Daily Fix: Girls Want Girls, Girls Win Tony Awards, Girls Wear Lingerie in Battle

Hello! Welcome to Autostraddle. This week we’re operating without Head Designer Alex (she’s on a boat with her family) so it’ll be fun for the whole family, especially me and Asher (our design assistant)!

In honor of the Tonys, Autostraddle Presents the Top Ten Lesbinoic Theatrical Characters!

+ Last night The Tony Awards happened! Hands down totes the best Tonys EVER — and this is the first year I hadn’t actually seen any of the shows, because I am poor and stupid, but Autostraddle loves singing & dancing, so.  (Although it seemed at times that the sound director was asleep at the wheel). Here’s the kickass opening number:

+Gays and Lesbians Face Discrimination in Healthcare. (“In other news, the Pope is Catholic, and I Like Girls.” – Intern Katrina) The AMA News reported in their June 4th issue that only10 in 166 outpatient clinics and hospitals have equal-treatment policies for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender patients and health professionals. Unsurprisingly, even gay-friendly hospitals and clinics often do not have written policies to not to discriminate against transgender patients. (@ex health)

+ Fifteen television characters that disappeared without explanation, for some reason does not even mention The L Word and its fifteen missing people. The Vortex, if you will. But any list that mentions Ghostwriter has a special place in my heart. (@sloshspot)

+ Anyone But Me is hosting a hot online Lingerie Giveaway! Correctly identify the brand of underwear worn in Episode 7 by watching the show on their site and you could win the lingerie coveted by Amanda Bynes, Emmy Rossum, Angelina Jolie, Katherine Heigl, Blake Lively, Mary Louise Parker and many more. The contest runs ’til June 16th!

+ Clearly her next step should be to get a girlfriend again, that was sexy! Angelina Jolie Tops Oprah. She’s rich. She’s talented. She’s beautiful. And now Angelina Jolie is the most powerful celebrity in the world. Winfrey drops to No. 2 on the list. (@forbes)

+ Project Reveal is the fastest growing lesbian social network dedicated to all things lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. It’s the new-now-next thing for sure.

+ Lesbian Bed Death: a self-inflicted curse? Here’s an idea, maybe we could actually just stop calling them lesbians, maybe they’re just asexual? Or freaks? That’s what we used to call them before anyway. And give it a few decades and we’ll be all but extinct. (@ lesbilicious)

+Worst Dressed Women Warriors in Fantasy: I can’t come up with any reason that otherwise intelligent and well-trained women warriors would choose to enter battle wearing what can best be described as lingerie except to fulfill a whole other kind of fantasy. (@ohnotheydidnt)

+What Makes Girls Sexy, According to Girls: There’s a saying: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The same certainly applies for what we consider as hot or sexy. It depends on the culture we grew up in, the way we live today, the images we are being presented with every day, and of course our own personal taste. EurOut compares Hot 100’s created by men and women. (@eurOut)

+Vermont Students Break Down Binaries of Gender, Sexuality:Gendertopia,” a nine-week after-school program about gender and sexuality is one of the first of its kind to be funded by tax dollars. (@associated press)

+*”I Do, You Don’t. Stephen Colbert does his Colbert-thang and highlights the absurdity of “separate but equal” in his segment “The Word. (@bilericoproject)

+Prop 8 Protester Attacked in San Diego. While waiting for other marchers in Lemon Grove this morning, Ron DeHarte was attacked by a man who DeHarte said uttered anti-gay slurs. The man was apprehended a short time later and will be charged with assault and possibly a hate crime.

+Poor, Elderly, HIV/AIDS Citizens Suffer in California. In just under two weeks the state of California will go broke unless it makes deep cuts to its budget by eliminating spending on crucial programs in order to cover a $24 billion deficit. Among the programs hardest hit are social services which assist the elderly, blind, low income families, single parents, the mentally challenged and those living with HIV/AIDS.

Auto-Straddler of the Day



Intern Katrina: On a completely different note, have you ever encountered something so freakin’ queer that you just thought your head/computer/place of residence was going to implode? Okay, well it doesn’t really matter what your answer is, because your mind will be blown after this. Check out this remix of Le Tigre’s “TKO” by, wait for it…Peaches! I know, it’s crazy. The “Knock Out Remix” basically sounds like every Peaches song + every Le Tigre song, but just the concept in itself is a wonder to behold. Stream it here.)


stef-iconfrom Stef: Hey NYC, do you like movies? Go see my very pretty friend Amy Korb in Small Collection, a really beautiful short that’s part of the Brooklyn Film Fest. I saw Small Collection after it premiered at Sundance, and it’s quite beautiful and strange; it’s about a relationship from flirtatious beginning to tragic end in just over five minutes. You never see the couple together – you only hear their conversations echoing around the places where their relationship took place.. It is very very sad and very lovely and I think you will like it too and then we can discuss it over tea.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3238 articles for us.


  1. I was defo one of those poor kids with no cable & I remember Ghostwriter… it was a struggle every week to get to watch it before/after church (depending on what service we went to) but I don’t remember the actress swap. I do remember the back and forth Becky on Roseanne and loved that it was self referential. Does anyone else remember when the 2 Becky’s talked to each other on the phone?

  2. As a sound engeneer myself I’m seriously WTF ALL CAPS at the sound engeneer of the Tonys. Tsss, amateurs.

    • What was happening? I feel like at the start when the West Side Story people came on, they had possibly miked the wrong person? It sounded like some random woman had been over-miked and was like coughing and making weird noises, and then when mama mia came on, it seemed like only the giant bulldyke has a mike and everyone else was just picked up in the background of her’s. Someone explain this to me!

  3. Watching Bret Michaels walk face first into a descending set piece made my life so much better. That should teach him not to miss his mark.

  4. Pingback: Twitted by tgworldnews

    • she’s no angelina, that’s for sure.

      that website has some good points, though i don’t understand why they have an issue with her comparing herself with a prostitute. i guess i just don’t like when people use that as a derogatory term.

      in other news, until she makes out with jenny shimizu and wears a vial of blood around her neck or makes a movie that I’ve actually seen, pshaw.

      • I can’t decide if I hate her or if I’m just really indifferent. I’m torn because she’s sort of bratty/annoying/conceited… but at the same time she’s one of the few ‘out’ (& outspoken) big names that we have. And then that makes me sad, the fact that I’m sort of clinging to that. Oy. I’m going to go drink some more beer and not think about this anymore.

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