Did you wake up hoping to see a man use his hands and mouth and technology to talk about the life expectancy and GDP of 200 countries over last 200 years? Today is your lucky day; go buy a lottery ticket.
Laura’s Team Pick: The Joy of Stats
Related:team picktechnology
Laura is a tiny girl who wishes she were a superhero. She likes talking to her grandma on the phone and making things with her hands. Strengths include an impressive knowledge of Harry Potter, the ability to apply sociology to everything under the sun, and a knack for haggling for groceries in Spanish. Weaknesses: Chick-fil-a, her triceps, girls in glasses, and the subjunctive mood. Follow the vagabond adventures of Laura and her bike on twitter [@laurrrrita].
Laura has written 308 articles for us.
This is Awesome, jättebra!
that was very cool. very.
Kudos, this is a good find.
I love how nerdy Autostraddle is!
that headline quote is from Arthur! :D I’M NOT ASHAMED IT’S VERY EDUCATIONAL
jekyll jekyll hyde jekyll hyde hyde jekyll!
my dad’s a chef/you think that’s great/just try to guess/what’s on your plate!
best episode ever!
and now that i’ve watched the video, that’s cool too.
This is what I imagine economics class in Hogwarts would be like.
I have often wondered how the fuck economics worked in the harry potter world.
maybe that’s what arithmancy was, cause we never found out.
i still don’t know how their currency works. if i were a wizard, i’d be easily ripped off
17 sickles an ounce? They’re mad!
precisely why i never faulted slughorn for taking aragog’s venom. times be hard.
This is pretty awesome. & I don’t even really like stats.
I’m not sure I agree with his conclusions, though. Yeah, life expectancy has increased across the board, but the poor countries aren’t going to get richer, that gap isn’t going to close, because the rich coutries rely on the poverty of the small countries to stay rich – i.e. a lot of people are really invested in maintaining the gap. :-/
Hans Rosling has other great talks on TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design). He’s very passionate and knowledgeable about global health. It’s great to watch him!
Huh, so thats what TED means, I always just kinda assumed it was some guy with so many awesome friends they let him capitalise his entire name.
This is the talk of his I saw a while ago- it is pretty much the extended edition of the above clip.
i showed this to my teacher
This is cool! I’m going to try convince my teacher to show this in class tomorrow.
“1948 was a great year. The war was over, Sweden topped the medal count at the winter Olympics, and I was born!”
In response to the tagline: I fucking love Arthur.
Jekyll Jekyll Hyde Jekyll Hyde Hyde Jekyll
Jekyll Jekyll Hyde Jekyll HYDE
This is the most optimistic look at the state of the world I’ve heard in like 5 years. Love it. And its beautiful.