It’s Great to Be A Gay A+ Member—Y’all Get 25% Off in the Autostraddle Store!

Happy Great To Be Gay Day, which is a holiday we invented at Autostraddle because Pride has been taken over by corporations and Spirit Day is already over and we miss it! We thought: why should we just celebrate being gay for .5% of the year when we could celebrate .8% of the year, yanno? On this momentous occasion we'd like to extend our deepest gratitude and thanks to all of you very beautiful, very generous, and very gay A+ Members. After being at Autostraddle for a little over a year and a half, it's clear to me that big advertising dollars and campaigns do not often seek the niche independent sites like Autostraddle, which is to say–we are lucky to have you as an A+ Member. Really, truly lucky. And honored. We honestly would not be he...

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Sarah is gay.

Sarah has written 39 articles for us.