Helping You Help Yourself #35

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Four things to do with your microwave besides heating up your leftovers. Like keeping your kitchen sponge clean!

If you’ve never let go of your childhood dream to finally beat all those carnival games and win the big prize, it’s your lucky day.

I hope you never need this link, but if you do, our prayers are with you: three non-toxic ways to get rid of roaches.

Getting all those burn and scorch marks off your pots and pans.

If you really enjoy the feeling of a perfectly made fancy hotel bed, you’ll be into this very detailed guide to making your bed at home just like a hotel’s.

As someone who feels constantly busy, I was really interested in this article about “cognitive bandwidth,” and how the fact that most of our to-do lists are constantly refilling as we check items off makes everything, including productivity, feel futile!!! The article claims the solution is to intentionally make non-work time, time where you “close the email tab, move away from the desk, and unplug,” to combat feelings of time scarcity.

Are you the kind of person who will make a trip to Home Depot and spend an afternoon constructing this so you can watch your dog play with it forevermore? I hope so, and I hope you send me videos.

Always end up killing your plants, no matter what? Apartment Therapy thinks it’s found one that can survive you.

This article about self-care and pleasure, and how sometimes self-care involves indulging in pleasure but sometimes the relationship is inverse, and necessary self-care actions feel terrible in the moment, really resonated with me!

Want to build good credit but don’t really want a credit card? Here are three other suggestions of ways to do it.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for that link to the article on self-care. I needed to read that and bookmark it for reference for later. As someone who is currently being treated for mdd & anxiety, everything hit so close to home. Self-care isn’t always pretty but it sure is necessary.

  2. The credit article is kind of dum-dum. Don’t finance your couch, PERIOD. Buy a used couch. The best way to build credit is just get a credit card. If you don’t trust yourself, get a prepaid one with a bank. You give them 250 dollars, or however much, and that’s your limit. These are only good for the express purpose of building credit because if you don’t pay it off every month, you are truly paying interest to use your own money.

    If you hate the concept of credit and don’t want to be involved, just pay for everything in cash including your house and car. The article acts like “of course you gave a car payment and that helps you build credit” but never get a car payment. They are ridiculous because of how fast cars lose value. Just buy a 3 year old Yaris or Fit on Craigslist. Unless you live in Alaska and don’t have a road to your house or have 4 kids, you don’t need any other type of car.

    • Yeah, I think there is really no reason not to get a credit card. Credit cards are great – you can earn substantial rewards like flights, hotel stays, cash back, etc., depending on the card you choose. Just sent up automatic payments and pay off your balance every month so you don’t lose money paying interest. As louise said, if you’re worried about going into debt just get a secured card with a low credit limit. Having good credit makes your life easier and it’s also nice to know you have a source of funds available should a true emergency strike.

    • You do know that you can both buy a used car AND have a car payment? If I didn’t have a loan for my first car, I would have never got one. I couldn’t have earned the money to pay cash up front if I didn’t have the car to get to work. Believe me, I would have LOVED to just buy a 3yo Yaris on craigslist. (Or, ideally, had public transport that could have made a car unnecessary.)

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