Grease Bats: Bachelorette

Welcome to Saturday Morning Cartoons, a segment where artists take turns delighting you with their whimsy, facts and punchlines on Saturday mornings! Grease Bats, today’s comic, is created by Archie.

You can now read a five-year collection of Grease Bats offline in the physical world!! Snag a copy for you and a pal.

In a five panel hand drawn comic, two queer pals watch "The Bachelorette" and a third friend notes that they are surprised. After all "The Bachelorette" is goes against queer progressive values. It's also bad television.

In a five panel, hand drawn, black-and-white comic, the other two friends explain that they watch "The Bachelorette" precisely because it is bad, predictable television. In this day and age with so many things going wrong, it is nice to have a television show that is predictable and they always know what will happen. Plus, the friends say, this season is like "watching a lesbian UHaul." And that's what sells the third friend! They come to sit down on the couch, "Alright! I'm In!"

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I'm a cartoonist living in Minneapolis. Co-Author and artist of A Quick And Easy Guide To They/Them Pronouns. Author of Grease Bats, coming out Fall 2019 with Boom! Studios! If I'm not working I'm socializing. If I'm not out with friends I'm drawing. If I'm not doing any of those things I'm probably depressed. Support me using Patreon.

Archie has written 117 articles for us.


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