Federal Courts in Louisiana, Wisconsin, Indiana Send Mixed Messages on Marriage

Kaitlyn lives in New York, which is the simplest answer you're going to get if you ask her where she's from. She went to journalism school and is arguably making the most of her degree as a writer and copy editor. She utilizes her monthly cable bill by watching more competitive cooking shows than should be allowed.
Kaitlyn has written 69 articles for us.
Wow, smoothly pivoting from incest to poly relationships and trans people without breaking stride. A transgender spouse! What will we think up next?!
It’s fascinating and disturbing that the judge put having a trans spouse last, after incest and minors. :(
(Also your link to the full decision is broken. It points to a local file on the author’s computer.)
Oops! I’ll fix that now. Thanks for pointing it out!
I just tried it, and I think it’s fixed. Can you (or anyone) try it again and let me know if it’s working?
Worked for me!
Sweet. Thank you!
I do not understand the conservative obsession with bloodlines. You share your experiences, culture, values and love with children. It doesn’t matter how tall they are.
“linking children to an intact family formed by their two biological parents…”
So is he going to outlaw divorce?
Maybe? A lot of conservatives have a double standard for straight divorce and gay marriage, but a lot also are really anti-divorce, which terrifies me. The right to divorce (ideally no-contest divorce that doesn’t require either party to prove anything) is so important, particularly for women. But I read a lot of conservatives who want to outlaw divorce except in extreme cases, and in some states they’ve made it so it can take years and involve a ton of hurdles.