Faking It Episode 106 Recap: I Promise This Threesome Won’t Be Weird At All

Cut to the Love Shack, where the Bros are setting Liam up with his special warming lube and pleasure condoms. Liam’s concerned that the room is a bit sleazy rather than romantic, but the boys insist that it’s actually the #1 Best Threesome Location Spot Ever Of All Time and that threesomes aren’t romantic. They also have lots of advice for him.

...and fiddle-faddles. Don't you DARE forget the fiddle-faddles.

…and fiddle-faddles. Don’t you DARE forget the fiddle-faddles.

The bros inform Liam that he’s gotta groom his body hair, give each girl equal time, kiss the girl he is less interested in first, and also “go all night” to “please both ladies.” Specifically they suggest he remain hard. These guys are geniuses, wow.

What do you think, it's a new idea I have for t-shirts

What do you think, it’s a new idea I have for t-shirts

Don't you dare tell him you don't like his t-shirt idea

Don’t you dare tell him you don’t like his t-shirt idea



Backstage at the Dance Performance, Shane apologizes to Lauren for wearing a ridiculous outfit and says he’ll do the routine in the boring outfit as rehearsed. Lauren says he wore it just to piss her off and to attract Pablo and she knows this ’cause she would’ve done the exact same thing.

Shane: “We are nothing alike! I’m not —”
Lauren: “Arrogant? Self-centered? Controlling? Sure you’re not. Face it, we are not good poeple.”
Shane: “Hey, I care about issues.”
Lauren: “Yeah issues that directly affect YOU. Listen, Pablo believes the best in people. He’s a romantic. He’s longing for “the one.” You go through guys like a chainsaw through puppies. You’d break his heart and not think twice about it.”

No I am not doing Showgirls roleplay with you

No I am not doing Showgirls roleplay with you

Then they go out on the dance floor to win and triumph over adversity so that nobody ever has to be alone or sad ever again amen praise Jesus.

Cut to the love shack, where the triumphant threesome are sitting awkwardly on a bed. Karma volunteers to break the ice… literally. Like there’s an ice bucket and she needs to chop it up? I don’t know what kids are into these days. Probs it’s some party drug.

Soooo ladies, which one of you wants to call the pizza guy

Soooo ladies, whose turn is it to call the pizza guy?

Liam awkwardly messes around with his iPod until he gets some not-awful music going and then everybody’s still awkward and then Amy is like, okay you both are lunatics, fuck this nonsense, let’s get this show on the ROAD.

Amy: “Is this a threesome or a staring contest? Let’s do this.”

YOU GUYS I LOVE AMY SO MUCH. Anyhow, she disrobes, revealing a lingerie situation that reminds me of Miss August 2011.


Resist THIS, bitches

We return to the Dance Contest Big Bang, where SHANE AND LAUREN GOT THIRD PLACE! Now they’ll get to go to the regional competition of life and hopefully will beat New Directions FOREVER.

Pablo invites Shane on a date to save puppies or something but Shane says no:

Shane: “That’s a really sweet offer, Pabs. Lauren is right — you’re a good guy. I’m just not really the dating type and I don’t wanna lead you on. I can’t believe I just said that because I think you’re really hot but I just did and no takebacks so BYE!”

Don't tell mom, the babysitter's dead

Don’t tell mom, the babysitter’s dead

Shane gives Pablo a quick kiss and dashes off into the sunset as tango music plays in the glorious sun over the earth and sea.

Back at The Love Shack, Amy is faced with the daunting task of removing Karma’s trench coat, and this time she does it all “sexy-like” in a way that feels, in fact, totally natural.

OK I think we need to stand back to back though to figure out who's taller for real

OK I think we need to stand back to back though to figure out who’s taller for real

Karma looks nervous, Liam looks like he’s about to come in his pants. Amy looks sexy. She touches Karma’s hair and whispers, “relax.” Karma is nervous.

This is my very best Olivia Pope smile and I hope it inspires you to be the best you can be right now, Karma

This is my very best imitation of Olivia Pope’s “you can rise to this challenge”smile

Now I'm smiling and telling you to chill the fuck out okay

Now I’m smiling and telling you to chill the fuck out okay

Now you are scared in a good way

Now you are scared in a very calm and expectant way

Amy looks long and deep into Karma’s eyes, then at her lips, and then they kiss, and then they keep kissing.

