Hello, vials of peppermint oil! It’s Friday, which means it’s once more time for us to gather and perform witchcraft before dusk. JK! It’s Friday, which means it’s time for y’all to spill your guts in our weekly Friday Open Thread and then communicate with one another in a manner which often can imitate “real world” social interaction!
It’s super cute.
I’ve been thinking a lot this week – more than usual, that is – about how much I love Eli, and that’s what’s inspired me today to set a direction for this open thread related to the fuzzy and not-as-fuzzy creatures around us that bring us deep kinds of joy.
You see, I always loved dogs growing up – like, always and forever. I collected books about dogs, dog stuffed animals, and other assorted dog merchandise until we finally got a dog, which came in high school. My entire childhood was spent looking for puppies in the park and searching for dogs at outdoor parties, and now I’m #blessed to own a dog who just so happens to be the cutest, snuggliest monster of his kind. Dogs have always been my ideal pet, especially small ones, and that’s remained consistent over years. Now, I finally have the perfect little guy to prove it.
That isn’t to say, though, that there aren’t other animals I adore: Lions are my ultimate iconic animal, and a continued symbol I use for myself (#LeoStatus). Beluga whales warm my heart. I think beavers are adorable. Birds make me laugh. Monkeys do indeed remind me of myself. And llamas, well, they’re just amazing. Emus, too.

I’m endeared to this, and I totes used to have a mane just like that
Growing up, though, I found that animal interests were one of the most varying factors across different people. I mean, for starters: cat people. And then there were big dog people who made fun of my chihuahua at dinner. And there were the outliers: the kids who liked lizards and snakes, the girl I knew in college with a deep affinity for the capybara, and the folks who introduced me to their chinchillas when I came over.
So, my fair ‘straddlers, riddle me this: What’s your favorite animal? Or, rather, animals? What do you keep as a pet in your apartment? What’s the exotic beast you dream of taming and watching fall asleep at your feet? If you could cuddle with any bear in the world, what kind would it be? Are you into otters? (Consider this all highly scientific research for future Sunday Fundays.) Of course, maybe you don’t even like animals, and now you’re so far from relating to me thait almost feels as if we’re destined to be strangers for the rest of our lives. In that case, feel free to tell me why you don’t like animals, or really just how your day went, or what you’re eating for dinner, or what you’ll do this weekend while I’m (yawn) home with the family debating coming out one last time. Seriously, tell me everything – and don’t hold back.
As usual, I’ll be rewarding photos of pets with photos of my pet. And if you comment on someone else’s post, I heard an angel will stop crying.
It’s the Friday Open Thread, y’all. Let’s get wild.
I love cats but right now I have no pets :(
So, right now I’m on I-80 driving from NJ to Chicago with a car full of boxes and my best friend. Moving! Said goodbye to my mom today so I’m sad.
We finally made it to Ohio! PA was so long.
sorry you’re feeling sad! moving’s exciting, though. I hope you enjoy Chicago. (I also hope you’re not literally driving!)
(while posting on autostraddle that is)
No, my friend is at the wheel right now! Haha
I do not have any pets at the moment BUT I LOVE ANIMALS! I’m lucky enough to work for a small, family owned business in a small office that is casual and we have an office dog! She’s a boxer named Opie and is a total sweetheart. I really dig my job on its own but it’s really amazing how much of a positive affect an animal in the office can have on mood :) I also love sharks! Not swimming with them or anything but learning about them. Narwhals are great as well. And otters! Ok, if I keep going I’m just going to list an entire zoo in my post.
Sharks are the COOLEST.
Oh, I love narwhals too!
I wish I could have ferrets. My fiancee is allergic. I went most of my life not understanding the glory of the ferret, and then my best friend adopted two, and they were the cutest, most mischievous little critters. She had eight of them at one point, and the best thing ever was to set ’em loose with packing peanuts and paper towel tubes and socks.
When her first two boys died within months of each other, the second time, I drove two hours to give her a hug and take her to Burger King (her choice). They were the greatest little animals, always so excited to meet people, no hesitation to climb all over you.
Eventually she moved, and she couldn’t take the ferrets with her. They all went to good homes, though, and she still gets updates, and I get updates through her. I never expected to take such a liking to pets that weren’t mine, but it happened. I loved those little guys.
Because we can’t have ferrets, we have cats. Two: Dexter and Sora. We’re long distance, so the cats don’t know each other yet, but they will. We’ve got our fingers crossed that when they have to live together, the transition goes well and they don’t hate each other. Can’t ask for more than that.
Now, you want pet photos? I’ll give you pet photos.
Dexter, the twenty-two toed.
Sora, the sharp-toothed.
(Please, Lord, let me have done that HTML right)
Fat round cat and tall pointy cat will be friends. With those silhouettes, IT IS MEANT TO BE.
