress is a looming Evil Waverider threatening to eliminate them from the timeline before Chernobyl does, so Team Science gets right to work on the time machine, what with the impending nuclear explosion and all.

Nate decides takes this time to talk to Zari about moving in with her because even though Nate has been relatively inoffensive this whole season, of course OF COURSE he has to make this moment all about him, because he is a straight white rich cis man after all.

With time running out, ironically enough, the Legends pile into the Davies Gazebo of Time™.

The Legends all look up through the top of the time machine, their cute lil faces peeping through the opening

I usually try to focus on ladies only in my screenshots but I really liked this shot and couldn’t resist including it.

Wrong Gideon, piloting the Evil Waverider as close as she can to the Legends in the jungle, tries one last time to get Bishop to vaporize the Legends, but he understands now that they were actually much more forgiving with him than they needed to be; they were just trying to help him. So instead of listening to Wrong Gideon, he runs to the single bathroom on the Waverider and we finally learn what the red button does: a great toilet escape!

The Legends, from the time machine, see the man on a toilet rocketing toward them, and know that someone pressed the red button, but also know that they don’t have time to wait for him to land to find out who it is. So they activate the machine and disappear, scooping at least some of Bishop up along with them in their beam as they go.

Next week, the mid-season finale, which is giving off some Bomb Girls vibes! See you then.

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Valerie Anne

Valerie Anne (she/they) a TV-loving, video-game-playing nerd who loves reading, watching, and writing about stories in all forms. While having a penchant for sci-fi, Valerie will watch anything that promises a good story, and especially if that good story is queer.

Valerie has written 622 articles for us.


  1. Do you think we’ll see Assistant Ava again? She was sucked into the timestream, so theoretically she could be anywhere…anywhen.

  2. I am so excited for the Legends Bomb Girls-esque episode. pity they already used their Betty McRae guest spot…

  3. Getting sick of Nate getting treated like crap because he’s a straight white man. Prejudice goes both ways.

  4. Imagine the facial expressions Sara and Ava will make if they ever hear the phrase “Time Mistress Ava.”

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