Ladies Dominate MTV VMAs & Lady Gaga Wears Many Outfits, Ellen & Drew Bring Their Special Friendship to Toronto: Daily Fix

Fall-Prev-JUST-TYPE-orangeIt’s Fall Preview ’09 on Autostraddle and so many things are happening leading up to our massive redesign! One of those things is our Fall Fundraising Drive which will determine the future of Autostraddle. Please check it out and consider supporting Autostraddle by buying a snazzy AS sticker or donating  — everyone who does will be entered to win a prize from 410BC’s new fall collection and big donors will get their very own AUTOSTRADDLE T-SHIRT. So we want this to be fun for you too!

In continuation of our Fall Preview series, we put together a Reading Rainbow Book Preview so you can read some words & get smart — we’ve got everything from graphjam to kathy Griffin to David Byrne on a bicycle to Cross-Country Feminist roadtrips to a review/conversation about Tao Lin’s latest novella, Shoplifting From American Apparel.

Yesterday’s Fix was Sunday Funday:
Lesbians dress up for Lohan-less Charlotte Ronson shows, Soccer babe Festivals & Online Dating, and its NSFW Sunday.


+Top Stories

MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS: Last night’s MTV Music Video Awards was all about the ladies and featured so many incredible moments and Autostraddle favorites — like P!nk, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé and a killer Michael Jackson tribute starring Janet herself and intro’ed by Madonna. The only thing that would’ve made it better would’ve been more girl-on-girl action, which we think could’ve happened at the end of the Single Ladies dance a là t.a.t.u or during Lady Gaga‘s performance with a cameo of Madonna dressed as Mary Magdalene in a wheelchair.+
However, Lady Gaga did wear A LOT OF OUTFITS. Do we have a graphic? Yeah we do (click to enlarge):

Here’s Lady Gaga’s Video Music Awards performance of Paparazzi:

This is how we like our pop stars here at Autostraddle: unpredictable, insane, constantly commenting on the bizarre notion of stardom itself … and fucking talented.

Also, it was kinda awkward when Taylor Swift was accidentally granted Beyonce and/or Lady Gaga’s award and Kanye got on stage to yell about it like an asshat. It was incredibly inappropriate, but … also Swift should’ve given it to Beyoncè herself when she got up there, instead of gushing about how special & diverse it is for a country music singer to win a VMA, as if they’ve been shut out ’cause of Oppression rather than overall inferiority, quality-wise, to hip-hop. According to, Kanye has (sort of) apologized on his blog to Taylor Swift. In all caps. Which is all unacceptable. YOU CAN ONLY USE ALL CAPS WITH IRONY.

We’ll have more coverage of these VMAs in this week’s Tuesday Televisionary. Stay tuned! Also we posted many VMA Photos on our twitter and tumblr, so check those out!

DREW BARRYMORE & ELLEN PAGE STAY CUTE AS HELL: Meanwhile in Canada, Drew Barrymore & Ellen Page were looking absurdly adorable at the premiere of Whip It! a the Toronto International Film Festival. Do we have a graphic? Yes, in fact, we do.

Drew & Ellen stayed cozy & holding hands all night. Maybe there is something to the rumors …

+ News & Entertainment

RIP: Jim Carroll, Poet and Punk Rocker who wrote ‘The Basketball Diaries,’ is dead at 60. He was one of my favorites, I read The Basketball Diaries every night before bed when I was a teenager.

NEIL PATRICK HARRIS: New York Magazine‘s cover story on Neil Patrick Harris: “Neil Patrick Harris used to be an underage doctor on TV. Now he’s another Hollywood first: an out gay actor who can host award shows, play a womanizer, walk the red carpet with his boyfriend, and then get cast in movies as a straight dad. Neat trick.”

STRAIS-4-GAYS: “Here is my situation. If gays and lesbians were more accepted, I wouldn’t have married a closeted lesbian.” – Straights are coming out in favor of gay marriage … and they’re making a strong case. (@assocaited press)

GAY BAR RAIDS: More Raids On Gay Bars In The South: In Memphis and Atlanta, two more raids and arrests – after a similarly brutal raid in Texas. (@atlantic)

TEA PARTY: In the spirit of the popular “Look At This Fucking Hipster” is another tumblr blog: Look At This Fucking Tea-Bagger.

ECONOMY: GLBT Consumers Stay Upbeat on Economy! That’s right they do! (@adweek)

SEMENYA: Ski girl who was really a man backs sex-row runner Caster Semenya and Fears for Caster Semenya over trauma of test results. (@guardian uk)


Auto-straddler of the Day


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If you’re looking for a cool new t-shirt (and a designer to support in the process) or maybe just for inspiration, check out: 28 Creative Typography T-Shirt Designs.

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3238 articles for us.


  1. the way ellen is looking at drew in that photo reminds me of the jen aniston/brad pitt wedding nuptuals photo from like 1997.


