Gay & Women’s Rights Activists GLITTERBOMB GOP Candidate Tim Pawlenty

Tim Pawlenty, one of many asshats gunning for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination, visited San Francisco today to do a signing of his memoir, ‘Courage to Stand,’ at a private health insurance conference. Then he totally got GLITTERBOMBED, just like Newt Gingrich!

Representatives from the groups CODEPINK waited in line with what appears to be two manilla folders filled with pink glitter, which was unleashed upon Pawlenty when they got to the front of the line (video below).


Activists Nancy Mancias and Chelsea Byers of CodePink were inspired by Gingrich’s Glitter-Bomber, Nick Espinosa, to do their own glitter-bomb. Also the girl who’s yelling sounds a lot like Parker Posey, randomly, am I right?

Codepink, by the way, was founded in 2002, is huge, and describes itself as a “women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end U.S. funded wars and occupations, to challenge militarism globally, and to redirect our resources into health care, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities.”

anti-war protest, 2007 - via codepinkhq

Nancy Mancias, the CODEPINK campaigner who threw the glitter, says:

“We are on the cusp of an important civil rights movement and Pawlenty wants to end it. He has expressed his desire to reinstate ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’. He’s vetoed equal rights legislation in his home state of Minnesota.”

Pawlenty is an Evangelical Conservative who believes marriage is defined as between a man and a woman and furthermore opposes efforts to “treat domestic relationships as the equivalent of traditional marriage.” He’s also very strongly anti-choice.

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3238 articles for us.


  1. I like that in this case the glitter was hot pink. I realize glitter bombing can be kind of silly cause like, what does it do really? But it does make me amused.

    • What DOESN’T it accomplish? Haven’t you heard that glitter is like herpes – you can never get rid of it? If someone gave me herpes…damn…I’d remember that shit..

      • herpes of craft supplies, damn straight! the small ones are definitely the worst, looks like they went for a more confetti-sized approach here

    • Silly but amusing is the way to go. Just a little disappointed they dumped it on the table in front of him and not on him

  2. so absolutely amazed by codepink. the heart of that woman is not only beautiful but inspiring. if only all lgbt would STAND as she did for our rights and the rights of our allies in the fight for equality. “welcome to san francisco, home of the gay hero harvey milk.” A-MEN!

  3. LOL, this is how people demonstrate what they believe?? what a joke, i guess next we will have college students throwing tests at senators in order to tell them they need to vote on lowering school costs. This is almost (almost mind you) as dumb as throwing blood (or red colored water) at some one wearing an animal skin. hahahahahahahah what a freaking joke

  4. What does it do? It makes a statement, which is what they/we are going for. Someone shouting about gay rights is one thing, but glitter bombing is what gets people to watch, and helps to spread the word.

    Plus it tickles me every time I see one :D

    Usually to laughter, and don’t we always need more laughter?

  5. while i think this is funny, it seems really antiproductive. it makes our voice heard, but in a way that seems like a direct attack. maybe it will shame pawlenty, but will it change minds? or will it make the lgbtq community/feminists seem like the unsavory characters social conservatives make us out to be? i’m not saying we should be more mainstream, but i don’t think we should attack our opponents either. it doesn’t prove a point about our cause so much as make ourselves seem physically threatening to social conservatives.

    • I don’t really view it as an attack. It doesn’t harm anyone, after all. It’s more of a statement of sorts, and it gets attention, which is what’s needed.

    • Since when is glitter physically threatening??

      It’s not like anyone is loading it into an airspray gun and aiming for the eyes! [Do those even exist? I have no clue]

    • Maybe if we dumped sparkly sugar on them that would be more savory. Or cupcakes. CUPCAKE BOMBS

    • I think the whole point is that it’s not physically threatening. It’s completely ridiculous and in-your-face, like Tim Pawlenty’s anti-gay and anti-choice efforts, but instead of hurting anyone glitter-bombing just embarrasses the person. It draws attention to what an asshole he is and what can he really do about it? Complain about being attacked by glitter while he was hard at work trying to deny people their rights?

    • While this sort of thing is rarely productive in the sense that conservatives are going to stand up and say, “My God! We’ve been wrong about our bigotry all along!” it IS productive in the sense that it reminds supporters, both open supporters and people who are scared to come forward, that we are not going to sit back and take it. It’s a reminder that there are people out there who are just as disgusted with bigotry as us. It supports queer communities but doesn’t do much to change opinions.

  6. IF, HEAVEN FORBID, a Republican of the ‘asshat’ type gets elected any time in the next 12 years, I would happily join in a plan to have a cascade of glitter land on the asshat during his inaugural speech…and any/every major address he made thereafter.

    …Provided I haven’t already moved out of the country upon hearing the news in November.

  7. They failed. They filmed the woman yelling and looking crazy and we didn’t even see Pawlenty’s reaction. Whoever was holding the camera = you fucked up, dude.

      • After she repeated it 20 times, I got it. I wanted to see if Pawlenty’s reaction was as fun as Newt’s aide dusting the glitter of Newt for him, as if Newt is too powerful/lazy to do it himself.

  8. Yet another asshat conservative who wouldn’t appreciate a surprise glitter attack like a babygay would. What’s not to love about glitter? P:

  9. I so <3 you, AS. I woke up at an ungodly hour in a tizzy from a night terror, and was Interwebbing my way back to sleep when I came across this post/vid. Nothing chases away bad dreams faster than hot pink glitter bomb grassroots pride. AND kick-ass AS'ers who put the trolls in their place.

    BTW, who was the dolt who thought SF was a good place for Pawlenty to do a book signing?!

  10. It’s actually really funny how they all start desperately trying to brush the glitter off the papers like it will seriously damage them or something. I know how glitter sticks to stuff but it’s not THAT bad. I mean between glitter and coffee I would much rather have glitter dumped on my documents. Asshole should be grateful he didn’t get coffee bombed.

    • Someone dumped glitter in my hair once, and I was still finding it after six showers. So although the glitter won’t damage the documents, it might stay long enough that it can actually serve as a continual reminder. Awesome.

  11. didn’t they bomb newt too
    someone needs to glitter bomb bachman so she never runs again. (and maybe she’ll decide to come out)

  12. Glitterbombing is an interesting thing. I’d first heard about it in reading up on anarchist queer groups when a collective in the US glitterbombed a military recruitment office. The message was something along the lines of needing queers in the streets, not in the imperialist military.

    I think it’s a great, non-violent fun direct action tactic.

  13. Pingback: Glitter Bandits Strike Pawlenty – ABC News (blog) | Newt Gengrich News

  14. Ha! I love CODEPINK. I get their e-mails all the time about the active branch in Chicago :)

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