They’re not dykes on bikes or even dykes on bike-cycles, but these girls are on a mission. When women in Europe started noticing that almost at cyclists were men and boys, they decided to do something about it.
Laura’s Team Pick: Girls on Bicycles
Laura is a tiny girl who wishes she were a superhero. She likes talking to her grandma on the phone and making things with her hands. Strengths include an impressive knowledge of Harry Potter, the ability to apply sociology to everything under the sun, and a knack for haggling for groceries in Spanish. Weaknesses: Chick-fil-a, her triceps, girls in glasses, and the subjunctive mood. Follow the vagabond adventures of Laura and her bike on twitter [@laurrrrita].
Laura has written 308 articles for us.
I got really excited on the tram today because they had a poster advertising coming-soon BIKE RENTALS! But it’s not included with my monthly pass, but instead costs as much a year as buying a bike. Sigh.
i thought this was gonna be pictures of hot girls on bicycles, but this is cool too. I wish i rode my bike more, but in the winter it’s practically death.
i just saw this cool video of a girl riding a fixed gear bicycle, and i remembered this post. so i thought I’d share the link: