First Day of Same-Sex Marriage in VT Dominated by Ice Cream, The Travelin’ Westboros and “Real L Word L.A.”


Televisionary Time! True Blood has a lesbian vampire queen, Weeds is weirder, also America’s Best Dance Crew & Nurse Jackie and the Hot Girl of the Week.

85_bettetina planetAlso yesterday the whole world changed when Ilene Chaiken’s The Real L Word: Los Angeles — sold seperately from The L Word Social Networking Website, L Word Prison Spinoff, L Word Movie: Love & Friendship for Jennifer Beals Edition, L Word denim line, L Word jewelery– got greenlit by Showtime for production.

The only L Word show we’re adding to our wish list is The L Word Show: The Character Cut. In TLW:TCC, all the original program’s abandoned or mis-written storylines will be seen through to the finish, with the help of Michelle Abbot, Kathy Greenberg, and other writers/creators of yore. Meanwhile, we’re wondering if the production team expected such a negative reaction. Ilene should’ve known better, sometimes if you believe in something but your stock is down you just gotta be a silent partner, and if you can’t do that, then it’s time ask yourself why you’re doing it at all.  We will reveal the winners of our L Word Prediction Comment Contest tomorrow, ’til then keep checking in there and also check out Entertainment Weekly‘s PopWatch!


hubby hubbySAME SEX MARRIAGE VERMONT: The Westboro Baptist Church has decided to split up so they can cover everything, like the Adam Lambert Tour AND the beginning of same-sex marriage in Vermont! Also they won’t be having any Chubby Hubby Becomes Hubby Hubby – “Ben & Jerry’s — Vermont’s most famous exporter of fine goods — is celebrating today’s Day One of same-sex marriage there by renaming its Chubby Hubby flavor to “Hubby Hubby.” Actually, you’ll just have to pretend they did it; B&J needs 18 months to revise shipping labels, so they’re not actually changing the mark-up of their pints sold in stores. Use your imagination.” (@queerty) [Intern Hot Laura: half of me thinks this would be a perfect opportunity for a joke about bjs. the other half is saying “you’re not 12 and there’s an ampersand in there anyway.]

OURCHART: So speaking of Ilene Chaiken, it looks like the design firm responsible for OurChart, The L Word’s social networking website which shut down in late 2008, has added the site to its online portfolio — check out “OurChart Website, “one of the first examples of a media company taking its traditional assets and building an application around it for its online audience.” Here’s more work for OurChart from another designer’s portfolio, and though it’s actually pretty hot, but we’re wondering why they didn’t at least try to keep the production team within our great family of queers and/or womyn? Though talent is talent, a site which desires social relevance may be better off finding someone who’s not just talented or good at their job, but genuinely compelled by the site’s ambitions.


ANTI-GAY TRIUMPH: Washington Partnership Benefits Put on Hold by Voters – they have enough signatures, it’s going to ballot. (@seattle pi)

LESBIAN TEEVEE: “Will Rumer Willis engage in some same-sex smooching on 90210? It would totally make sense considering she’s making her debut on the upcoming season playing a lesbian student at West Beverly Hills high School.” We don’t know how we feel about that opening sentence. BTW, Is Michael C. Hall  going to kill some people this season on Dexter? It would make sense, considering he’s playing a serial killer on the show “Dexter.”

TEEVEE: New blood at Saturday Night Live two young female comediennes are joining the cast, Jenny Slate and Nasim Pedrad. (@mediaite)

GENDERED: Pointlessly gendered products. (@contexts)

WOMYN: More Plus-Size Models Coming in GlamourI hope this means we are one step closer to having everoyne have a big team meeting to discuss how it’s not really “plus size” models, they are just normal sized. That’s all thxbye.(@jezebel)

GAY KIDS: Lottery Money Going to LGBT Youth is deemed “Outrageous”“‘Sadly, it seems to be further confirmation that the Big Lottery has long since ceased to impartially distribute lottery cash to worthwhile and respected causes, instead it seems obliged to dole out punters’ money to a raft of politically correct lobbies which clearly sit within the Labour Government’s priority.’” (@this is bristol)

WOMYN: Only 13% of Wikipedia contributers are women and 12% of that is lesbians hacking into BETTY and BETTY fixing the hacks. (@feministing)

WOMYN: Women Aren’t Tentative – “What makes people dithery is perceived lack of expertise when the topic under discussion is associated more with one gender than the other, according to researchers.” (@popgadget)

