“Lady Gaga Will Do ALL THE PRESSES,” Feat. Letterman, SNL & Rolling Stone

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Jess is a pop culture junkie living in New York City. She enjoys endless debates about The L Word, Howard Stern, new techy gadgets, DVR, exploring the labyrinth of the Lesbian Internet, memoirs, working out, sushi, making lists, artsy things, anything Lady Gaga touches, traveling, puppies, and nyc in the fall. Find her on Twitter @jessxnyc or via email.

Jess has written 240 articles for us.


  1. “I’m Batman. Nanananana…” might be the best thing I’ve heard all day.

  2. That interview almost got awkward! Lady Gaga is such a character; you’ve got to love her. The Batman bit was beyond priceless.

  3. I youtubed the Letterman interview and it was very enjoyable to watch, she made me laugh a few times. Maybe ten…can you tell that I’m containing myself?

  4. Pingback: Lady Gaga Dives And Dazzles On ‘American Idol Finale’ – MTV.com | ladygaganakid.com

  5. Pingback: Bill O’Reilly Loves Lady Gaga? – Gather Celebs News Channel | ladygaganakid.com

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