I want to grow up to be the cheerful, if somewhat eccentric, lady who lives with three cats in that cute Arts-and-Crafts bungalow down the street. Means:I likes cats, but have none at present.
Future Cat Ladies of the Internet, Unite!
today is a beautiful day because I am getting a haircut today after putting it off way too long. when I go too long without tending to it, I have nightmares that I have long hair again! thanks, subconscious. I get it. I need a haircut.
it’s also a beautiful day cuz damn this thread is up early in the day.
I am mostly a cat person; that’s what I grew up around, but there are definitely dogs with special places in my heart. actually the only pet that’s ever been “mine” is a dog, but I got her in high school and promptly realized that while she was really damn cute, I didn’t understand dogs at all. I’d post a pic, but I only seem to have photos of my ex-roommate’s cat and my ex-girlfriend’s dogs on my phone. (pretty sure one of my ex’s dogs and I are kindred spirits, though.)
Pics or your haircut didn’t happen.
thaaaat may have to be on hold. I generally like how my friend cuts my hair but damn she will not listen when I ask her not to style it girly. she teased it into oblivion.
Pics only if you’re comfortable with them! I’m sure it’ll look awesome once the product’s washed out :)
Once I literally cried after getting a hair cut because the stylist had teased it into what I think of as “West Texas Mom hair”. After a shower and a thorough de-gunking of product, I was much happier with it. Hopefully the same will hold true for you!
haha mine wasn’t quite west texas mom extreme, but really any teasing at all is not my style. it does look better without all the gunk in it, fortunately!
I have a kitty and I go on rants about her and talk about how great she is and probably severely decrease my chances of getting laid because of it. And I’m okay with that.
I have a huge crush on this chick who isn’t over her ex! Dammit! And I’m learning to be okay single still and it’s been months and this shit is hard, yo! It sucks. A lot. My therapist noted I don’t know myself very well, because I typically make decisions based on what kind of perception I want other people to have about me. This is true. How do I figure out me?! What?!
Also I am in a lesbian bowling league and it’s great. The end. love y’all.
So. I totally feel ya, I took a year all to myself and being single. And although you may not know how to figure yourself out, if you take enough time to yourself you’ll come to a sort of euphoric realization about everything you thought you knew about yourself. So don’t worry and you’ll find yourself, and maybe by the time you have, your lady in treat might be over her ex(:
Good luck!
Lesbian Bowling League sounds like the best way to start figuring yourself out. You can do it! <3
Thanks y’all. The bowling league has been stellar, even though I suck at bowling. It’s fun to suck at something sometimes. Even though one of the butch dykes gives me mad shit for it. But whateva homie. ^^
Katy Anne…my therapist asked me how I feel most beautiful, appearance wise. I don’t even know THAT. Over the past few months, I’ve been trying to “look gay.” So people know I’m gay. So guys don’t hit on me. She asked if I like looking like I do because *I* like it, or because I don’t wanna get hit on by guys. It’s hard for me to figure out what I like without taking how other people perceive me into account. I use my appearance or gender expression to get a certain reaction from people. And I don’t know how to just do things because I like to, because I don’t know what I like anymore. ):
I hope she’s still around by then. She’s great.
right there with you on those appearance feels. I spent forever listening to what other people said about who I should be and how I should dress. it’s tricky learning how to listen to myself instead.
I was right there. Maybe you should stop trying to make yourself look a certain way. Challenge yourself to do things that you feel a little uncomfortable maybe? For a few months a chose not to wear a bra, which helped me accept that i dont need to be self conscious about how others are precieving me and to accept my gender, which i was feeling uncomfortable with. I have come out of that experience with surprising realizations. Before i had no clue what i liked about my appearance but now if someone asked me, i could have an answer and present it with an honest smile.
~well wishings
I keep coming back to this comment. it is good advice. last summer for me was the summer of no shaving, and that was a good experience. I could probably stand to make myself uncomfortable a little more often.
I already don’t wear bras OR shave and I love it hahah. Thank you guys for the kind words. I guess it just takes time. All the love for y’all!!
My coworker yesterday learned red pandas are not pandas. Boy’s mind was blown.
The one on the right looks to be having way more fun than hir friend. :p
I do enjoy random facts! Did you know that elephants are the only animals that cannot jump? ( apparently )
Foxes!! I would have a pet fox. It’s like a red half cat half dog situation.
Also if anyone could cheer me up right now I would be eternally grateful. I am struggling with some identity issues. I have been identifying as a lesbian for the past ten years. I firmly believed I would never be attracted to a man. And now here I am, 31 years old, dating a guy and feeling so isolated in this experience that I just want to cry. I feel like I am in the closet all over again. Except this time no one will be waving a rainbow flag and saying congratulations if I come out as not completely gay.