“DUDE ACTS LIKE A LADY“: Lil Mama makes Unnecessary Comments About Leiomy’s Gender – “You were born a man and you are becoming a woman. If you’re going to become a woman, act like a lady.” (@the advocate)

SEX ED: Playboy model schools Hannity on sex ed – “She made her interlocutors look like pre-pubescent boys. Later, she responded incredulously to one of her cohorts: ‘How is education robbing a child of his innocence?'” (@broadsheet)


Auto-Straddler of the Day

hot-laura-icon2from Intern Hot Laura:
Maybe I’m late on this bandwagon, but my new hands-down favorite blog is Tavi. This girl is fierce and adorable all wrapped up in one. Case-in-point: SHE CALLED OUT PARIS VOGUE. “THAT FONT. I MEAN..WHAT. It’s called Curlz. With a z. It’s almost as bad as Comic Sans and is infamous for its many appearances in numerous MS Word documents and 8 year old birthday party invitations. I used it for my 8 year old birthday party invitation. I could pull up GREETINGS WORKSHOP and show you.” Which, fyi, was 5 year ago.

crystal-iconfrom Crystal:
The Book Depository is a real time map showing what book purchases people are making around the world. It’s fascinating. As I type, some stoner in New Zealand just bought a copy of ‘Grow Your Own Drugs’ for $12.12 with free delivery. Score.

carly-icon2from Carly:
Thunderant is a comedy duo featuring Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein (yes, that Fred Armisen and that Carrie Brownstein). I discovered this back during the writer’s strike when there was nothing new on tv and I had to turn to the internet for entertainment. They make hilarious videos that usually involve awkwark situations or independent-type things (feminist bookstores, bicycle rights activists, etc). They write songs for a lot of the videos too. It’s pretty much the best thing ever, and they just redid their website, so that’s why they are my pick for the daily fix today. You can also follow them on Facebook!

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3300 articles for us.


  1. TAVI<3
    the pointlessly gendered thing reminds me of a conversation i have with slade like every 2 weeks or so. it goes something like this —
    SLADE: “why do they have commercials for stuff and the girls say, THIS IS JUST FOR GIRLS!, or whatever? it’s stupid. like, it’s a milkshake. milkshakes are for everyone.”
    ME: “because, Slade, in order to sell things to you, they must first divide you. then they pit you against one another, which unites you as gender-based subgroups. so it’s like they’ve put you on teams, for an imaginary game. but this game, Slade, isn’t natural. it’s a marketing tool. “girl power” is unnecessary in a world where everyone is equal, which we actually are, yet no one acts that way. don’t buy into it! do not buy into their pigeon-holing bullshit, Slade! the real world is not divided into pink and blue! they’re perpetuating this nonsense because it’s what society feels comfortable with, like blind mice! do not be a blind mouse, Slade!”
    SLADE: “… ok.”
    i’m going to read the TheirChart thing eventually. i’m oddly fascinated by the concept/fruition/downfall of TheirChart, you know? the whole thing is just so unbelievably strange. start to finish.

    • The next step is to let him wear guyliner.

      Also I am obviously somewhat fascinated/eternally interested in the concept/fruition/downfall of TheirChart, and intend to one day get to the bottom of this.

      • me too katrina! I remember my mom getting in arguments with the workers sometimes who would give us a hard time about it which is ridiculous in retrospect. My mothers view is similar to Laneias however I doubt I ever questioned anything like Slade at a young age haha, props

    • I used to have similar discussions with my students/cousin. I used to wear neckties to work and at least one kid would be like, ‘Miss Elli, ties are for *boys*’ which would just send me off on a rant about ‘boy’ toys/colors vs ‘girl’ toys/colors…

    • is she well-known? i had no idea who she was before. but then again i don’t think i’ve heard of anyone really ever until there’s been an article about them.

      • no she’s really not that well know (sort of the underground comedy scene in nyc) i’m just a giant loser. she does a show every week with her gay best friend called ‘big terrific’ and they are amazing and dirty and bring the lolz FOR SURE.

          • nicole that’s very possible! she had a show there called ‘dead millionare.’ also she’s been on the jimmy fallon show.

  2. The pointlessly gendered products are so ridiculous. And worse, their marketing scheme probably works.

  3. Hubby Hubby?! Love it. Hopefully Bjs will be a part of all the subsequent celebrations (couldn’t resist)!

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