Your “The L Word” Sun / Moon / Rising Character Matches

You’ve seen the memes on Twitter and now Drew Gregory and Meg Jones Wall have brought the meme to your front door — and made it The L Word. Below you’ll find The L Word character that matches every sun / moon / rising sign, so you can match yourself with the character. You’re welcome!


Sun: Dani / Moon: Gigi / Rising: Finley

Meg: I think Dani definitely has some Capricorn in her big three, but I think her desire for independence from her father and a deep sense of personal power makes a strong case for an Aries sun. Gigi loves adventure in her relationships, and builds connections through action (*fans self*), which feels very Aries moon to me. And Finley’s fearless ability to crash into situations and just see what happens, lighting fires and always testing herself, gives me both Aries and Sagittarius — but I think about how confident she is when she hooks up with Sophie, how powerful she becomes, and it gives me big Aries resilience.


Sun: Peggy Peabody / Moon: Ivan / Rising: Sophie

Meg: Ivan is really generous and giving but once he senses that Kit can’t commit just cuts everything off. I’m thinking moon in Taurus.
Drew: I’m a Taurus moon and I happily accept.


Sun: Alice / Moon: Paige / Rising: Billie Blaikie

Meg: Gemini gets a bad rap, but the core of this sign is gathering and sharing information — for better or worse. Alice can be gossipy and ridiculous but she really thrives when she’s able to teach, when communicating with other people about their passions and interests. Billie is so curious, so intelligent, and yet so easily distracted, and doesn’t mind contradictions — if anything, those contradictions are meant to be interrogated and explored, which feels like perfect Gemini rising energy.


Sun: Max / Moon: Phyllis / Rising: Tina

Drew: I think Max is a Cancer sun.
Meg: Ooh yes
Drew: Can’t blame T for the mood swings writers, but let me blame astrology.
Meg: Okay so here’s the thing about Tina, i think she is a Scorpio sun and a Cancer rising,
so we can use her in either place but we’d need a different Scorpio sun if we put her in the cancer rising spot.
Drew: Let’s make her Cancer rising.
Meg: Okay cool.
i think Tina and Bette both have cancer placements which is what makes them both a good couple and a bad couple lmao.


Sun: Jenny / Moon: Carmen / Rising: Papi

Meg: Okay let’s do carmen next
Drew: I’m trying to remember how she showed her emotions haha.
Meg: By throwing pizza? lol.
Drew: Lol right.
Meg: She did not like to feel ignored or disrespected which is making me think Leo moon
Drew: Yes.
That’s it.
Meg: But i’m also a Leo moon so this might just be me projecting.


Sun: Tasha / Moon: Molly / Rising: Kit

Drew: Wait I’m scrolling through Costar and it’s actually absurd how many friends I have with Virgo risings.
Like a third of my closest friends.
Meg: Oh shit
Drew: And a few of my enemies.
Drew: Kit??
Meg: KIT
Drew: I feel like Kit can be chaotic but then gets the job done.
Drew: Molly is engaged to a man but then falls for Shane and is very much like “this is what I want I’m going to get it I’m going to be clear about my emotions in an organized way.” Moon in Virgo?
Meg: Ooh sure.
Drew: Very ten point plan to accept my lesbian feelings.


Sun: Dana / Moon: Quiara / Rising: Jamie

Drew: Help me place a later season character. Her name is Jamie. She works at a charity for queer youth. She meets Tasha and Alice and becomes part of an emotional throuple with them but doesn’t act on it. But does flirt and some drama comes from that.
So clearly she’s very giving.
Both in her job and to this other relationship.
But she’s not totally passive about it.
Meg: Libra rising?
Would make her Venus ruled, initiates relationships, puts others at ease, flirty and charming.
Drew: Yeah that checks out except maybe she’s too genuine? Or is that me being shady lol.


Sun: Tess / Moon: Jordi / Rising: Shane

Meg: Shane has a Scorpio or Cancer moon and probably a Scorpio rising.
I think.
Drew: Ohhh okay yeah that checks out.
Meg: She likes to talk philosophy and is hard to pin down and can’t commit and that is…. not a Scorpio problem lol.


Sun: Niki Stevens / Moon: Catherine Rothenberg / Rising: Angie

Meg: Angie is still growing up, so it’s a little hard to tell what is just teenage rebellion and exploration, and what’s her true personality. But she’s so brave, so bold, so unafraid to fight for what she believes in and seek truth at all costs. She figures out what she wants and goes for it with courage and authenticity, and that is deeply Sagittarius to me.


Sun: Helena / Moon: Marina / Rising: Bette

Drew: Who is our Cap sun? I feel biased because I keep thinking of people I want to be.
Meg: Haha yeah that’s the trick.
Drew: I mean Cap COULD be Helena. Certain seasons of Helena at least. She changes so much.
Meg: I know. I think we can literally put her wherever we want.


Sun: Jodi / Moon: Candace / Rising: Nat

Drew: This is a stretch but Candace the carpenter??
For Aquarius moon.
Meg: Omggggg I love it.
Drew: We know just little enough about her to project whatever we want!
Meg: God she ruined my life.
Drew: The jail scene.
Oh my.
Meg: I have never recovered.


Sun: Lara / Moon: Micah / Rising: Rebecca

Meg: I maintain that Rebecca might be the most intuitive, compassionate character on either show, and that’s mainly due to her ability to be caring and sensitive while still holding incredibly necessary boundaries. Finley is all mutable fire and rapid movement, but Rebecca manages to be grounded, to act as a safe place — and I think at their best, this is exactly what Pisces rising energy has to offer. Lara reads to me as someone with a lot of earth in their chart, but I think her ability to be flexible and generous gets her in trouble when it comes to getting tangled up with people that are not necessarily good for her.

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Meg is a freelance photographer, writer, and tarot reader living in New York City.

Meg has written 103 articles for us.

Drew Burnett Gregory

Drew is a Brooklyn-based writer, filmmaker, and theatremaker. She is a Senior Editor at Autostraddle with a focus in film and television, sex and dating, and politics. Her writing can also be found at Bright Wall/Dark Room, Cosmopolitan UK, Refinery29, Into, them, and Knock LA. She was a 2022 Outfest Screenwriting Lab Notable Writer and a 2023 Lambda Literary Screenwriting Fellow. She is currently working on a million film and TV projects mostly about queer trans women. Find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Drew Burnett has written 578 articles for us.


  1. Hey Meg, this is cool. Are these the actual sun, moon and rising signs of the actresses playing the characters of The L Word? For reference, Libra sun, Leo moon and Aquarius rising with 5 planet stellium in Libra.

  2. Can we get a little more on Tess as a Scorpio sun and Jordi as a moon? I totally agree about Shane as a rising, but I don’t see Tess at all. And I don’t think we know enough about Jordi but she seems too emotionally balanced…

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