If you can and haven’t yet, read DAR! by Erika Moen. She’s a cartoonist who identified as a lesbian, I believe, for a long time, and is now married to a man. She caught a lot of flack from people but she stuck to her guns and as far as I can tell, she and her husband seem incredibly happy together.
You love who you love. And to be in love, or even to be in like, no matter who your partner is, is a beautiful thing. I know I’m a faceless, rambling stranger on the internet, but I’ll be that person saying congratulations. Congratulations! For having a person in your life that you care about, for being brave enough to share it here, for being able to face it and explore it and not just bottle it up out of fear. Even if it’s a secret between you and the denizens of Autostraddle right now. You are awesome, no matter who you’re dating.
I second that. DAR is the friggin best.
Thanks for all the kind words. I needed kindness today.
I found mental peace after realizing that being open to the possibility of love — in all its forms — is perhaps the greatest way to pursue happiness.
You pick your own identity, and you can change it however often you wish.
I loved your comment and all the replies! I found happiness and my true gender when I was loved as a female by a sweet lesbian who knew I was female.
Oh gosh where do I begin! For one, I’ll always be a dog person at heart, but I find i’m slowly learning to love the cats that act like dogs!
I’ve always had a fascination with Orcas since I was a little kid, which is probably what drove me to start working at aquariums! I love sharks, especially diving with them, and I think Lump Fish are horrendously cute.
As I’m not financially stable enough to own any animals here is a picture of some baby lump fish :)
(never posted a pic before so lets see if this works)
I’m am a sad dog person living in an apartment that doesn’t allow animals :(
However I am going home to stay with my parents and their 3 dogs for the next 8 days, plus I am bringing home my partner to meet my family, which is super scary since I haven’t brought anyone home since I came out. But we’ve made it a year so I think their in it for the long haul, and will just have to learn to love my crazy family too <3
I think it's going to be cool though – plus my sister is going to teach me how to jet ski so there's that
Oh, good luck with the intros and meetings. And have fun jet-skiing! That sounds way fun.
Oh my goodness I feel your pain. Whenever I go to someone’s house with a dog, I will invariably pay most of my attention to the dog.
I swear to god if I meet a girl with a pup, I will hold onto that relationship for that alone.
Hey all you animals! How’s everyone’s Friday? How was your week? On a scale of 1-10 (1 being shitty and 10 as awesome possum) where do you stand? I would probs start as 2 on Monday and I guess it progressed to something like an 8 until yesterday when it went to like -3 but now I’m almost sure I’m going to end on a high note. I’m currently making my metal earth which I should post a little later (because I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO than interact with the internet and straddlers) I’m a dog person but now also a cat person because of my wife’s cat. The thing is too cute. We’re also a couple who adores monkeys!!!
and as you all know, my shark shirt. lol.
nope, someone help. im lost with this html thing lately. thanks!! ♥
You’re using the wrong kind of brackets it should look kinda like this
img src=”http://i.imgur.com/KT3Wlho.jpg”/
with one of these after the /
well becouse its html it wouldnt put that in right. it looks like the brackets down by the comment box not “[” which you used… i hope that makes sense
ok if this one doesnt work idk what will.
thanks sadie!!!!!!!!!
I love the kitty!
My week totally started at a one, but definitely became a ten. I endured some street harassment last weekend, and the emotions were compounded by a very insensitive customer service representative at a local Schnuks.
However, I was able to affect positive change at Schnuks, and spoke with the director of customer affairs who made training recommendations based on our conversation. Illinois is fairly progressive with legal protection for Trans people, but we still have to convince people and businesses to be sensitive and accommodating. I hope my small bits of activism help others in the future.
To top it off, some friends and I were enjoying live music in downtown Champaign and started what was almost exclusively an impromptu lesbian dance party in the street. (or at least primarily women, I don’t know how EVERYONE involved identifies) That was just an amazing finish to the week!
This Is my dog Anubis. I just started working from home so i get to spend quite a lot of time with him. Sometimes he’ll sit and watch Buffy with me but mostly he guards the house from his perch there.
your dog is named Anubis. that’s fantastic.
Anubis is a boss name. Who’s that dapper fellow in the photograph?
Im glad y’all like the name :)
That would be the original dapper fellow himself, Mr. Clark Gable. For some reason my dad had that picture framed like back in the 80s and it hung in our house till my parents devorced…. then I took it.
I am most definitely a cat person. However growing up I used to live on a farm with 22 horses, 2 large dogs, 1 tiny dog, a boat load of chickens and oh yeah- 2 cats. By the time I was ten I had had to sell every one of my animals so my mom could go to court to fight for custody of me and my brother. But finally, a few months before my 14th birthday, I sat down in front of two cats at a pet store and there was this huge connection between me and this beautiful creature. My mom said we had to go and I instead bawled my eyes out. Not in a manipulative way, but in a this-cat-is-my-soulmate kind of way. Needless to say my mom got him for me. And he is my most beautiful baby boy named Moon. Let’s just say that he is my ‘big majestic lion of the plains’ and I love him more than I love my girlfriend, but not quite :p
What’s the exotic beast you dream of taming and watching fall asleep at your feet?
