Interview With My Ex-One-Night-Stand: Fiona

Welcome to Interviews With My Ex-Girlfriend Ex-One-Night Stand, in which Autostraddle writers get back in touch with their ex-girlfriends ex-one-night stands to ask them Five Simple Questions:  (these questions are specific to one-night stands!) why did we end up sleeping together at all, did anything about our sexual encounter surprise you, what do you think the soundtrack to our sexual encounter should’ve been, why did we stop sleeping together and would you invite me to your wedding (why/why not)?

An interview with Fiona, my very first one-night stand and now dear friend.


Maddie: Are you ready? I’m starting recording.

Fiona: I’m just gonna get some water and a mandarin orange.

Maddie: Ok. We have that on the record.

Fiona: Ok, you should transcribe that, so everybody knows. I have no food in the house because I moved in yesterday, but I bought some mandarin oranges.

Maddie: Good. Ok, are you ready? Do you have your water? Do you have your orange?

Fiona: I have my water. I have my orange.

Maddie: Ok. The first question is… Why did we end up hooking up at all?



Fiona: Umm… an ex-mutual friend pointed us in one-another’s direction at a rave during the second weekend of your freshman year of college, which was my sophomore year of college. Um, and you were pretty! So I took you home.

Maddie: That’s pretty much how I remember it, yeah. So, did anything about our sexual encounter surprise you?

Fiona: Um, the thing that surprised me most about our first sexual encounter is that you didn’t want to have sex.

Maddie: YOU didn’t want to have sex!

Fiona: YOU didn’t want to have sex!

Maddie: Well, yes, I think I didn’t want to have sex, but I also remember that YOU said we weren’t going to have sex.

Fiona: I don’t remember the exact sequence of events. I certainly would have never wanted you to feel like you had to have sex, obviously.

Maddie: Ya.

Fiona: Maybe I was really drunk and already too tired to have sex, that’s possible. I mean, it was a rave!

Maddie: It was a rave. …But I remember we were walking back to your dorm, and you had like three preconditions or something, and I don’t remember what two of them were, but I think one of them was that we weren’t actually going to have sex.

Fiona: Ok, then I think the most surprising thing about our first sexual encounter is that I forgot that I didn’t want to have sex. Put that on the record.

Maddie: Ok.

Fiona: No, to be perfectly honest with you, I was pretty drunk and it’s a little blurry.

Maddie: Fair enough. Question 3: what do you think the soundtrack to our sexual encounter should have been?

Fiona: Oh, I’m so bad at music. So bad. I think I’m too bad at music to answer this question. Strike this all from the record. I can’t give an informed answer.

Maddie: It is so stricken. Ok, oh I’m excited for you to answer this question, which is, why did we stop sleeping together?

Fiona: That’s a funny question — it depends on how you define stop, or I guess like, press pause for a really long time.


Fiona: Well, oh wait! No! There is a good answer to this question! Because I didn’t think it was a good idea to pursue a thing — mostly, in reality, because I was not ready to pursue a thing — when you were two weeks into your freshman year. That seemed to be a good excuse. I had a lot of fun sleeping around my freshman year, and I wouldn’t want anyone else to feel like they couldn’t do the same if they felt so inclined, and so I said something along the lines of, “You’re a freshman!” to which you replied, “Sure, but I’m also older than you are!” Which is, in fact, the case. And then we didn’t speak for a year? Two years?

Maddie: A year.

Fiona: And then we started sleeping together again. Well but that wasn’t ’til…

Maddie: Well then we became friends after a year. But when WAS the next time we hooked up?

Fiona: Well I remember it was winter time. We were near my house and we were holding hands in the snow and you called it nature glitter.

Maddie: Oh yeah! I think we had been at a birthday party for like a second.

Fiona: But I don’t remember whose party.

Maddie: I don’t either.

Fiona: I just remember the nature glitter. So it was sometime in the winter of my senior year.

Maddie: Ok, so the final question is, Would you, at this juncture, invite me to your wedding? Why or why not?

Fiona: Of course I would invite you — well, the thing is, I wouldn’t have a wedding. If I HAD a wedding, of course you would be invited — why wouldn’t you be at my wedding?

Maddie: Well, if you didn’t have one!

Fiona: Yes. But hey, instead, I’m going to have a massive party for my first baby’s one month, because that’s what you do to celebrate the birth of a new baby when you turn one month old in — I was going to say “in Chinese culture,” but that makes me sound like a white person, like, lumping all of east Asia together while getting her cultural relativism on. That’s what we do in my dad’s family, the culture I was raised in, whatever you want to call it — you celebrate the baby’s birth at one month. At my one-month, for example, there are pictures of me next to my suckling pig in an heirloom Christening gown from the 1800’s on my mom’s side of the family. A bicultural upbringing right there… So I’m going to have a like wedding equivalent for my child’s one-month – a huge party with everyone I know, to celebrate the start of my family, which I think is kind of the point of a wedding. And I’m gonna wear a bangin’ dress, though I will be one month out from having my baby, so…

Maddie: I bet you could still rock a bangin’ dress.

Fiona: But I’m gonna have that party, and if you weren’t there, I’d be very upset.

Maddie: I’m really excited for that party.

Fiona: Some people are going to be upset by the suckling pig, but it’s gotta happen.

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Autostraddle staff writer. Copy editor. Fledgling English muffin maker. Temporary turtle parent. Zine creator. Swings enthusiast. Political human who cares a lot about healthcare and queer anti-carceral feminisms. I asked my friend to help me write this bio and they said, "Good-natured. Friend. Earth tones." Another friend said, "Flannel babe. Vacuum lover. Kind." So. Find me on Twitter or my website.

Maddie has written 100 articles for us.


  1. “Nature glitter”

    Who wouldn’t have started sleeping with you again after that!

    So adorable.

    • Yes, my thoughts exactly. I would definitely sleep with a girl who called snow “nature glitter.” I think this is something I have just learned about myself as a person. Thank you for this.

  2. There should be a “warning: do not attempt the feats you are about to read here” at the beginning of this, because now there are people I’d like ask a few questions out of profound curiosity and Autostraddle inspiration. Just saying.

    • I also need this warning. Because there’s this girl I slept with in college (I wouldn’t even call it a one-night stand, she was a close friend and the whole situation was just dumb) who I would really like to ask question #1. We’re Facebook friends now but I tried messaging her once – just to say hi – and she never wrote back. But she accepted my friend request. Why are girls dumb?

  3. “nature glitter” FREAKIN ADORABLE. Also after reading the top I tried to remember my first one-night-stand, which took a lot longer than I thought it would. It was actually one of the few one-night-stands I’ve had with someone who wasn’t a really good friend, but I think was one of the better ones because it was very heat of the moment.

  4. Love this post! Then I got feels and thoughts about what my first ex would say. O.O

  5. My first one-night stand stuck around for 13 years and is my wife now.

    I might not be very good at one-night stands.

    • Diametrically I’d say that you’re very, very good at one night stands. Congratulations on 13 years!

  6. i feel like this is the best possible way a one night stand could go?

    i had a one night stand where in the morning she asked if she was my girlfriend now. i suggested we maybe go on a date first. so we did. go on one date. and never slept together again.

  7. This is really cute. I’m really excited for this series in general! GREAT IDEA GUYS

  8. So stupidly excited for this series! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to interview one of my exs and draw it up in comic form!

  9. I thought this was going to be really feelingsy, mostly because I was projecting my own relationships with exes, but it ended up being really cute and funny and great! Yay!

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