Flesh Suits, Elmo, Dolphin Drew, Foolishly Loving Obama, What KD Lang Knows


We had kickass interview and photoshoot with Rachael Hip-Flores & Nicole Pacent of Anyone But Me later today … and in the mean time we wrote some good stuff before like about The L Word and how we know where they are, and you should too.

double_linesOBAMA: Just like your ex-girlfriend, you are wrong to trust Obama, and yet you do. Again and again and as Janet Jackson once sang … again. Apparently we consider “political liberalism as a positive personality trait and not just a worldview.”  (@washingtonpost)

FUNEMPLOYED: A New York City woman is suing her college for the $70,000 she spent on tuition ’cause she didn’t get  a job like they said she would.

WTF WALL STREET JOURNAL: A lovely opinion piece in the WSJ full of opinions such as, “If marriage is redefined, its connection to organic bodily union—and thus to procreation—will be undermined. It will increasingly be understood as an emotional union for the sake of adult satisfaction that is served by mutually agreeable sexual play.”

POP! Top 15 Craziest Concert Costumes @the daily beast.

PEOPLE WHO CAN GET MARRIED, DANCE: On the kitschy underwhelming wedding dance, the wedding industry, and “traditionalesque”—through which new wedding traditions are discovered, co-opted, packaged, and resold by the wedding industry: I Am So Not Charmed by the YouTube Wedding Dance Sensation. (@doublex)

TECH: I could not possibly agree more with the suggestions here on four things that are, and have always been, totally annoying about facebook. Fix this shit before you mess with the design again, people. (@slate)

GAYS IN THE CHURCH: We Run This Sh*t – An openly gay priest and an openly lesbian priest are among six nominees for assistant bishop positions in the Episcopal Church’s Diocese of Los Angeles. (@mercurynews)

GAYS IN AUSTRALIA: Gay, Straight, Black or White, Marriage is a Civil Right: Gay activists staged mock weddings across Australia on Saturday as the governing Labour Party voted against changing its ban on gay marriage. (@nytimes)

MASSIVE HATE CRIME: Deadly Shooting at Israeli Gay Youth Center: In Tel Aviv, two people were killed and at least 10 wounded when a gunman stormed the headquarters of the local gay and lesbian rights association. The majority of victims were teenagers. Police have temporarily closed gay bars while the manhunt continues, while gay leaders have declared this attack the worst against the community in Israel’s history. In Tel Aviv, Hundreds Gather in Support. (@ joe my god)

KD LANG: The Queen of Butch takes her turn in The Guardian’s What I Know About Women Series: “My older sister’s gay as well. The two of us lived this Heavenly Creatures existence in our house. We used to talk about fantasy worlds, pretending we were Kennedys and that we drove Camaros and smoked pipes.” (@ the guardian)

PURE EVIL: Women’s Rights Are Human Rights: Corrective Rape in South Africa. Corrective rape is the criminal phenomenon where LGBT people, especially lesbians, are raped by a member of the opposite sex as a means of trying to “correct” their sexual orientation. It’s a particularly vile practice, and while it’s not exclusive to South Africa, the country has become especially notorious for it. So notorious in fact, that the Triangle Project, a South African LGBT organization, is now saying that they deal with up to ten new cases of “corrective rape” each week. (@ gay rights)

LADY GAGA: Flesh-colored Bodysuit Alert: [Sometimes I think that after a coat of Kermits and a full-face mask, there is no way that Lady Gaga could further shock me. Then she goes and pulls out a whole bunch of fake naked and puts sugary carnival snacks on her head. Props, Gaga. -Intern Katrina] (@sturtle)

WHATEVER: Riese Loves Ambient Intimacy: Is Social Networking Actually Hurting Your “Real World” Social Life? The Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, head of the Roman Catholic Church in England, claims that “transient relationships” on sites like Facebook and MySpace are detrimental to teenagers and society in general. [Sidenote: The Catholics have much bigger problems than Facebook like sexual molestation and subsequent coverups] (@ jezebel)

TRUE STORY: Drew Barrymore thinks she was a dolphin in a past life. I agree. (@female first)

LILO: Lindsay Lohan went shopping, wore shoes, committed a bra faux-pass, is having a comeback. That last part we just threw in but I am 95% sure that it is true.


The Well Let’s Start With a Long Sentence that Runs On and on Past Commas and Sense Forever & The Birds Too Award: “Well lets start out as friends and bring ourselves to a mental & physical crescendo I desire to meet someone who wants to fly along the edges of life yet is grounded enough to differentiate what is the right or correct path for us to live from that which has to many negative’s to navigate through.” (“The Sun is Shining and Love is in the Air – NYC w4w)

The Projecting About Projecting Award: “Never in my life have I seen a community like DC where so many of the members (lesbians, bi women, women who cheat on their husbands with women, etc.) have projection issues … I have never seen such a worse group of backstabbing, hypocritical, arrogant, mentally unstable chicks in my LIFE, anywhere else I’ve lived. And I have lived in a lot of places, including out of the country. And that’s any woman who digs, sleeps with, dates, screws, or thinks about women to begin with. They are cowards, liars, and have no sense of propriety, values, or how to treat other people. And they’re supposed to be GROWN WOMEN. ????? So as soon as my “tour” here is over, I’m outta here, because these women make it impossible.” (re: DC Hot Mess Gay Community, Washington DC missed connections)


Auto-Straddler of the Day

katrinafrom Intern Katrina:
I am horrified, amused, shocked, and appalled. But mostly I am tired because this site kept me up until 2:30 in the morning. Why do these people have children?! (INTERROBANG) Thanks, Brooke Levin!

alex-iconfrom Alex:
You must check out these hilar (and gorgeous!) hand-cut silhouette pieces done by Wilhelm Staehle in his Silhouette Masterpiece Theatre.

crystal-iconfrom Crystal:
Love shoes? Love bumper stickers? Then you’ll want to check out these bumper stickers for shoes.

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3300 articles for us.


    • I know, right? Ridiculous / adorable is my favourite combination.
      One day I’d like to be able to put Autostraddle bumper stickers on my shoes. Just throwing that out there.

  1. the girl suing her college for her tuition back— that totally sounds like something I’d say I’d do but not actually ever seriously do – I love America

    • agreed–god bless america.
      my friend actually talks about this all the time. she’s like, ‘you can keep your degree, i just want my money back!’ i’m excited to see how this plays out.

  2. “Drew Barrymore thinks she was a dolphin in a past life.” Thats the gayest thing I’ve ever heard.

  3. sometimes the daily fix has so much good stuff on it i don’t know where to start with the commenting.

    this is one of those times.

  4. The Why the eff do you have a kid link is broken- but I read it all the other night and just got angry! Why, when people like THAT can just have a kid, is it still so hard for (gay) couples to adopt… clearly anyone can do the job…

  5. okay i looked this post over like 6 times and i still don’t see elmo except in the title lol

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