Tarcassian Razorbeast.
I like animals just fine, though sometimes animal hair irritates my eyes and nose. I had a hamster (my apartment building is fairly restrictive when it comes to animals), but he passed away last year.
My day has gone well, and I hope everyone else’s has or will also! I don’t know what I’m having for dinner yet, as I’m having a dinner date (though, I can think if what “dessert” will most likely be, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more). I’d really like something spicy; I enjoy spicy food in general.
This weekend, I am going to help organize and pack shipments at the food bank (it then gets delivered to folks who need it). I also want to decide what my y costume for a Con in September will be, so I am going shopping with a friend tomorrow, and we’ll ruminate over cosplay ideas ans undoubtedly reminisce and laugh about funny stories from previous years.
eyyyyyy *winks*
So I have a date tomorrow, the first date I’ve ever been on with someone I am not already official with. Also the first date with a queer who is not my ex. I am really excited, because this girl seems delightful and funny and smart, is also super cute according to her pictures on tinder (oh god), but I am TERRIFIED.
SO here is a picture of me today, in one of my favorite outfits for a little extra confidence cause I look GOOD
and here is my favorite animal, the wondrous Pallas Cat
And here’s me imitating the aformentioned Pallas Cat
Wish me luck, guys! I mean, come on, who wouldn’t want to date that, right? HELP
you’re the cutest. good luck! and thanks for being sweet! and do you!
Good luck and you are super adorable and fabulous.
Thank you!! :)
I’m excited for you! I hope your date goes awesomely!
:DDD You guys are all too sweet today!
If someone whipped out that impression while on a date with me, I would find it super endearing! You look rl cute, and I hope your date goes great!
I mean I think you are adorable I want to steal the glasses off your face.
okay but like, those pictures are fantastic. probably she is intimidated by you, sitting around today thinking oh my goodness I hope I’m cool enough for this date tomorrow.
*and is sitting around…
cuz the way I wrote it originally was potentially ambiguous and who wants that
Bestest luck, Jane!! If someone did a Pallas Cat impersonation to me, after I had seen that great photo of said Pallas Cat, I would be very amused and in cahoots with that person. Cahoots.
Also, she is probably wondering if she will be cool “enough” for you, and, I hope you guys chill everything around you with your combined powers of coolness!
I just need to ‘fess up: one of those likes on my comment was me. sometimes I try to like things (second times for instance) just because, but I didn’t expect to be able to like my own comment! I regret nothing, though.
You guys are all just too nice and now I’ve got a big head today and I’m doing horrible things like, replying to things with old gifs I made of myself.
*great, not horrible
Dude, you are adorable! Have fun on your date!
Okay, I found a sort of sad animal story today, but I laughed a lot at first (yeah, I’m going to hell) when I first read it, and since then I’ve been alternating between laughing and being sad….this has been going on for about 2 hours now with no end in sight. When I saw the title was about zoos, I had to share it….and then I read the article and realized it didn’t really have anything to do with zoos and this story isn’t actually relevant I thought about it, and decided to post anyway.
Two giraffes were being transported in South Africa, and the people doing the transportation didn’t really think it through and they went under an overpass, and yeah, one didn’t quite make it. Oops.
I feel like kind of a bad person for laughing at this, but also not because your description of the situation is HILARIOUS
I love cats, sadly I don’t have any living with me, but I have two kitties at my parent’s house. Zaboo is my baby, I got him when I was 4 and I love him SO MUCH! I really miss him.
I’ve been pretty sick the last few days so I’ve just been lying in bed watching netflix in between naps. Also cuddling with my tiger stuffed animal. Tigers are my all time favorite animal, but I love all sorts of animals.
I also started a new tumblr for my writing this week that felt productive. It’s http://glitterature101.tumblr.com if anyone is interested. I only have one sort of story thing so far but more to come.
Followed! Lovely story–I sent it to a friend who I think will appreciate it, too.
Thank you, you are so sweet. Good luck on the date tomorrow!
I love pretty much every animal. When I was a kid my parents would never want to take me to a pet store or any other place that was selling/giving free animals away because I would want them all. I’m a dog and cat person but I really love big dogs. And I would love to have a ferret and dog when I actually at some point have some money or pretty much any other animal I am allowed to have or find
Plz send more cat pictures. I cannot deal with my crush anymore and I must distractions myself.
Yesterday she said she had mariocart and that I should try it and i said “when?!” and she said “anytime! bring your roommate!” what does that even mean…
That the more people who play Mario Kart, the more fun it is, obviously!
(Good luck with your crush, btw!)
Thanks for clearing that up! It also probably means I read way too much into things.
