Boobs on Your Tube: Say Hello to Your Lesbian Granny Friend on “Fantasy Island”

Hey did you know Drew and Shelli are both Sundancing this year? It’s true! Get hyped! They’re coming at you with such movie magic next week! The timing is perfect because Drew just released The Autostraddle Encyclopedia of Lesbian Cinema *and* The 50 Best Lesbian, Bisexual & Queer Movies Of All Time! Masterpieces, both! Also in the world of lesbian movies, Kayla reviewed The Drop, which is about a lesbian destination wedding and a dropped baby. Super chill.

This week’s TV times were just as exciting. Drag Race kicked off its 15th season, and Drew is recapping again. The Last of Us finally landed on HBO, to huge acclaim, and a joint review from Nic and Valerie. The Legend of Vox Machina’s second season kicked off, and Valerie Anne’s all over it. And Riese made a list of all the lesbian TV weddings in history, to celebrate Bette and Tina’s wedding on the (maybe series?) finale of The L Word: Generation Q.

Notes from the TV Team:

+ grown-ish is back! The show’s midseason premiere focused on the struggles of long distance dating between Zoey and Aaron but I’m looking forward to a return to Cal U in subsequent episodes and seeing what Zaara’s up to…fingers crossed, it’ll be reuniting with Yazmine. — Natalie

+ Did I start watching Will Trent for my long-standing love for Keema Griggs Sonja Sohn? Yes I did. Do the awesome ‘fits they have Sohn’s character, Amanda, wearing only further my love? Absolutely. Is there enough gay on this show? Not yet…but I’m hopeful. The show also features Cora Lu Tran recurring as Nico, Trent’s non-binary dog walker. — Natalie

+ Home Economics concluded its abbreviated third season this week and Caitlin McGee’s Sarah was back to spend time with the family. While I’ve missed Sarah this season, I’m grateful for the space her absence gave to the show to develop Sasheer Zamata’s Denise more. I loved getting to meet her parents and see her build a closer relationship with Connor.

Sarah’s return brought with it a return of the pregnancy conversation for the couple. With their first doctor’s appointment looming, both women are reconsidering…looking to avoid the disappointment that could come from the procedure’s failure. Ultimately, though, they decide to go ahead with it and their Season 4 (*knockonwood*) storyline is set.

Usually, I’d lament this move more a TVLine interview with showrunner Michael Colton made me feel a little more optimistic about it. Maybe this will be an IVF story that won’t drive Riese apoplectic?Natalie

+ The gays have really been showing up and showing out on reality competition shows lately. I’ll have more for you on The Circle next week but I also wanted to give you a heads up on a new show called Traitors that debuted this week on Peacock. Ever played the game, Mafia? This show is that game but dialed up about 250k notches. It’s such a fun watch! Two highlights: Alan Cumming as the charming and enigmatic host (“a less butch Agatha Christie in a fabulous outfit”) and Andie Vanacore, the trans, non-binary contestant that you will absolutely swoon over. — Natalie

+ As your Lesbian Cartoon Correspondent, I have obviously been watching Mindy Kaling’s Velma. I’m still figuring out what in the world to say about it, and I promise to do that on this very website next week! — Heather

Fantasy Island Episode 203: “Paymer vs. Paymer”

Written by Valerie Anne

Fantasy Island: Helene and Ruby drunkenly lean on each other as they look at Ruby's phone.

Once I realized Helene was a full adult and not a teen, I got behind this pairing with my whole self. I love their opposite vibes, angsty girl all in black + bubble of positivity dressed in white? Yes please.

This week’s episode was a delight for straight and gay viewers alike, truly something for everyone. One of this week’s storylines stars Desperate Housewives alum Teri Hatcher and James Denton reprising their role of on-screen spouses. The other storyline has Ruby skipping off with turns-out-not-a-teen Helene, who learns that Ruby is a 70-something 25-year-old and tries to teach her how to be more Gen Z. They drink together on the beach and Helene helps Ruby send an ill-advised drunk text to her ex-girlfriend, and Ruby admits she put her wedding ring back on to try to announce to the world that she’s not looking for love anymore. By the end of their conversation, she chucks her wedding ring into the ocean, but almost immediately regrets it. She sees a flash of something out in the water that Helene doesn’t notice, and I have a feeling that the next time we see Isla, she’ll have a little something for Ruby.

As their “parents” come to pick them up (for Helene it’s her newly discovered bio dad, for Ruby it’s Elena), Helene throws her hands around Ruby and calls her brave and smart. She says, “You’re my awesome granny friend and I love you.” I can’t tell if they’re truly just going to be bffs and have more of a family dynamic, or if there’s going to be something more there, but I did hold my breath every time their faces got close to each other just in case. We shall see!

Criminal Minds Episode 1607: “What Doesn’t Kill Us”

Written by Valerie Anne

Criminal Minds: Tara and Garcia chat in Garcia's office

I do love me a scene that has 100% queer actors in it!

This week’s episode of Criminal Minds had no Rebecca sightings, but she was definitely top of mind. Tara is holding her phone, hoping to hear from her I guess ex?? I know Rebecca said she was moving out but it seems wild to me that one fight would bring someone from “I love you let’s live together” to “bye forever” even if it was about a work case that might shatter your world? Especially since Tara was just doing her job?? But what do I know.