  2. Just thought I’d give y’all some info on the Memphis bar closing, it’s called backstreet and I went there on a fairly regular basis. It was the only good place in Memphis to dance but it was also an effing dive. Drugs, gambling, but the worst was the owner who thank goodness got thrown in jail cause of the shit he was doing (oddly enough the law looks down on giving illegal substances to underage gay boys just so you can have a go with them). So while it sucks that it got closed down as it was an ok place to meet for gay people, it’s not like everything there was on the level, and i’m glad that the owner is in jail even if i don’t get to go dancing.

    • now is the perfect time to swoop in and reopen it as a nice place for gay ladies to dance!
      i want drew’s dress. and her date, too.

  3. Hi my name is NyJa and I am a STRAIT-4-GAYS Canidate!

    Lady Gaga was hands down, bar none, totes the BEST performance of the night! She kilt the VMA’s for fame!

    (No Comment for Kanye)

  4. can we talk about the dancer behind gaga with the panties on his face?

    i think she is my actual beating heart. i have never loved a pop star like this. this is a love that will last forever.

  5. Looking at those pics I kinda think Riese looks like Lady Gaga. More just facially… maybe even just the eyes and mouth. idk. i just see it. but it’s a compliment none-the-less.

    i loved her performance, it was like a musical… which clearly means she did it for the gays. i also liked pink’s performance… Pink d’solei.

    drew and ellen look hot. bye juno.

  6. Also about Gaga to quote my amazing sister,
    “I never thought I’d be so turned on by a woman with blood dripping down her leg.”

  7. i loved at the vmas when janet jackson made her entrance and they cut to beyonce and jennifer lopez screaming like little girls.

  8. I want the Ellen and Drew rumors to be true SO BADLY. They are adorable! But um, what’s up with Drew’s hair? Does anyone else think she looks like Cruella de Vil/a porcupine?

    Lady Gaga is amazing and perfect. There’s really nothing more to say.

    • It would be AMAZING!! if the rumors were true, but I think that in the end it would just dissolve into a whole lot of needless/endless drama and angst.

      Which could be a good thing, maybe, but I’d rather skip it.

    • I did notice her looking… kind of not like Drew Barrymore. Which is cool, I guess she’s a roller derby badass or whatever now, but between the hair and the makeup and the dress I almost didn’t recognize her. Also how cute is Ellen? She looks adorably uncomfortable at having to wear something besides sneakers and a plaid shirt.

    • I want the rumors to be true also, but then again Ellen Page is my woman so I’m not sure how I feel about Drew taking my lady.

      • I’m pretending they are true, and I’m ignoring any signs that say they’re not dating. That’s how I live my life denial.

  9. polio crutches.

    does anyone else get the sense that lady gaga never lasts through the morning? like is incredible in bed, knows exactly when to stop cuddling, maybe scratches your back until you fall asleep and is never seen or heard from again?


    Drellen? Ellymore? Drage? Ellewwwww. Barrypage. Ellerew! HELP THIS IS HARD.

    • I like Ellymore, although Drage sounds kind of edgy. Any appellation with the word “rage” in it is ok in my book. Also, I like pudding and I HATE ALL CAPS.

    • it is hard. drewlen? that sounds like drooling. it’s easier with the movie titles.

      Boys on the Side
      50 First Dykes
      Ellen Got Fingered (too much?)

        • She’s Just Not That Into Guys
          The Gay Wedding Singer (select countries)
          Lady Love
          Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle
          Wishful Thinking (sadly probably true)

  11. 1. That was probably one of my favorite Lady Gaga performances. Who knew she’d look so good covered in blood. Only you Lady Gaga, only you. Ew that sounds like such a creeper thing to say…
    2. Pet peeve = the way Drew and Ellen are holding hands. Someone go fix it and weave their fingers together so it looks right. K thanks.

  12. 1. Pink makes me happy in my happy place. 2. I think the Kanye/Swift debacle is brilliant fakeage or Kanye’s just an ass or both. 3. The Drew/Ellen meeting of the minds/hands/hopefully naked bods is almost too much for me to handle. 4. I think everyone who attends a tea party should be forced to drink the most disgusting flavor tea imaginable! Yea! That’ll show ’em!

  13. I saw Taylor Swift’s film clip the other day and disgusted everybody in the room by squealing, “Aww, what a cute little video”. So I know it’s not the popular opinion but I gotta say that I think Taylor had a right to win that award because love it or hate it, it’s a great tween pop video. Beyonce deserved to win the best video clip in the universe award – and she did – so I think it’s fair that Taylor won in the best female category, MTVs just sharing the love. In saying this, I was really hoping Pink would win something. I’m in love with her.

  14. Nothing can beat Ellen and Drew but any Autostraddlers heading to Toronto Film Fest shuld also check out this doco about NZ national icons and yodelling, cross-dressing, lesbians the Topp Twins –


    TIFF page

    • That sentence was meant to be “…heading to THE Toronto Film Fest SHOULD…”, I was so caught up in getting the link code to work I forgot about things like spelling and and articles :)

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