I really adore animals. My friends all say that they’ve seen me at my happiest when petting a dog, so … I guess I’m more of a dog person, although, I love cats, too! I currently don’t have any pets, for various reasons, and it breaks my heart every day.
I have spent my day cleaning and peeling garlic, so my hands smell of bleach and garlic – sexy! (I hope to get rid of the smell before my girlfriend comes over. Any tips?)
Also, this thread was posted so early – from someone in a European time zone, thanks!
As a European, I second the appreciation.
Lemon juice will get rid of garlic smell!
Guys. Guys.
Again!! Again!!!
I think the cat left a claw in the dog’s face this morning so I’m not entirely sure it will repeat soon.
aww but they’re adorable! I’m sure it was an accidental claw and more eskimo kisses will occur in the near future. sure of it!
awwwwwwwwwwww ♥
and then there was world peace….
is it just a hunch of mine, as I am a cat person and all, but is your dog the patient tolerant compassionate one of the two putting up with various forms of love shit from the cat?, hoping for a cuddle but instead getting handbags at dawn (fisticuffs)
I know cats well, and their evil ways.
Hahah the dog (Poncho) is clumsy, sweet, and highly excitable. The cat (Kenzie) is an ex mangy street cat, and an asshole.
Poncho wants nothing more than for Kenzie to love her, but their interactions usually go something like this.
PONCHO bounds into the room, tripping over a shirt. She spots KENZIE, languidly stretched out in a sunbeam nearby.
Kenzie continues to stare out the window from the bed, ignoring Poncho.
Poncho launches herself up and onto the bed, sniffing gently at Kenzie. Unfortunately, she misjudges her leap, tripping and slamming into the cat. Kenzie yowls in surprise, tumbling off the bed.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Ha ha ha!! Poor Poncho, unrequited love with an arsehole always hurts. Points for trying, though.
YOUR PETS!!! Especially your dog in the second picture. Those eyes, oh wow.
Haha I didn’t post this picture before because it was a bit redundant, but just for you!

thank youuuu :)
This is my life as well!

The dog and cat don’t like to snuggle with each other. But the dog and hamster are best friends.

Let’s try this again…
I am partial to birds, I had a few parakeets as kid, and really would love to have green macaw. That and I have a soft spot for huskies, wolf dogs, and whippets.
I am partial to birds, I had a few parakeets as kid, and really would love to have green macaw. That and I have a soft spot for huskies, wolf dogs, and whippets.
Oh, I am going camping next week with some friends I made from the local straddler group. Yay
Straddler success!
Well to be fair it was success when I went to Dinah Shore, and my friend smoothly saved me from answering the question(from a bro) of did I loose a bet that required me to wear bikini top. She replied “we are just being ourselves.” <3
Dinah success! Good friends with good taste in websites :)
Nothing pleases me more than a heavier-than-usual animal. OH GOSH, the sound I make when I encounter a fat cat/dog/horse/koala/etc, it is inhuman.
I have no pets, but my girlfriend has never met a small-to-medium-sized dog that she didn’t love to put in the crook of her arm, see below (bonus angelic lighting to boot):

And when we lived in a house, there was a family of cats that lived under the porch and I loved them even though they were all scared of me and their matriarch stank-eyed every time I came within 50 feet of them.
I dream of owning a sloth one day, but it will have to be when I’m rich and don’t need to work for a living because I would totally just chill with the sloth all day every day. Probably build myself a lil jungle gym so I could hang like a sloth, too, for maximum animal communing
I have Bernie, or rather, Bernie has me. She’s a 3 year-old shih tzu tomboy femme princess. She’s my first dog. I grew up with a cat, and having a dog is a completely different relationship. Bernie is my daughter, and I’m proud of being to be mommy. Here she is world: <img src= "https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10202748705382922&l=66b4eeefbf"
I'm currently in a sublet, and my roommate has a cat. Bernie wants to be BFFs with him, but he doesn't want anything to do with her.
Now I'm going to take Bernie for a walk, then eat Thai food and go to work.
I’m a dog person. Allergic to cats. I love wolves!
The person I am crushing on is interested in a man she works with and he seems to be returning her feelings, so I feel it is only a matter of time before they are dating.
Maybe it’s a good thing because I need to get over her because she is straight, but I need some space. She’s a close friend and we’re living together so I’m ditching out for a week to stay with someone else because I don’t feel like handling this like an adult.
I’m having an identity crisis and dating someone I’m interested in seems like an impossibility and I don’t know what to do!
Sometimes removing yourself from the situation is the most adult thing you can do. YOU GOT THIS!
I have a dog, and three cats. And I desperately want a hedgehog, because, fucking hedgehogs are adorable.
I’m not having a good week. I just learned my wife has been having an online relationship with someone for the past two months. I have no fuckin clue what to do, other than make her stay at her moms for now because I can’t even look at her.
