by rory midhani
I’m #FurrSquad. I’m proud to admit it. If you’re unfamiliar with the hashtag, it’s a fun furry-adjacent identity, fandom and lifestyle that a lot of my friends and I have adopted over the last couple years. It’s all about cute, sexy and hot animal-like people, people-like-animals and sometimes just straight up animals. It’s like, you know how women with leg hair are sexy? Take that but times ten. Most of the time I say my #FurrSquad life started with Judy Hopps from Zootopia, it was actually shortly after a bunch of my friends started drawing their “Zootopiasonas” that I started the hashtag. Honestly though, it started with Feral from Molly Ostertag and Brennan Lee Mulligan’s webcomic Strong Female Protagonist. She’s butch, she’s tough, but most of all, she’s hairy, has sharp teeth and weird animal eyes. And damn, is she sexy. Recently Ostertag has been back at it, this time with a more straightforward take on the genre: Alleycat, a 49-page NSFW comic about two catgirls meeting in an alley and having some fun. It’s incredible.
When I first read Alleycat I told Molly “Leave me alone forever and never talk to me about this again.” I couldn’t handle it. I needed some alone time. It starts with a chubby cat bartender, Celia, who is told that someone is waiting for her in the alley behind the bar. That someone is a cute, mangy little stray who didn’t come to the bar for a drink. This smut has bratty bottoms, it’s got rough play, it’s got hair pulling, it’s got girls with fangs and it’s got hot lesbian sex. This is some Grade A smut. This is hot. The way Ostertag draws in black and white with hints of red and pink in all the right places give all the right suggestions. I want to be these catgirls. This comic made my body ache. Molly Ostertag knows how to draw to women (with tails and cat ears and fangs) having sex like Cate Blanchett knows how to seduce young shopgirls.
Another favorite #FurrSquad artists include Wendy Xu, maybe my favorite, who not only gave birth to dream pigeon boyfriend Terry Shin, but also created my current furry crush, Sage, the witch auntie from her mini-comic Tidesong. I’m also incredibly gay for the furry art of Emily Madly, a non-binary artist from Portland. They’re the best at drawing diverse body types of furries. They draw sexy trans furries, sexy fat furries, sexy disabled furries and a billion other types of sexy furries. If you’re not #FurrSquad right now, you will be after seeing their art.
A lot of the time people make fun of furries. They’re an easy target, but so many people had a crush on Nala from The Lion King or Disney’s Robin Hood, or Lola Bunny from Space Jam or werewolves or Catwoman or Abe Sapien from Hellboy or Undyne from Undertale or the Thundercats or Roxanne from A Goofy Movie or the Beast from Beauty and the Beast or any of the million other sexy furries. Seriously, guys, you’re all members of the #FurrSquad. It’s time to admit it. This is the Age of Trump, we can’t be ashamed about the things that bring us joy. Now that you’ve admitted it, it’s time to buy this comic, for only $5, and support hurricane relief funds. So far, Ostertag’s comic has raised over $1500 for hurricane relief. Yeah, that’s right, you can read a sexy catgirl comic and help people who need it. #FurrSquad is a noble calling.
New Releases (Sept 27)
Zodiac Starforce: Cries of the Fire Prince #2
DC Super Hero Girls Vol 4 Past Times at Super Hero High TP
Jem & The Holograms Infinite #3
X-Files Origins II Dog Days Summer #4
Shutter Vol 5 So Far Beyond TP
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #23
Runaways Vol 6 Parental Guidance TP
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 6 Who Run the World TP
Welcome to Drawn to Comics! From diary comics to superheroes, from webcomics to graphic novels – this is where we’ll be taking a look at comics by, featuring and for queer ladies. So whether you love to look at detailed personal accounts of other people’s lives, explore new and creative worlds, or you just love to see hot ladies in spandex, we’ve got something for you.
If you have a comic that you’d like to see me review, you can email me at mey [at] autostraddle [dot] com
Mey! I just realised I, too, am a member of the #FurrSquad!
Meet my childhood future wife, Carmelita Fox.
Whoops, that’s a very big image. Sorry about that!
OK but initially I misread Molly Ostertag as Mallory Ortberg, and for a wild and wonderful moment I thought Mallory had started making erotic comics and can you imagine how incredible that would be?
(Also bought Alleycat, and it’s looooooovely)
I’ll admit it, but I can’t afford it. ;)
Just now realizing that my adolescent crush on a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle puts me in camp #FurrSquad
Aah, Mey is one of us! YAY! =:D
(Bought, needless to say. I so like it when creators offer alternatives to P*yP*l – Gumroad’s great for that. I’ll be bearing them in mind for a future wildlife photography project)
Not that it’s especially relevant, but.. might anyone mind if I shared the commission Humon came up with for me? (Some may know her from “Scandinavia and the World”)
OH MY GODS. This comic is exactly what I needed this week.
Also- furries rock. I am an actual con going furry and I have to say they throw the most off the hook parties of ever. Y’all should come to Midwest Furfest this year and we can have a meetup ;)