Hey! Did You See That Comment New Years Monday!

It’s Hey Did You See That Comment Friday Monday! Sorry for the lateness of the post, kids, but we were busy ringing in the new year. And then sleeping off that hangover. The last week of 2009 was a busy one at Autostraddle. We had some year-end posts, like the Televisionary Awards, Audiostraddle’s Top 10 Albums of 2009, and the Best/Worst Gay Moments of the Decade. Katrina took over the College Lesbianage for Confessions of a Teenage Run-a-gay, Laura & Riese told you about 14 Gay Tumblrs, Taylor got herself a Brand New X-Box and our new Style Editor Becky told you What to Wear for a Gay New Year’s Eve! So here we go the Comment Awards for the week ending January 1st!

Did You See That Comment? The Glaringly Obvious Award to mindy on Confessions of a Teenage Run-a-Gay: “I’d question the great-minded-ness of anyone SERIOUSLY struggling to understand why a pretty girl would be a lesbian. (The answer is OTHER pretty girls, Grandma. Duh.)”

The Pantsless Revolution Award to Bren on Confessions of a Teenage Run-a-Gay: “I think I now know why you are often pantsless. Pants must make your huge balls uncomfortable.”

Alternative Medicine Award to the velvet underground on Confessions of a Teenage Run-a-Gay: “well on the plus side, if you’re in mexico, i kinda feel like you could just pursue your career as a Dr. and get gay married and things. I dont even think they make Drs wear pants in mexico, just a lab coat and some boyshorts and you could be giving physicals to the chicas!”

The ‘We Support This Idea’ Award to Vikki on Confessions of a Teenage Run-a-Gay: “After reading all of these comment, I have decided that I should quit my job and open a Home for Wayward Autostraddle Interns.”

The bcw Award for bcw goes to BCW on the 2009 Autostraddle Televisionary Awards: “If only the tibetters cared about ACTUAL Tibet! Totes would be free by now!”

The Genre Award to Anni on Ex-Lesbian Mom on the Run: “Sarah Palin’s what? Speeches? I guess they could be considered spoken word poetry.”

The Stranger Danger Award to nosidam on What to Wear for a Gay New Year’s Eve: “The thing about fedoras is that they’re really cool except your likely hood of looking like a creeper increases ten fold when you wear them. I’m also convinced they have some sort of special creeper powers associated with them. Like if you talk about someone who wears a fedora, they will magically appear within the next five minutes. This is just fact.”

The Sneak Attack Award to dypole on Real World DC’s Bisexual Emily: “I’ve got an urge to call up my ex, who was insistent on Alison’s heterosexuality, yell, ‘HAH!’ then hang up quickly before the drama begins.”

The Consolation Prize Award to Jamie on 2009 Autostraddle Televisionary Awards: “It’s so awesome that i can’t even come up with a witty comment for hey did you see that comment award fridays… i guess that’s the only downside to it… but don’t worry, i’ll live.”

The Long Lost Love Award to Sapphicsass on Rachel Maddow Defines Her Mini-Mission Statement: “oh hello there cute girl, Autostraddle. I’ve missed you. I’m flirting with you for the first time in a while and I wanted to let you know how cute/smart you are. I have missed you like WHOA. I finally feel connected to the world again. And how do you reward me for my return? You post a picture of girly jean-clad backsides. Mm yes, I think I will keep you.”

The Morning After Award to annie on Audiostraddle’s 10 Favorite Albums of 2009: “then i see you have the same name as me, are we the same person?! im genuinely worried i wrote this and forgot.”

The ‘We’d Like to Party With Her’ Award to Mamie Biker on Another Day, Another Lesbians Coming Out in Midlife Trend Piece: “High my name is Mamie and I am a 20 year old lesbian from Calgary, Alberta Canada and I love to make out with other lesbian women.”

The Excellent Use Of Fake HTML Award to DemiArianna on NSFW Sunday Presents 2009 in Lesbian Sexy Moments: “[overshare]And THAT Bette & Tina scene is exactly why my half-gf can come back any time she wants to. That shit was bangin’, like, holy shizzmo, I cannot explain it. (Minus the part where someone like Tina says something annoyingly domestic, as if the other didn’t just hand out orgasms like those little free pocket-sized bibles.) Sidenote: I probably shouldn’t use bible and orgasm in the same sentence but this is NSFW, Jesus never sets foot in here. [/overshare]”

Lest we ever be without a Scissor Sister Award, DemiArianna anticipated our need and also commented on the Sexy Moments Post — “thanks, Barbie. You should get the scissor sister award.” This, ladies, is what she was referring to:

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!


Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3238 articles for us.


  1. The Home for Wayward Autostraddle Interns will, unfortunately, be located in Minnesota but no one will freeze to death because The Feelings will keep everyone warm.

    • Sign me up! I’m due for a trip up there anyway (which means I’ll have #somanyfeelings to contribute, we might actually all suffocate…)

  2. Oh Autostraddle, I missed you and your witty commenters so very much. Never again will I let myself miss so many days of awesomeness. It’s so considerate of you to do these little comment awards so I can catch up on the hilarity.

  3. “The answer is OTHER pretty girls, Grandma. Duh.” That’s hilarious! I’m so using that for the next time someone says something like that to me.

    Yes, this is the only limelight Barbie deserves!

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