*internet hugs*
Aww, well when you’re both ready I hope you guys can work it out ♥ virtual hugs.
I’m on my lunch break at work and there’s a squirrel eating a paper bag beside me and another one grooming itself, and two skunks casually sniffing around in the grass 20ft in front of me and life is good.
Also this morning I was looking for a new desktop background for my work computer, feeling low, so decided on a kitten cuddling a derpy-looking fawn. Holy cuteness.
In other news I really want to make friends with the skunks. SOMEONE TELL ME THAT’S A BAD IDEA!!
Too late I’m going I’m doing it! At least to take a photo.
You’re like queer Snow White, making friends with all the woodland creatures!
I had to open 5 different tabs to make this happen, but BAM.

Gahh I give up. Powers that be, feel free to delete my attempts at posting the skunk pic.
I need a moderator to fix this for you immediately. in the mean time, I’m gonna imagine that it’s of you and the skunks being total bffs.
Well growing up I had 18 hamsters when I was living in California then when I moved to Colorado, this random dog came into my life. So I HELLA love animals!! Hamsters are so easy to hide in an apartment, we did it all the time
My dog baby and my roommate’s cat baby are with babysitters while we’re moving into a new house.
Platonic UHAULin 2k14
Good lord do you need a roommate I’m good at roasting vegetables and reading aloud and staring creepily across the room at attractive people
I would love to have bear companion. Probably not really practical if you live in a big city…on the other hand, if not in Berlin where else?^^ Also I would be the ‘bear girl’ which is kind of a cool nickname.
I imagine it would follow me around wherever I go, waiting outside the supermarket, carrying my groceries.
I would totally not allow it to sleep in my bad, but it would ‘sneak’ in anyway and I would not be mad since snuggling up next to a gigantic bear really sounds comfortable =)
Related, I have always wanted to ride a bear. not in a Noble Steed way, but just…like, I just want to hang out on top of a bear while it went around doing its bear things. And now that you mention it cuddling with the bear would also be nice. Bear stuff!
My foster kittens are getting so big! They’re eating real food and running everywhere and it’s hard to believe that just a couple weeks ago they couldn’t even see.
One of my life goals is to someday hold a baby tiger or baby leopard. You can probably tell that I’m a cat person all the way.
On another note, why is my avatar upside down? I even tried flipping the photo and uploading it that way and it’s upside down either way. :(
I thought it was intentional! Upside down or not, you’re super cute so don’t worry about it :)
it doesn’t look upside down to me? your face is right-side up which I assume it’s sposed to be?
Bless your heart. These kittens look like they’re in great shape!
I imagine this is what your home is like during feeding time:
*I’ve watched this video more times than I care to admit.
I love cats, I love dogs, but this is my precious dog’s face. I don’t love rodents or lizards or birds much except from a distance. But I am also the person at parties who is like “uhhhhhh I don’t know anybody here I guess I’ll see if the budgie will talk to me.”
I like dogs. Am allergic to cats. Terrified of mice.
Can’t stop listening to this song this week, Mary Lambert’s new one, Secrets, have you heard it? So damn *catchy*.
she is precious. we had a viewing party with janelle monae’s newish video and that last night, it was very pleasant. I love her in a viking hat.
She’s so brave and gorgeous and has a great voice.
Did you guys know she did an Ask A Grown Woman (queer girl advice column) for Rookie?
I’m baaaaack! Ok so this is what I’ve accomplished today =)
My brother builds those too! He has them all over his apartment.
They used to take up all the space on the stand at my computer desk, the top of my dresser AND the other dresser. I eventually got a glass case for them and it STILL looks like I need more space -.-
i love dogs!
also i got a new (much better) job this week guys! with a salary bump!
congrats! here is a terrifying celebratory cat gif!
in hindsight, prolly shoulda used a dog gif, huh? so here, this lil dude is happy for you, too:
Good luck at your new job!!!
Okay so I am at home from work and full of food and excited to snuggle in for some OITNB (just started it).
ALSO I found out I got a scholarship to go to GHC! All y’all tech gals know what I’m talkin’ bout. It’s funny—one of the first things I thought was “I can’t wait to post this on the Friday Open Thread”. Looking forward to the LGBTQ lunch there!
My cat is being cruel and unusual, per always. What with the accepting petting for five minutes and then sinking her teeth into my arm.
Not too much of a techie, so I had to google GHC… But still excited for you! Congrats on the scholarship and what sounds like a supportive environment!!
I absolutely love sharks. My favorites being the thresher shark, which has a perpetual OMG face and the cookie cutter shark, which takes tiny bites out of its prey. I am a huge fan. I don’t have any pets where I live right now because of space issues, but I’m moving in with an adorable dog named Leia later this month. Back to sharks. I wish I could have a shark that could breathe on land with huge muscley legs so I could ride it about like one would a horse. Ugh. Dreams. I would cuddle with no bears.