Now you like this

Now you like this

“Whoa,” says Karma, stunned and reeling.

Now you realize I am pretty much the best thing of all time

Now you realize I am pretty much the best thing of all time

“I know,” says Amy, because she’s known all along.



Liam, who has no idea what kind of scene this is, lunges towards Amy, doing that thing his friends told him to do where he kisses the girl he likes less, first.

Now you feel weird and jealous but also turned on

Now you feel weird and jealous but also turned on

Karma look at Liam…


…Karma looks at Amy…


And then Karma realizes that she can’t do this anymore, and says so. And leaves.

welp, this is awkward

welp, this is awkward

Next week on Faking It, Amy and Karma will fake break-up and Liam will sail across the ocean on a ship with no name:



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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3238 articles for us.


  1. Downside to A-Camp: Now there are TWO WHOLE EPISODES of this show I haven’t watched yet

  2. “Well, we’re lesbians. Our word is our bond.” That shit killed me.

    On another note,from this moment forward I will live my life anticipating the next recap and then the next one then the next one you get the point.

  3. “Amy’s leaving Shane a voicemail about how she’s flipping out about rehearsal because blocking is hard.”

    As someone in the theater world, this line is the best. Pretty sure this happens on the reg at rehearsals.

  4. Amy’s facial expressions are perfect. I LOLed a lot at this episode and this recap. I wish episodes are longer though.

    • I wish they were longer too! If The Foster can be an hour long, I’m pretty sure this can be (minus a shit ton of drama).

  5. So happy that Amy left her tall socks and boots on with her lingerie. Damn girl. Damn.
    And on a less objectifying note, everyone was super precious this week and I’m so nervous for the tenuous future of Karmy.

  6. “Shane gives Pablo a quick kiss and dashes off into the sunset as tango music plays in the glorious sun over the earth and sea.”


  7. NO: all the gross shit the bros said in this episode

    YES: Amy in that badass sexy lingerie/ white tank and boxers

  8. i will probably never watch this show (unless it ends up on netflix), but i these recaps are just the best and i look forward to them more than i look forward to actually watching most shows.

    • If accessibility is the issue, some episodes are available on the MTV site (may only be in the US, however).

  9. I know now the one gift to offer to my girl who’ll be really to my benefit : that lingerie==> LIBIDO ON

  10. In the teaser for next week, Karma says she was jealous, but I really want more specifics…because wouldn’t it be great if she was jealous that Liam was kissing Amy since she suddenly realized SHE wanted to kiss Amy?!?! Probably not gonna happen since this show has been on for less than one season and that would leave it with nowhere to go, but still, a girl can dream…

  11. I want to be those boxer shorts and tank top! amy manages to be so sweet and so sexy all at the same time. karma? karma’s a bitch.

  12. “To be fair, every girl-boy-girl threesome situation I’ve participated in did eventually turn into a girl-girl twosome situation. Although “eventually” sometimes means like, “a year later.” But also sometimes “eventually” meant “that very same night.”
    :D RIESE! OH MY GOD! elaborate?…
    I’m more interested to know more about your epic threesome-twosome story than the episode itself.

  13. I love this shooooowwwww. Karma’s beautifully confused little face makes me love her. She’s so so confused now, poor baby. And I love that Amy has come into her own and is confident and taking charge of the situation. She knows how she feels about Karma, she’s accepted it, and she’s willing to take a risk to see if Karma might feel the same way.

    How an MTV show with a really stupid/offensive-sounding premise has turned out to be such a gem I’ll never understand, but I’m really glad it is what it is.

    • Amy was so incredibly sexy and sweetly caring with Karma during the threesome scene!

  14. I feel like this episode was actually the most heartbreaking because of Amy’s emotional rollercoaster with Karma. Like, going from her having to help Karma pick out lingerie and seeing that genuine attraction, to having her little gay dream quashed was very poignant this episode.

    And then that ending just slayed me. I’m pretty sure Karma will actually be jealous about Liam kissing Amy but will repress it and lash out at Amy for kissing Liam.

