Open Letter to Adam Lambert from the Lesbians

cover_2009Dear Adam Lambert,

There’s been a bit of controversy this week about your alleged reluctance to appear on the cover of Out magazine’s annual Out 100 issue. OUT claims, “it’s only because this cover is a group shot that includes a straight woman that your team would allow you [Adam] to be photographed at all,” and you say/tweet, “Chill! It’s not that deep!” which oddly is what I always say when I’m stoned & eating a gigantic sandwich and my girlfriend wants to play with an ambitiously aerodynamic baby’s-arm-sized dildo. But enough of the penis talk, that’s what got us into this mess to begin with.

So, what do we think of this controversy? Well, we do LOVE the cover, that’s for sure! (We subscribe to OUT, obvs, b/c it’s been our favorite magazine since ElleGirl folded in 2006.) You & Wanda Sykes would make a dapper butch Alabama Prom couple in your fancy suits and giant faux-corsages! We love Dan Choi doing the Jordan Catalano lean in the background, we’re ready to cozy on up to Cyndi Lauper’s socks-free floor-squat and that other white guy sitting there looks very normal and kind, whoever he is. Your interview was delightful.

So, cover art aside … we can’t really figure out what’s going on here or decide which side to take. The Team is divided. And well Adam, you know gay men with their drama and their anger and feelings, it’s just so difficult to decipher all that processing they always do! Does it make us cringe a little to hear you refer to OUT as having an unsavory “agenda” in your reaction tweet? Kinda. But we’re gonna give you the benefit of the doubt here because our love for you is that pure and because we’re trying to kiss your ass here, because that’s what lesbians do to asses. We kiss them and watch them grow and put jeans on them, and where was I? Oh yes!

Adam-Lambert-rolling-stone-Enough drama boys, let the lezzies handle this one!

That’s right, we think we can offer you a chance to make amends with The Gay Men via the deep, chilled lesbionic wombs of and your passionate lesbian following. Adam, you might not be aware of this, but Autostraddle is Adam Lambert Lesbian Fan Headquarters and so far we haven’t been able to get our hands on an advance copy of your album (although we’ve already advance ordered the collectors edition copy ourselves) [or at least Alex did] or been able to schedule an interview or a photoshoot with you! Wouldn’t you like to join the roster of stars who’ve done photoshoots with our esteemed photoblogger Robin Roemer and been interviewed by our dynamic interviewing team?

[ETA: We have now been informed via twitter of ONTD AI, the “lesbian” and the actual lesbian HQ for Adam Lambert fans. So we will correct ourselves and say “we are not THE Lesbian HQ for Adam Lambert fans, but perhaps we are one of two?”]

Perhaps you, like most of the world, haven’t heard of, but you might be surprised to know that our TV Editor Carly’s Mom LOVES the website, we’re besties with your cover co-stars Dan Choi and Cyndi Lauper and that we are finalists in the Mashable Open Web Awards! I know! Little ol’ us!

Adam, our love for you has been as steady & unwavering as a lesbian cruise rolling up to the sandy shores of Cozumel. Let’s take a trip down Memory Lane:

+ We did our very first Autostraddle Roundtable on the topic of Adam Lambert – First Gay American Idol?
+ We were the first to declare your “For Your Entertainment” album cover the most “terrible/awesome thing ever”.
+ We were devastated when you lost American Idol though we predicted you’ll win a NewNowNext Award next year, and probs also a Nobel.
+ We expressed excitement over your Rolling Stone cover (we purchased several copies the day of), your Entertainment Weekly Idolator interview, and really just everything you’ve ever done ever, including your (ex) boyfriend. You’re second only to Lady Gaga, Lindsay Lohan and Same-Sex Marriage in our most popular tags of all time.

However, if that isn’t enough for you, we would like to share a photograph from Halloween 2009, in which our Editor-in-Chief Riese and Design Director Alex Vega dressed as Lady Gaga & Adam Lambert, pop duo extraordinaire of life:

alex and riese halloween 09

Thanks Adam. Please e-mail alex [at] autostraddle dot com ASAP.

xoxo Autostraddle

P.S. Katy Perry was on the cover for the Out 100 last year, ladies. Katy Fucking Perry. Just saying.



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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3238 articles for us.


  1. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. I remember somebody at the march didn’t know “A Change Is Gonna Come”, and A;ex & I were both appalled because that’s AN ADAM LAMBERT SONG. (Sam Cooke who?)

  2. I’m assuming you didn’t listen to the album yesterday when this was posted on ONTD. I also think it’s streaming on MySpace…? It’s kind of amazing. It sounds just like the cover looks – GAY AMAZING SPACE SUPERSTAR.

  3. “P.S. Katy Perry was on the cover for the Out 100 last year, ladies. Katy Fucking Perry. Just saying.”

    THANK you. Honestly I wouldn’t blame anyone ever who didn’t want to be in OUT after that.

  4. I hope Adam takes us up on our offer. If not, my love for him will remain pure and I will continue to wish I could be his drummer.

  5. Mmmmmm. Adam Lambert. I’m a card-carrying lesbian but I’d do him in a heartbeat.

    Oh, and he sings real nice too. Buy the album – he deserves to be supported.

  6. I’m a straight female. i just want to say it’s nice to know that Adam gets much love from Lezzieville than from his own kind. More power to you all.

  7. Okay, go Adam and all that jazz, but I just LOVE you Riese and Alex. Not only the killer costumes, but y’all in general for making this gay boy giggle!

  8. Adam’s a sweetheart. Seriously, if he got any sweeter, I’d have cavities. So I will never understand the catty bitchiness targetted at him. It’s all so shallow and laced with internal bigotry – especially from gay men.

    LOL it’s interesting that his straight male, female and lesbian fanbase is larger than his gay fanbase. Although, his Last FM and Twitter feed IS clogged up with hot gay boys.

  9. Pingback: Un nouveau site pour les kiss-in, les mariages interdits au Texas, Kristen Stewart et Dakota Fanning, etc.: Revue de web « Yagg - Le nouveau média gay et lesbien. Info gay et lesbienne, bi et trans, vidéos, débats, dossiers, vih, culture

  10. I am unashamed in my love for Adam Lambert. He made my father, a musician who thinks highly of few other musicians, say he wasn’t fit to carry that boy’s microphone and my mother, a crazy Elvis fan, say she finally understands how all those gay men felt back when Elvis was alive and blatantly heterosexual. They love him, I love him, and I hope he does great things.

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