My girlfriend is in Wisconsin this week with her friends. I miss her something fierce, but I’ve enjoyed my week of solo-ventures. Today’s adventure? Baby undercut.
your comment is kinda the best. I wish you could have a shark with legs to ride, too. + cute haircut adventure!
what a great idea, yes, I would also like to ride a shark 10/10
damn fine lookin’ undercut too!
Orangutans!! They would be everywhere!!! And meerkats…..can’t decide……
In life it has been super busy at work and getting ready for another super busy week!!! But at least it’s nice to feel like we have been getting things done!
I work at a little aquarium as an aquarist, so I get to do cool stuff like this!


this is the same octofriend except in his new favorite “hiding” place
and a new born swell shark pup

and I really dig chicks

I love sharks! This little one is so cute!!
I love cats, even though they don’t really miss you when you are gone, and then when you return, they don’t make a fuss of you like that little fluffy Scotty dog that fainted on the interwebs this week instead they balefully ignore then send you stink-eye for ever leaving them. Cats. Yes it’s a healthy one-sided relationship.
I have a tendancy to beef up my Cats, and whenever I have had to take my now deceased Cat George to the vet, there was always sensitive suggestions that I look at curtailing his intake. Truth is, I love big cats. I love big pets, full stop. The bigger, the better, as long as they get exercise, which in George’s case, was kind of absent. He was a Thinker, and not a Doer.
Anywho, on the which animal would I love to be friends/flatmates with front, it is Elephants, hands down. A whole family of them. They would hang out with the merry band of Otters I collected who multitask and build dams just like Beavers, who would be entertained by the Antics of the New Zealand native parrot, the Kea and the Kakapo.
Also, there would be goats, two cows, and some sheep, because anyone who says sheep aren’t cuddly are kidding themselves.
Chooks too.
My kitty misses me when i’m gone! I always get a greeting when I walk in the door, and a roll on the back to rub his tummy ;) When I am away more than a day, I get a REAL earful of his meows, hahaha. He is super snuggly and awesome and a wussy baby, and its been me and him for years on end, so that might make a difference.
I am a dog person at heart. Like Carmen, I was always fascinated with dogs. Even after I was attacked by a dog at 2. I vaguely remember that, and my only memory was being sad I couldn’t play with the dog anymore…
But I have cats now due to rental restrictions and lack of time. Fortunately I like cats too!
In other news I’ve had a really cathartic week in personal life ways that I can’t really talk about but anyway. I think I’ve made some hard decisions that will really benefit my life. Yay self care!
Long(ish) sad story to follow (sorry, all!)
^Not sure if I did the html right, but I tried to put up the picture I took with my dog the day before I left for college. My beautiful baby “crossed the rainbow bridge” (I don’t love that euphemism, but sometimes saying it any other way sounds too harsh) about six months ago now, literally hours before I got home for winter break of my sophomore year of college. I miss her so much, and I’m about to go home for the first time since that trip and I don’t know how to go home knowing that I won’t see her. She was incredibly sweet and caring and loyal and she made going home to complicated family stuff a lot easier.
On the upside, I have a lot of dreams about her and it feels almost like I still get to see her that way.
Sorry, sorry, I think I always end up making sad posts here.
Let’s try this image thing one more time
Ack!! And now I can’t figure out how to delete the comment I left on my comment. *gives up* *rolls self into blanket burrito and turns on Netflix*
I’m so sorry about your pup. glad you still have fond memories of her. and hey, don’t apologize for sad posts. autostraddle is about community, and if you need an ear or a kind word, I’m pretty sure that’s what we’re here for.
I’m definitely a dog human, but cats can be cool too when they aren’t plotting to take over the world. I have my two very elderly, very awesome pups and I just wanna rescue all the strays. I’d love to have a pet dolphin because then that means that I am living very near the water, which would be awesome.
This week has been insane. I’ve been offered a new position at my current job (shout out to pay raises with hour cuts all at once) and also had an interview for another part-time something with REAL LIFE MEDICAL BENEFITS. Woohoo!!! Also, there’s an absolutely adorable counselor at my cousin’s camp and I’m like 87% sure we’ve gone from just talking about him to actual flirting (!!) but now I’ve only got a week left to figure it out, as camp ends next Friday (no pressure). Ahhhhhhh!!!!
Cats are actually always plotting to take over the world. The place mat under my cats’ food dish is a map of the world for their convenience in mayhem matters. I often call my two cats Pinky and the Brain.
I love all animals but the Elephant holds a special place in my heart. They are just, so, so beautiful and majestic and awe inspiring and all the things! Fuck man, I’m gonna start crying just by thinking of them I love them so much.
omg that little cutie
I was watching little Elephant with its tail up! for a long time. I love Elephants too, they are so sensitive, cute and sprightly for such large critters.
elephants swimming in the ocean = most magical thing on earth.