    Notes on the bros: Bro #1 was Lauren’s boyfriend, and Bro #2 IS a fucking idiot if he thinks Beckham is the best soccer player of all time. It was also uncharacteristic of Liam to receive tips for sex but the whole thing was awful and gross so whatever let them all burn together.

    • I completely agree with your prediction about Karma’s reaction. I think she might be bi, so I think she will be jealous of Liam for kissing someone else and Amy for kissing someone else and for Liam/Amy kissing each other, but she will only express her jealousy at first about Liam and not Amy.

  15. Clearly those kids have never watched Gossip Girl or been graced with the wisdom of Blair Waldorf, because otherwise they would have known the single most important rule about having a threesome: The third person is always a stranger!

    I was already loving Amy and Karma’s sexual tension in their undress rehearsal scene (haha, get it?). But then that last scene went and stole all of my Karmy feelings!

    That last scene changes everything! It was obvious to me by the end of it that Karma also has feelings for Amy. All of those emotion-laden looks between the two of them. The multiple passionate kisses. The fact that Karma and Amy said the same “Wow.” “I know.” that they said during their first kiss. Except this time Karma was the one flustered and feeling the attraction for the first time, and Amy was the one leading and confident about her feelings.

    What if everything is different than it first appeared? What if this whole time Karma has had feelings for Amy too? Feelings that she has been denying and shoving, keeping everything inside without realizing it because she’s not emotionally ready to recognize it and deal with it yet. So she became completely consumed with her genuine feelings for Liam to help her ignore any of her unwanted feelings for Amy. Because not everyone is able to start accepting their sexuality as quickly as Amy has been doing. For some people, it’s a long internal struggle. It could explain a lot of the conflicting comments that Karma has made. It could also help make sense of her character’s motivations, which so far have seemed pretty shallow and selfish.

    • “The fact that Karma and Amy said the same “Wow.” “I know.” that they said during their first kiss. Except this time Karma was the one flustered and feeling the attraction for the first time, and Amy was the one leading and confident about her feelings.”

      Oooooh, excellent plot development having them mirror the initial scene!! I didn’t even pick up on that.

    • This is exactly what I thought!!!! After Karma didn’t “go all the way” with Liam in the car, I just assumed that MTV was going to flip it on us and have Karma be the one “faking it.” How i see it… Karma is the only one “faking” (read: denying) emotions/deeper connections, while Amy has accepted her feelings and is trying to navigate through them.

  16. I was going to politely and constructively rant about how this episode is disappointing to me, because it is making the concept of a “threesome” look totally sketchy, and because the notion of “consent” is really blurred here, and because this is hypersexualising bisexual/gay girls in a “seen 100 times before” way and that is totally upsetting…

    But then I scrolled past pics of Amy in that black underwear. Fuck, this show is great!

    • As much as I love Amy (dear g-d she is wonderful), I was a little concerned about her “making” Karma want her to stay. The line was getting a bit blurry. I totally understood where Amy was coming from, I just didn’t want that whole dynamic to enter the show.

      • Yes! I agree. I do realise Amy actively consented to the threeway verbally two or three times, which is technically consent, but both girls were getting into a threeway for the wrong reasons (like, way wrong!) and it bugged me.

        Not my best episode. That black lingerie though.

  17. So I was with this “straight” girl a while back (oops), and the first time we had sex, she was like “woah.” And I was like “I know!” Seriously, this show has made my feelings crawl on out of wherever they were buried like some kind of Alison DiLaurentis :p

  18. The end of the season…. we will cut to Karma in her bedroom looking down on her desk staring at two pictures: one of Liam the other, Amy. The camera will zoom in on her face and it will be contorted and then she’ll turn both pictures over only to cut the night lamp off and get in the bed leaving us to wonder until the next season begins.


  19. I still hate this show and the sexualization of them/their relationship but that lingerie (Marlies Dekkers?!) is awesome.

  20. I didn’t like the fact that Amy kissed Liam back and looked like she’s into it, despite Shane’s earlier words that she wouldn’t have to touch him if she didn’t want to. She reciprocated his advances, nothing suggested in the slightest that she’s off-put by it, quite the contrary, she even wrapped her hand around him.

    I fear that the exact reason why she did it won’t be addressed at all in next episodes, and nothing will be resolved when it comes to Amy’s sexuality at the end of the season. Which most likely would mean that there will be a guy for her next season (even if at the very end she would end up with Karma).

