Kristen Stewart’s Sundance Interviews: Hoodie-Enabled Nervousness Endears Us More

KRISTEN STEWART: Kristen Stewart reminds us of how we would do interviews if, you know, our rascally tomboy phase had garnered us early roles in amazing indie films and gradually lead us to get cast as the romantic lead in a multi-bajillion dollar vampire franchise while never actually developing any real social skills. [Actually she reminds us of how we would conduct interviews if we didn’t have cocktails/xanax beforehand.]

Kristen breaks all the rules your mother told you about! She slouches, she plays with her hair, she keeps her hands in her pockets, she refuses eye contact, she plays with her bracelets, she chews on her t-shirt, she crosses her arms and at one point she almost bites her nails! AND WE LOVE IT.

First up is the The Runaways, where along with Dakota Fanning, she speaks to MTV about their kiss (“not a big deal”), nudity (“I was not naked. I was wearing really unattractive nude body suits, like moleskin”) & drugs (“it’s the story?”).

The Hollywood Reporter describes the movie as a “guilty pleasure” and further elaborates: “it bursts with energy, youth, excess, female empowerment, sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll. It’s an instant hit worldwide with its cast of young stars, but is it any good? Surprisingly, yes. It just must be met on its own terms.”

Everyone is all abuzz about the lesbian kiss at a Roller Rink which is too bad, ’cause that’s supposed to be OUR BEAT. WE’RE THE LESBIAN KISSMONGERS, MAINSTREAM ASSHATS!  The Toronto Star reports:

While Jett is coy about whether the bisexual romance on-screen was real or fabricated — “The Runaways never played a roller rink,” she responds with a smile — Currie is more forthcoming.

“We loved each other as friends. Back then, Bowie had just come out. So had Elton John. And that was the groovy thing to do. Back then, there was this bisexuality thing that was going down and, hey, why not?”

That the real-life rockers’ friendship endures — they reconciled more than a decade ago — is a minor miracle considering the volatility of their adolescence, vividly portrayed in Canadian director Floria Sigismondi’s electrifying, in-your-face account of attitude, ambition and self-destruction.

Joan Jett dates ladies now. That’s a fact right? People know this, yes? Okay. Here’s her song about bisexuality, music video starring Carmen Electra.

Kristen is also interviewed about her other Sundance debut, Welcome to the Rileys, which MTV really liked: “You can quibble all you want with her portrayal of a 16-year-old runaway turned stripper and prostitute. But you cannot walk away from a viewing and say the actress doesn’t fearlessly expose herself physically and emotionally, and doesn’t do so with astonishing maturity and believability.


We didn’t see The Runaways ’cause we don’t live in Utah and can’t afford to fly there. Kristen Stewart is like the new tomboy queen you guys. We’re not saying she’s gay, ’cause we think she’s probs not gay, but man, she is also so gay. It’s just like the biggest tease of all time since Ellen Page, who will probs have another new movie soon, and start the cycle all over again. Except Ellen Page probs really is gay. If she’d come out I’d have something to write about today. We figure we can talk about how cute she is about three more times before it gets old right?

TEGAN AND SARA: Tegan & Sara will host NewNowNext Music next Sunday night, Feb. 1 (or Monday morning, depending on how you look at it) at midnight. You should probably put that on your calendar!

JANE LYNCH: Glee actress Jane Lynch will marry her girlfriend, Dr. Lara Embry, this May! (@radaronline)

TEEVEE: Heather looks at the week ahead in TV, including Rosie O’Donnell doing Oprah today and tonight; Cherry Jones guesting on 24 (Fox, 9 p.m.) & a probs girl-on-girl action-free episode of Heroes. On Wednesday, our bisexual friend Emily will most likely continue to not make out with girls on The Real World DC (MTV, 10 p.m.) and we’ll probs cry again if they talk about eating disorders. Tuesday is Ellen‘s birthday and:

8 p.m., Discovery Health, Transgendered & Pregnant: For transsexuals Cai and Emily, it was love at first sight. Unaware they could conceive a child due to sex change hormones, they are now expecting. Follow this young couple as they prepare for their most challenging transition yet – parenthood.

Friday will see a “chaste lesbian kiss” between Lucretia (Lucy Lawless) and Illithyia on Spartacus: Blood and Sand (Starz, 10 p.m.) and the second episode of Caprica (SyFy, 9 p.m.) (there was lots of girl-on-girl action in the pilot!). (@afterellen)

MUPPETS: The Muppets Take Conservatism? Economist, Please: “The Economist is working my last nerve. After debating if women have it “immeasurably better” than they used to and the rise of “female power,” they’ve turned their attention to the political persuasions of the Muppets.” (@jezebel)

BEST HEADLINE EVER: Amber Rose Kills a Bear and then Smears Orange Crayons on Her Face (@lezbhonest)

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3238 articles for us.


  1. Does anyone else think Dakota Fanning is starting to look like Drew Barrymore? No? Just me?

    Also, for a long time I hated KStew’s haircut, and then finally I was like you know what, she is cute enough to rock that haircut. YOU ARE THAT CUTE, KSTEW. I love calling her KStew.

