Emily’s Team Pick: Tell Your Story to the US Commission On Civil Rights

Hi, have we ever mentioned Sarah Hoffman one or a hundred times? Well, here she is again to let you know that the US Commission On Civil Rights is having a hearing on May 13 about peer-to-peer bullying in K-12 schools. So: this is a chance, if you have a child, or know of a child who has been bullied because of their sexuality or perceived sexuality, to write the Commission On Civil Rights a letter and let them know this is happening.

Send your stories by Monday, May 2 by mail or email to:

Kim Tolhurst, Esq., Acting General Counsel

c/o Alec Deull

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

3102 Krueger Road

North Tonawanda, NY 14120


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Emily Choo started as an intern with Autostraddle when she was 18 years old. She's now 10 years older and lives in Toronto with her partner and cat. The defining moment of her career was when Riese said this about her: " I think Emily Choo is a very bright, 'poetically inclined' girl who pays attention to everything and knows almost everything (the point of stuff, how to read, how beautiful things feel, how scary things feel, etc.) but doesn't believe/accept/realize yet that she knows almost everything." She still doesn't believe she knows anything, so, thank you, Riese, for that.

Emily has written 100 articles for us.


  1. Thank you for this link! I coordinate a group/program/thing for LGBTQ youth in my area and I am so having them write to the USCOCR tonight!

  2. At first, I wished that I had a story to tell so that I could tell it and be heard (I’m the kind of person who fills out all the surveys and will always fill out a comment card) but then I realized that it’s a really wonderful thing that I don’t have any stories to tell. The school system where I grew up is relatively good at dealing with harassment and bullying. Good stuff to know about, though.

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