The team can tell how heartbroken Tara is, and they’re very supportive. Rossi gives her three days to do a ten-minute task so that she can take some time. Garcia tries to encourage her to just call Rebecca and rip the bandage off, but Tara doesn’t want to push her too far too fast. She wants to give her space and time, even though it’s killing her. Eventually it gets to be too much and Tara tells Rossi that she’s going to go home and just turn her phone off for the night and try to give herself some time and space.

As she heads for the night, Tara looks wistfully at JJ, whose husband, Detective Potato Head, has come to pick her up from work for a date night. I personally would have been looking on with disdain, thinking things like, “JJ deserves so much better, literally anyone with a personality.” or even “JJ deserves to be with Emily like the gay gods intended,” but instead Tara looks Big Sad because she wants what JJ has, but with Rebecca.

New Amsterdam 512-513: “Right Place” and “How Can I Help?”

Written by Natalie

The Bloom sister reconcile and reunite at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting.

Often, we take to this space to lament the loss of representation. Network executives and showrunners don’t recognize the value of representation and/or the staunch viewership that LGBTQ audiences bring so they cancel shows prematurely…leaving so much story on the table and leaving us to craft happy endings for our faves in fanfic. We’re left to mourn characters and shows gone too soon.

But as New Amsterdam took its final bow this week — a series finale announced back in March — I wasn’t compelled to mourn at all. I was relieved…elated, even. I thought, “well, thank God that’s over.”

To be clear, I loved Lauren Bloom. I loved her hard-earned cynicism and how loving Leyla exposed her soft center. I am grateful to Janet Montgomery for the portrayal. But more than anything, I hope that whatever comes next for Montgomery or for Shiva Kalaiselvan (Leyla) or for Freema Agyeman (Helen), they find themselves supported by a writers’ room that doesn’t traffic in misogyny and misogynoir the way New Amsterdam‘s did. They deserve better than this.

The finale gives us a look at the Lauren Bloom origin story: how a chance encounter with an unhoused man having a seizure — a man she wasn’t empowered to help — led her to a career in medicine. I would’ve loved to seen this storyline fleshed out more, in the same way that 9-1-1 has done…but, alas, there were men with problems that merited more screentime.

Bloom steps into the next phase of her life in a new apartment: a shabby loft near the the hospital. It’s not the two bedroom, two bath Battery Park apartment with a view of the Hudson River that she’d imagined for herself but this is what she needs right now…something to fix.

“I need to do it,” she tells Casey. “’cause that’s the only way it’s ever gonna feel like it’s really mine, you know? If I make every decision, if I do the work — thoughtfully, meticulously, painstakingly — that’s the way I wanna live.”

But Lauren won’t be the only person having to move, thoughtfully, meticulously, and painstakingly through the next phase of their life: in the end, she’s joined — much to her relief — by her sister, Vanessa, at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting.

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A black biracial, bisexual girl raised in the South, working hard to restore North Carolina's good name. Lover of sports, politics, good TV and Sonia Sotomayor. You can follow her latest rants on Twitter.

Natalie has written 416 articles for us.

Valerie Anne

Just a TV-loving, Twitter-addicted nerd who loves reading, watching, and writing about stories. One part Kara Danvers, two parts Waverly Earp, a dash of Cosima and an extra helping of my own brand of weirdo.

Valerie has written 582 articles for us.


  1. not that i don’t love and appreciate canon queer tara lewis, but they really looked at the four BAU ladies and were like ‘the choice is obvious here” they’re all queer! let them kiss!

    also for twenty hopeful seconds, i hoped Home Economics might be giving us the vanishingly rare ‘middle aged man has a bi awakening’ storyline we so richly deserve but alas, it seems tom’s sex dream about Santiago the stupid-hot contractor was just for giggles. excited to have lulu^2 reunited though!

    • I would also be here for Tom’s potential bi awakening! partly because the Normals are my favorite part of HE and I am dying to know what Denise would say to Marina about it but also because bi/fluid men are so comparatively rare (and Tom is lightyears away from the everything-that-moves Jack Harkness archetype they do tend to show up in)

  2. On NCIS Hawai’i, Lucy still isn’t back ( :( come back, Yasmine!) but the last episode was a great one for Kate and my favorite episode of the show so far.

    I love Kacy, but on her own, Kate is such a rich and great character and deserves the attention. I appreciate that they’re using the time Lucy is away to develop Kate’s character even more in her relationships with the other members and her job as a field agent now.

    It’s very obvious the way the writers enjoy writing for her and think carefully of where she is and where she goes.

    • Thanks for mentioning NCIS: Hawaii, analeo. I liked this week’s episode…in part because Tori Anderson looked so good in it and because we got a lot of great scenes with her and Tennant. I love the way their friendship is developing.

  3. Has anyone been watching Walker: Independence? During a catch-up on the show, it was revealed that Katie Findlay’s character Kate is bisexual. During the course of the show, Kate’s ex-boyfriend has come and gone, and there is an implication that she has a brewing relationship with another character, Kai, but during the 8th episode, the main character’s sister comes to town and the sparks between her and Kate are almost immediate and by episode end, they are realized. Not sure if this will progress further, or if Kate will have any other female love interests, but i do love how often Katie Findlay’s characters are on the spectrum.

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