    So, it would be show about lesbians without any lesbian representation. Plus, if Amy turns out to be bisexual after all, then apparently the show wants to imply that she’s the one that Liam “conquered” (reference to Liam’s actor’s words from interview: “I conquered the lesbian. She’s mine”), considering she was not into kiss with Oliver before.

    • I’m possibly projecting based on my experiences many many many moons ago, but I feel like Amy went ahead and kissed Liam back to overcompensate — to her, kissing Liam was a totally emotionless act, a duty she had to perform in order to ensure Karma didn’t suspect Amy was a lesbian or that Amy wasn’t totally down with the threesome about to ensue. It also ensured that she’d be allowed to stay — if Liam wanted to kiss her too, she wouldn’t have to fake food poisoning and leave the room, missing a chance to kiss Karma again.

      It also struck me as a very My So-Called Life’s Rayanne Graff/Jordan Catalano & The L Word’s Alice/Lara situation.

      • It could be an explanation (though I must point out that Amy wouldn have to not think clearly if she thought that making out with Liam would make Karma want her to stay, considering the fact she basically told her she wants him all for herself, but that’s possible), but it’s personal interpretation.

        As I checked, there are many different interpretations of that scene, including ones from people who see in it a proof that Amy’s bisexual or that “sexuality is fluid” (as always, only when it comes to queer women apparently).
        I fear it will be left for personal interpretations, that the show itself won’t explain anything, that Amy won’t directly address why she behaved like she behaved.

        If that’s the case, I’m sure Amy won’t come out as anything at the end of the season. And honestly, I don’t see any reason for prolonging her state of confusion about her sexuality for two seasons other than at best, treading waters – to check out audience’s response (so, if audience didn’t want Amy as a lesbian, but wanted her for example with Oliver, that’s who Amy would be next season). But I can’t say I respect people who would do such a thing, because it means it’s just cold calculated exploitation, so even if Amy would quickly turn out to be lesbian next season, she would probably still go through the usual trope of “lesbian sleeping with a man”, since for some reason this stuff seems to be actively encouraged by the networks (in NBC Dracula the victorian lesbian character who didn’t understand her sexuality and was talked into sleeping with a guy, during the execution of the episode in which, as it has been written in script, she was meant to look like she was traumatized by the sex, ended up looking like she enjoyed it very much and even had strong orgasm – show’s creator himself explained that was what happened and that it has been done against his and writers’ intentions).

        I could be wrong, but have to mention that I actually predicted that in episode 4 when she was supposed to find out if she’s into girls she will end as “she’s only gay for her” for now. So with such premise, they can do whatever they want with her sexuality in the future.
        And hearing about threesome, I predicted it won’t work out, but during it there will be something to insinuate that maybe Amy doesn’t so totally dislike sexual contact with men, though it will be ambiguous.

        I’m also really curious if they address in next episode, after the school found out about the threesome, the fact they’re supposed to be lesbians and wanted to have sex with a man. Because till now both of them kissed men in public and no one found it weird.
        Not to mention that I’m stil waiting for Liam ever being called out for wanting to “conquer” lesbian.

        Those are really damaging stereotypes about lesbian sexuality – that “we’re all about teh feelings, but for real sex a man is needed”, that we’re not ‘really’ gay, like gay men (who, as TV shows, would never touch a woman in sexual way without feeling revulsion), that we don’t mind d*ck from time to time, and this show intentionally or not refers to it, but I haven’t seen till now these myths being really called out and ridiculed.

  21. Sorry to bring that to you guys, but there is sneak peak from next episode showing the discussion of Amy and Shane about that whole kiss situation, and it’s even worse than I predicted. Amy describes kissing Liam in very ambiguous way, making it look like it was quite nice, just that it paled compared to kiss with Karma (but hey, she’s in love with her, right?).

    So yeah, they made guy who wants to “conquer” lesbian be the first man she enjoyed kissing at all. Just great.

  22. Freshman year of college, my ex-BFF did to me basically the EXACT THING that Karma does to Amy (“let’s make out to impress the boys at this party, it’s cool cos neither of us are actually gay”) and it fucked up my baby dyke self so bad. I relate to Amy so much.

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