Kim Funk is a queer cartoonist who drew the mini-comic “Three’s Company,” which has nothing to do with John Ritter and everything to do with being awkwardly enamored with someone. I identify with this. It is likely you will as well.
Kim draws lots of feminist-y, political comics, including “The League of Extraordinary Feminists” with significant-other Suzy X, who is also a cartoonist. Kim is very charming and says smart things like this, which was said in an email to me:
“There’s no perfect way to go about anything; everyone’s improvising… Do what you like, make friends, and get someone to beat it out of you that you have a crush on them.”
The comic is simple and kind of cheesy (in a good way), but it’s also honest, clever, and heart-felt. The drawing style is an unpolished kind of brilliance that reminds me of how I used to doodle all over my math notes, except that these actually look good and aren’t surrounded by bad attempts at statistics and love letters to my professor.
Anyway! “Three’s Company” is about having a crush on an assumed-straight friend, so it’s basically your life story.
Read the whole thing here!
Yessssss! I was looking for something to waste the rest of my workday with.
This looks awesome! Good pick Intern Grace!
Wooo I love comics like this! Anyone heard of Girls With Slingshots?
I love that comic! I’ve definitely read through the archives twice and am loving the Thea/Mimi storyline.
Me too! And I will be re-reading it as soon as I have some time [or have a bout of extreme procrastination]
I love the [now multiple] lesbilicious storylines, but really, the artist had me at the talking cactus.
McPedro would be the best pet/houseplant evar.
Hell to the yes.
Anyone read Questionable Content? I love Tai.
I have a feeling you just ruined my study session plans.
Because Autostraddle didn’t do that already.
Tai is awesome. I’m so hoping she succeeds in asking Dora out. She would be so much better than other coffee shop owner.
And yeah, I read a ridiculous amount of webcomics regularly.
I’ve been studying in between reading autostraddle. It’s kinda worked.
Love them both<3 Sad about Tai and Dora (Dora NEEDS to end up with a girl for once!) but Thea and Mimi are keeping me all gushy&happy.
oh gosh YES! McPedro is my spirit animal
Hahaha, this was a perfect after-lunch comic. Reblogged.
I was going to clean my room, and pack for a trip. Now I’m not. Way to be, Intern Grace. way to be.
Kim (and Suzy) is(are) actually the coolest grrls ever.
Love it! Also just made me realized I haven’t listened to Sleater-Kinney is at least a month and I need to rectify that like now! As I read of course!
The League of Extraordinary Feminists ftw. That is a cheerleading squad I might I have been interested in.
List other queer webcomics for consumption!
Please, I need more comics in my life I think and my google reader is sadly lacking.
dude i went through a whole thing in high school where i was obsessed with lesbo webcomics, thanks for bringing it back.
i was kidnapped by lesbian pirates from outer space
yu me dream
penny and aggie
girls with slingshots
menege a 3
stuff like that. plus ctrl alt del and as much as i hate to admit it i read “least i could do” (i know it’s terrible towards women but some of the ridiculous shit he says is hilarious, please don’t hurt me :( )
but yeah anyone know anymore?