You guys I’m at my first ever pride and I’ve already cried a bit coz of all the FEELINGS but I’m also so happy and I love it!
Happy like a cat in sunshine!
Hey, everyone! I love lots of animals, but dogs way best! They just have so much love to give! :)
But I also was thinking about the topic of “privileges” in our lives, and happiness. It seems to me that the most important privilege we need to attain is the right to find out who we are and be happy in life as that person without others trying to judge and deny us that right.
Have a wonderful weekend, ya’ll.
I love cats and would love to have one as a pet but current living circumstances don’t allow it.
Other than that I also adore otters and meerkats and can spend a lot of time creepily staring at them in the zoo until friends pry me away.
But recently I’ve been really fascinated by the howling grasshopper mouse after this video I saw online.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Xa-GSm1P0I&w=560&h=315%5D
“She’s a wolf in mouse clothing.” *hehehehe*
woah. i’ve lived in phx az for 6 yrs now and never heard about this awesome little mouse!
Yay DOGS! It just took me a whole episode of the Killing to clip the dog’s nails. We’re also currently trying to train her not to bark at the neighbour dogs so that when we go camping we can sleep through the night without her freaking out at animal sounds and waking up the whole camp site.
It’s all a delight.
Also this week I saw a picture of a capybara with a guinea pig on its back and a guinea pig with a toy guinea pig on its back, like they were cos playing each other. Love me a capybara.
I have a grand total of ZERO pets which makes me sad because pets are lovely. And fluffy. Well, unless your pet is an armadillo or a snake or something. I like cats but I am a Dog Person (see, capital letters? means I’m srs) and I’d very much love to be in the position where I can have a pet but I’m a student *sigh*.
I’ve spent the last week frantically revising for my retakes which are currently stressing me out. I have *counts* 13 days to go and then they’re here and over but I’m so scareeedd so I’ve basically been grumpy and ignoring everyone and I even deactivated my FB.
I’ve also fallen into an unexpected crush? Which is weird and painful and why do I have to have feeelingsss??
I am and have always been a cat person. Right now I’m spending some quality weekend time with my very spoiled and adorable grey tabby, Darth Maul. He doesn’t really live up to the namesake as he is a mushy, pudgy whiner whose two favorite things are food and sleep. I would also be spending time with my other very spoiled kitty, Sora, but she is a master at hiding and is scared of loud noises or sudden movements.
Apart from that, I am preparing for/freaking out about my senior year of college, as that is starting in less than a month away. Cue me rocking backwards and forwards in the corner because fuuuuutuuure.
The Darling One and I are definitely Winter, Potatoes and Cats people even if we can’t have any cats at the moment but when we move next year….Fur Persons here we come.
Had a great week this week, made some new friends I think and had some fun with old friends too.
I’m late the party,but surely you’ve all seen this: duck billed platypus are so cute! I’m a corgi lover, this is my beautiful Phoebe
Well, I posted a picture of one of my fish in the last thread! And I’m happy to say that he’s looking a lot healthier now. Beaten that sickness back! I got him to eat some proper food today for the first time in about a month, I was so happy.
Fish are the only pets allowed in my apartment (although I am determined to get a license so that I can keep a couple rats) so that turned me into an amateur aquarist. I just. I just love animals, man. I couldn’t help it.
Somehow I don’t think three tanks (one smallish with a betta, one 20 gallon community with betta girls and some harlequins and neons, and a 40-odd gallon tank with two goldfish and some white clouds) was quite what they had in mind when they created that particular loophole. Fish! They’re lovely, and more intelligent than most people think. Unfortunately not particularly cuddly, though, but I’ve learned to deal with that. Also: pictures! Image quality is pretty bad, whoops.
Gee, I like all animals. Though I like playing with other peoples’ dogs & cats, I’m really more of a feathers person. I had a cockatiel and some parakeets growing up and i dream of having a really smart parrot someday; maybe a rescue. I’m a chicken gal too. I used to have 3 or 4 at a time growing up. Rhode Island Reds, Golden Commets are very doscile pets, but white leghorns can bbe very flighty! Bramas are my favorite, and they make very sweet pets. I’ve always admired swans. I think if I could cast a patronus, mine would definitely be a swan! I liked feeding ducks and geese at my local park. Yes, I know, from an environmental standpoint, I realize now that it’s not great to feed them, but that’s how I’d get them close enough to actually see well. This one group of geese at the park were like my surrogate pets for a time. Penguins make for cute cartoons. I like spotting pelicans near the water too. They hang around looking for hand-outs from fisherfolks. Oh, gosh, I could go on and on; I love most farm animals too, and I just recenttly saw a giraffe at the zoo. They’re so majestic. I’m short & sometimes wish I could be tall like them!