An inside look, just for A+ members, from Autostraddle’s editors on the process, struggles, and surprises of working on what you’re reading on the site. We learn so much from this work before it ever even makes it to your eyes; now you can, too! In this special version of our Editor’s Notes, Culture Editor Shelli Nicole interviews Dani Janae, who curated The Fat Femme Fashion Series.
It’s no secret that I am a big fan of Dani Janae, so when she came to me with a pitch about a roundtable conversation on fat fashion the answer was of course a large and resounding YES! I wanted to take great care of this series as the editor, doing all that I could to get as many eyes on it as possible and making sure it didn’t get lost on the site. It’s always nice to get a peek behind the curtain so I asked Dani a few questions about her curation of this dope series. – Shelli Nicole,Culture Editor
Shelli Nicole: I know this started off as just one piece and then evolved into a fuller conversation, what made you say yes to turning this into a series instead of just one standalone?
Dani Janae: I think this is a big conversation that I’m hoping will get a lot of attention. The questions I came up with cover a wide spectrum of topics under the umbrella of fat fashion, so it made sense to me that this would be several pieces.
Shelli Nicole: Everything in the chats are obvs V V necessary and important but what are you most excited to chat about and get everyone’s views on?
Dani Janae: I’m most excited to maybe find plus size fashion outlets I haven’t heard of and maybe even expand my own closet? I am getting rid of lots of clothes that don’t fit me anymore so I’m always excited to hear what other fat babes are wearing.
Shelli Nicole: Are you ever nervous to talk about fatness in your work, or have those feelings surrounding it dissipated as you’ve grown as a writer? It’s very much so in your “brand” but does it get tiresome?
Dani Janae: It doesn’t get tiresome for me. I think there is so much that needs to be talked about regarding fatness and fashion is just one category I’m passionate about. I’ve written stuff for other audiences and had to mute conversations and block people, and that can be exhausting but I love being fat so I don’t think I’ll ever shut up about it.
Shelli Nicole: How did the imagery, created by the ever incredible Demetria, play part in the series? What were some of the vibes you wanted readers to pick up just by looking at the visuals alone?
Dani Janae: When I envision positive images of fatness I think of cherubs and this idea of the rubenesque woman, a body type that is angelic and almost exalted. I wanted that imagery to come across in the images that Demetria made and I think she did a great job.
Shelli Nicole: Last Question! You’ve had other very successful series here on the site are there any others you would like to curate in the future?
Dani Janae: I would love to curate a series on mental health and queerness. I’ve written a little about my own struggles but I’d love to do more in that arena. I’d also love to do more sex and dating focused stuff but that’s been slow for me as I prepare for a big move and other life changes.
very much loved this series even as a fat butch! like, i’ve got more in common with the series contributors than with thin butches in so many ways. when has a thin queer been cruelly taunted by a plus-size section and maternity section sharing racks?
I know I’ve said it before, but I just wanted to echo how special this series was. It meant so much to me and I am infinitely proud to have both of yall at the helm of it!! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. Thank you, for real.
This was such a great series!! ✨💕 It felt like hanging out with the fat cool queer friend group of my dreams! 🤗