  2. oh god kristen stewart as joan jett 4ever and ever and ever and ever and i am going to die when this movie comes out.
    midnight screening anyone?

      • Yeah, i unearthed an old copy of dazed&confused (the music mag) the other day, with k Stewart on the cover, and was like hum this needs to be on the desk not under :)

      • I made Devon Sawa fan art. I probs should be so embarrassed, but I don’t care that much anymore.

        • No, no. I am with you. I did the same thing. I also used to make videos on my 3D Movie Maker computer program of him and I getting married. He was just so pretty. Wild America anyone (him and JTT in the same movie)!?!? It is best we don’t get embarrassed about these things.

      • oh my gawd… Devon Sawa! ahaha I totally loved him too! Is this a lesbian pretty boy who sort of looked like a girl experience or did the straights like him too? Just wondering. Thanks for taking me back. I also had a crush on Andrew Keegan. He was pretty too.

        • So I was all “who is this Devon Sawa you speak of?” and I IMDB’d him and HOLY SHIT! It must be a lesbian thing, because I had a total lesbian-on-girly-boy crush on him, or rather, the human Casper who did a floaty dance with Christina Ricci at the end of Casper. Throughout middle school that kid was my go-to answer for “So, do you think any boys are cute?” I must have gotten a good fourteen months’ worth of closeted pre-teen denial out of Devon Sawa.

  3. I read a review of The Runaways which said that part of what made KStew good in it was her ability to walk like a “skinny boy.” The rest of that sentence is obviously “because she’s a huge lesbian.”

  4. As I was reading this with my iTunes on shuffle, Make Believe by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts came on. What! I am only slightly weirded out.

    I have the biggest crush on Kristen Stewart, ugh.

    • you know, for a while I just didn’t get the whole Kristen Stewart thing (so ashamed), but now… NOW, I totallllly GET IT. After watching those two interviews with her, I’m pretty much in love. She’s not what I would call “my type” (whatever that means), but she seemed so genuine & vulnerable & dedicated that I just wanted to marry her.

  5. I really loved that MTV interview footage! I’m a Dakota Fanning fan, and now totally endeared by Kristen Stewart. I definately enjoyed Kristen’s reaction to the guy’s question about drugs, like ‘its LIFE get over it’… but instead of crossing the TMI line just rubs her face and stops. SO CUTE.

  6. you guys are teaching me about teagan and sarah lol i never heard of them before auto straddle, so today I’m going to listen to their music online for the first time ever and I’m kind of excited…almost as I am about Lady Gaga who i’m going to marry some day

    • Well I hope you like what you hear..they are really talented. But if all else fails you can laugh with/at them and bask in their adorableness.

  7. the link to transgendered and pregnant goes to the main site, its a video or a article?

    • it’s a tv show, it’s on tuesday night. that’s the website for discovery health which is the network that the show is on.

  8. What’s with this “she’s probably not gay”? You kiddin’ me? She’s as gay as they come! Right up there with Ellen Page. Seriously, why are you doubting of this?

  9. This was good daily fix and i know there are a lot of important things discussed however none is more important than the fact that Tegan and Sara are touching/hugging.. And SARA initiated AND she smiled. Its like a lunar eclipse.

  10. Surely I am not the only one who finds Kristen Stewart pretty insufferable?

    2 kEwL 4 sKoOl everybody.

      • Yeah I dunno, I am on the fence. Well, I like tomboys.

        I actually hadn’t seen Twilight (the first one, I think?) until like last week ’cause it was on Showtime and I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t really understand the whole Kristen Stewart thing until Asher told me that she was the girl who was the boy in The Safety of Objects which is a movie based on one of my favorite short story books by one of my favorite authors AM Homes. And then I thought she looks cute in a hoodie. Actually The Safety of Objects is the only movie I’d ever seen her in until last week.

        • I was the same way until I saw some of her other films. I think Twilight is a bad first impression of her acting ability. I caught the movie Speak on television once, which i thought was pretty great. I’ve also seen The Cake Eaters, where she plays a girl that has some type of damage to her nervous system. I was impressed. Oh, and Into the Wild but that was a minor role I guess.

          • I hate Twilight. But I loved The Cake Eaters, I thought I was the only person who ever saw it. I thought she was terrible before that.

          • Oh my god! You liked cake eaters! Really? Good acting job on her part, but awfully sllloooowwww.

        • Maybe I do need to look at some other stuff. Because her acting is TERRIBLE in twilight, as is everyone and everything else about that movie but anyway. I also don;t get the physical attraction but to each is own..

          • I would echo Megan, in that I think Twilight was just a bad fit for KStew. I think because she is sort of a tomboy, that “Bella” maybe came off as not so believable. And Kristen seems to get pretty involved and attached to her roles, so it seems to me like she gets in to more serious material, which Twilight was not.

          • Yeah I like to think that KStew kind of hates Twilight slash its pro-abstinence beginnings and her terrible acting is on purpose in an attempt to sabotage the franchise from the inside. I mean, playing Bella must be pretty crap for someone who – from the interview above- is so earnest about trying to do justice to the stories of those she portrays that she can barely get the words out!

          • Another problem with her and Twilight is that twilighters obviously hate her… she’s a socially awkward tomboy, playing the whiny girl who gets all the hot boys/vampires/werewolves. And the rest of us? We don’t like Twilight…

  11. Ahhh, K-Stew, Ellen Page, Tegan and Sara, Jane Lynch… the only thing this fix is missing is the confirmation that unicorns exist.

    • This just in: UNICORNS exist!! – God (& the coalition of other believable authorities on stuff)

      • Dear God (and Sapphicsass who is delivering God’s messages),

        I would like to mail order a unicorn. I will pay in love and marshmallows. Thank you.

        – Emily

        • Dear Elmo, (I can call you that because I’m God)

          What was I saying? Oh yea, Dear Miley, unicorns are not like brides. You cannot mail order them. They are majestic creatures and you have to hunt and track them if you wish to own one. As far as your method of payment goes… add a little “naked” in front of that “love” and make those “marshmallows” into a bottle of tequila and you’ve got yourself a deal.

          – from God*

          *The views reflected in the previous note do not reflect the views of Jesus and/or the Holy Ghost

          p.s. God is a little tipsy- Sapphicsass

  12. K.Stew is adorable.

    I also don’t think she’s a lesbian. It’s just my gut instinct. But she walks and talks like a lesbian! She’s kind of a tomboy version of that cute alternagirl who works at the coffee shop, rides a bicycle, has all the tattoos and wears little hats, and you automatically think, “HOT LESBIAN!” before you find out she’s dating some trust-fund beardo who is allegedly an artist, but nobody has ever seen his “work” except for some photos he’s done of people’s cats.


    I just want to put it out there, in case K.Stew is reading, that she could have pretty much any lesbian or bisexual girl she wants, so if she ever gets bored of guys… we’re here. To support her personal development. And stuff.

    • Wow, that post was chocked full of goodness. I think I’m maybe getting a bi-curious/bisexual vibe from her. Although she does give me lesbian vibes, I feel like she would never give in and come over to the dark/totally awesome side. She strikes me as a girl who is interested in women and has totally thought about it but will end up with a guy because of the amount of pressure and scrutiny she is under and he will wear skinny jeans and lots of hats and sunglasses and have a full-length biblical character beard, and will play the banjo and be a photographer/riverboat captain and will be into spoken word and a variety of apple products. So… probably a young Johhny Depp.

      • Or every hipster of any age.

        But yeah, your prediction has the painful sting of truth to it. Oh K-Stew, the lesbian/bisexual community could make you so happy if you just gave us a chance.

  13. ok so i listened to tegan and sarah’s music and i heard a few okay tracks, but thennn i read about them and their views as far as human rights…and thennn I checked out there photos and i have a crush on BOTH of them now , how am i suppose to handle a relationship with Lady Gaga and these two fml

    • T&S is an acquired taste. They are so different and unique, they have to grow on you.
      When I first I heard a couple of songs I was ‘like um NO’ but then I kept looking at clips of them on youtube. Like hours and hours of watching them on youtube. So I gave the music another shot because surely someone that awesome can make good music. I listened again, found a few a liked.. Then listened a again and again really listen to the words and instruments and I fell so deep in love I have over songs 40 on my ipod. I am super obsessed, I love them!

      This girl Jaimie,, has THE BEST page for TnS videos. She is amazing! Tegan and Sara’s page isn;t even as awesome as hers.

  14. Kristen Stewart sure says “like” a lot. She’s also very twitchy. I dunno if that’s just her being herself? or that the question was a particular difficult one to answer. anyway…that plus her tom-boyishness definitely distracted me from what she was saying all together.

    god love her

    • She’s only doing it for her Joan Jett role. I’m sure as soon as the movie is over she will grow it back out.

  15. 1. the video links don’t work in my country! *ack* and *cry* (crocodile tears) I’m sure the movie will be awesome, I Lurrrrve Joan Jet and the Blackhearts!

    2. I don’t get logo – damn.

  16. Semi-off-topic, but I was finally dragged to New Moon by a friend who wanted to see it, and I went along even though I’ve never seen the first movie or read any of the books.

    Pro-abstinence is the least of this movie’s problems. So many creepy messages about controlling, condescending boyfriends whose passion for their girlfriend make them go a little crazy sometimes and how perfect love makes you hate your life and withdraw from friends and wake up screaming if your boyfriend isn’t there beside you. The movie would be kind of interesting and creepy-in-a-good-way if it even dimly understood what it was actually saying to kids, but it doesn’t so it’s not.

  17. I think K-Stew’s snotty/standoffish/shyness endears her to me even more. Also, her babeness compelled me to watch Adventureland like 3 times in a row…probably also cos the soundtrack is killer, yay Lou Reed/Yo La Tengo!…but ok yeah, mostly because of my K-Stew crush.

  18. UGH. I HATE COLLEGE. We don’t have the Logo channel in my dorms. One more gay right I am being DENIED. I had faith in you, Obama administration.

    Going to CANADA damnit.

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